Friday, May 31, 2024


 "The case violated virtually every aspect of the Sixth Amendment. The top New York court or the United States Supreme Court had better step in or this will not go well for America." Andrea Widburg 

Trump was tried by a jury not of his peers but of his political enemies, all Democrats

. . ."There were other problems, too, with this case -- Trump was tried by a jury not of his peers but of his political enemies, all Democrats, one a teachers union member, none sequestered, all voting against Trump on election day. Worse still, Trump was tried by a judge with profound conflicts of interest, his daughter a Democrat political operative, himself a Biden donor, giving an illegal donation for which he was only "cautioned" by the New York bar authorities instead of disqualified. Worse still is the oddity of his trying multiple Trump allies in the past, always handing out the maximum sentence he could get away with. That's too much coincidence." . . .

Felon? Trump is in good company - Monica Showalter  . . ."Trump also joins Lech Walesa of Poland for the 'felon' title. Walesa was arrested and jailed in Poland in 1981, shortly after dicator Wojciech Jaruzelski declared martial law on the entire country based on his protests for free trade unions. Dictators declare national emergencies based on "threats to democracy" and it doesn't take long for them to just round their political opponents up.

"Trump also joins Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic, back when it was Czechoslovakia for the title of "felon." Havel had been banned, blacklisted and gagged for years for speaking and writing about the ruling communists' corruption of language, and finally, was imprisoned four times by the communist Soviet puppet regime for challenging the regime. Sound like anyone you know in the states? Certainly the dynamic of harassment and then imprisonment suggests a parallel." . . .

President Donald Trump’s sacrifices are like no other leader in the history of America - Rajan Laad   . . ."Now for Barack Obama. The Obamas entered the White House with $1.3 million. Upon leaving, they received lucrative book, oratory, movie, and podcast deals which caused their net worth to multiply by almost 24 times, to $70 million. Experts claim that if the Obamas proceed on this trajectory they will be worth $242.5 million when all is said and done.

"What do we infer?

"All former presidents have benefitted from their tenure in the White House.

"The benefits are not just financial but social, as they are welcomed in elite circles that probably would have never entertained them before their presidencies.. . .

. . ."There is only one president in recent times who lost financially and socially following his tenure at the White House—that man is Donald J. Trump.

"Before being sworn in his net worth was around $3 billion, due to his amazing success in real estate and as a brand. After leaving the White House, his worth dwindled to $2.3 billion. Trump’s net worth soared to $6.5 billion a few months back when his popular Truth Social became a publicly-traded company." . . .

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