Friday, May 31, 2024

Israel Defender Senator John Fetterman Given Hero’s Welcome at Yeshiva University Commencement

 Sen. John Fetterman dramatically whips off Harvard hood at Yeshiva University commencement: ‘Profoundly disappointed’ (

"Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) gave the commencement address at Yeshiva University this week. Fetterman has been in the news frequently over the last several months for breaking with the progressive wing of his party and standing up as a vocal defender of Israel following the October 7th attacks.

"During the proceedings, Fetterman even defiantly removed his Harvard hood, a dramatic and symbolic gesture. Fetterman was given the school’s greatest award.

The Jewish Journal reports:

Yeshiva University Honors Senator John Fetterman With Its Highest Award

“I’m just a senator with a big mouth that happens to be committed to Israel,” said Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) at Yeshiva University’s 93rd annual commencement ceremony on Wednesday. Fetterman received the private Modern Orthodox Jewish University’s highest honor for global leadership, the Presidential Medallion.

“It is truly humbling to be invited to share in this milestone with the graduates of Yeshiva University,” said Fetterman. “As we gather to celebrate the achievements of the graduating class, we must also acknowledge the profound significance of their journey within the context of the recent surge in antisemitism across the country.”

Fetterman said he was surprised by the invitation to speak at the ceremony, especially after finding out that last year’s commencement speaker was the inventor of Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. “I don’t belong in that company, I truly don’t,” Fetterman, 54, told the 1,700 graduates at Louis Armstrong Stadium in Queens." . . .">To a standing ovation, Senator John Fetterman removed his Harvard Crimson hood during commencement today in outrage over the rampant antisemitism here on campus. This is what true leadership looks like!

🎥 @safier

— Shabbos Kestenbaum (@ShabbosK) May 29, 2024

Don't Kid Yourself, They Are Antisemites – HotAir     "A Facebook group for Chicago therapists was asked whether anyone would be comfortable taking a Zionist client.   Those who volunteered to help the person were then added to a list of suspected Zionists run by a second group of "anti-racist" therapists." 

Unsurprisingly, some therapists answered that of course they would work with patients who believed the State of Israel has a right to exist, which, after all, is the real meaning of the question. "Are you a Zionist?" is almost exactly the same question as "Does Israel have a right to exist." They mean the same thing, only stated differently. 

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