Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Time To Admit It: Democrats Are The Party of Sexual Perverts


Issues & Insights (issuesinsights.com)   . . ."In Arizona, Democratic state senators hosted a “Drag story hour” for children and adults – inside the State House.

"In Kentucky, a Democratic senator opposed a bill banning child sex toys and referred to pedophiles as “minor-attracted persons.” Leftists always use euphemisms to promote repugnant ideas. And, yes, people do fall for that trick.

"In Kansas City, Missouri, the Democratic mayor along with other Democratic officials had a “National Reading Day.” Not books like “Tom Sawyer” or “Treasure Island.” No. The books read were written with the purpose of brainwashing children to “explore their gender identity” (more euphemisms) and to encourage them to become transgender.

"New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez praised a drag queen wandering around in the halls of Congress.

"Staff members of a Democratic senator from Delaware were found having anal sex in the Judiciary Committee hearing room.

"And speaking of Democrats from Delaware, we have pseudo-President Joe Biden. His daughter’s diary revealed that they used to shower together. That’s one way to bond. His crackhead son recorded himself having sex and drugs with multiple prostitutes. Biden is also outraged – yes, outraged! – that pornographic books are being removed from elementary school libraries.

"In Michigan, a Democratic government staffer expressed being aroused by the “sexy satanic statue” erected at the Michigan state capitol.

"In New York, a Democratic senator who helped pass a bill targeting Donald Trump on accusation of rape was himself accused of rape." . . .

AOC draws Biden-sized crowd -

  Don Surber (substack.com)

"The Squad is under fire from both the anti-Semitic wing of communism and its Jewish wing. Neither side wants her because she either hates Israel or doesn’t hate Israel enough."

"If AOC drew an attendee for every headline the media posted about her rally in New York, she would have had more people than the ones who showed up for her . . . and Bernie Sanders.

"It was a rally for Fire Alarm-Pulling Jamaal Bowman who likely will lose today’s Democrat primary for his congressional seat.

"Michael Elgort tweeted a picture to his 11,000 followers and said, “From this angle performance of AOC on the stage in front of 50 people half of whom are journalists is even funnier.”

"The picture was taken at the height of AOC’s performance. Maybe that was why she was hopping and bopping like the Crocodile Rock. Or maybe she skipped her meds at breakfast. Another video showed hundreds flanking the stage on the other sides.

"AOC claimed 1,200 people attended — in a city of 8 million people. The barmaid’s popularity is past peak. Ask Madonna how that works.

"Media coverage largely ignored how small her crowd was.

"Politico said, “AOC, Sanders and other progressives rally for Bowman." . . . 


Biden May Be About to Abandon Israel

One: Biden is a Democrat guided by Obama who let ISIS run wild in the Middle East. Two: he is Joe Biden, who hates Donald Trump much more than he does those who murdered and raped America's faithful allies, Israel. TD

Biden May Be About to Abandon Israel – PJ Media 

"Does anyone believe this excuse? For months now, Biden has been pandering to the antisemitic wing of his party as he tries to repair the damage that his initial public support of Israel did to his campaign. He has also been pandering to Iran." . . . .  

"I’ve said before that Joe Biden has never been much of a friend to Israel, even in the immediate aftermath of the Hamas attack on October 7. His initial public support hurt him politically with the antisemitic wing of his party, and he has gradually shifted his position ever since. The Biden administration has taken increasingly tougher stances on Israel, including sending aid to the terrorist organization Hamas and withholding weapons from Israel, our ally.
"A new war between Israel and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed terrorist organization, now looms, and the signal Israel is getting from the United States is: you're on your own.

"On Monday, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. C.Q. Brown, warned Israel that if a war with Hezbollah erupts, it can't can't count on the United States for assistance.

"According to the Daily Caller, the Biden administration is increasingly worried about escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah breaking out into a full-scale war. Brown highlighted the risk to U.S. troops stationed in the Middle East if such a war were to erupt.

“Think about the second order of effect of any type of operation into Lebanon (where Hezbollah is located), and how that might play out and how it impacts not just the region, but how it impacts our forces in regions as well,” Brown told reporters. . . .

CNN Host Kasie Hunt Defends Kicking Off Trump Spox Mid-Interview, Gets Ratio’d Into Oblivion

What I saw was a young news-reader trying to look good in the eyes of the big names of her network. What I remembered was the ambush of Dana Loesch at a CNN TV special after the shooting. TD

 Daily Caller (msn.com)

First this:  ‘I’m Gonna Stop This Interview’: Kasie Hunt Rage Quits Own Segment After Karoline Leavitt Criticizes Jake Tapper | The Daily Caller

  CNN host abruptly cuts off interview with Trump spox as she brings up Jake Tapper comparing the former president to Hitler pic.twitter.com/tbVDswfI3H
“LOL – Everything she said was true – and you showed zero respect for your guest. And please quit pretending to be fair – you’re a paid propagandist for the Democrat party,” the popular meme account Cattured replied.

. . . "Another astute commenter pointed out that, while Hunt was defending the impartiality of her network and colleagues, her own Twitter header is a picture of her and President Biden.

Jake is best known for telling his producers to cut a live feed of Trump trying to tell his viewers what Jake didn’t want them to hear. Now it’s Kasie telling her producers to cut a live feed of someone trying to tell her viewers what Kasie doesn’t want them to hear. That’s CNN.

. . ."Leavitt herself replied in kind. “You cut off my microphone for bringing up the debate moderator’s history of anti-Trump lies,” she tweeted in response. “This proved our point that President Trump will not be treated fairly on Thursday. Yet he is still willing to go into this 3-1 fight to bring his winning message to the American people, and he will win,” Leavitt concluded." . . .

CNN Defends Debate Hosts from Critics: 'Respected Veteran Journalists' (breitbart.com)   "CNN defended its debate co-hosts from critics on Monday after they came under fire for being biased against former President Donald Trump.

The statement came after the Trump campaign ripped CNN for abruptly ending its interview with Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt. CNN’s Kasie Hunt, a former MSNBC host, suddenly ended the interview when Leavitt highlighted CNN’s Jake Tapper’s long history of criticizing Trump.

Tapper is co-hosting Thursday’s first presidential debate with Dana Bash. Both are critics of Trump.

They suggested Trump is a liar, was tougher on Democrats than Putin, pushed Russia propaganda, used rhetoric similar to Adolf Hitler, pushed falsehoods “fast and furious,” “tried to kill democracy once. He’ll do it again,” is an antisemite, could cause a civil war, and blamed Trump’s rhetoric for a New Zealand shooting." . . .

Kasie Hunt's Husband Called Out for Celebrating Trump's Mugshot, Reacts Poorly – RedState  . . ."As usual, the left can throw the punches but can't take them. He put the post out there for the public to see; all the White House Correspondent did was point out that the post existed, and Rivera got defensive over that. 

"The bias seems to run in the family, and that is OK, but the issue is they claim to be nonpartisan and unbiased, yet they are the exact opposite. 

"Going back to the credibility of Kasie Hunt and her network, CNN hasn't been as critical of President Biden but claims to be in the middle of the political spectrum. They are not as biased as MSNBC, but they definitely are not in the middle, and they prefer Biden over Trump. 

"Yes, they bring guests who are Democrats and Republicans; however, the overwhelming majority of anchors on the network want to make Trump look as bad as possible and Biden look golden. 

"When it comes to conservative media, they don't hide their bias. The liberal media should learn to do the same and stop pretending to be nonpartisan." . . .

Megyn Kelly Unloads on CNN Host Who Cut Trump Spokesperson's Microphone,

Monday, June 24, 2024

Scarf people on campus should appreciate this: Israeli woman sexually abused by Hamas captor

Is Rashida Tlaib showing repentence over Hamas acts? Naaaa.

(35) Influencer news (quora.com)  Quoting:  Why Amit Soussana, 40 years old Israeli lawyer, was forced to share for the whole world private details of the horrific sexual assault done to her by Ham*s?

Because without sharing it publicly, "human rights activists" don't believe us.

On October 7, Amit was kidnapped while hiding - with a fever - in the shelter of her home. Seven Ham*s monsters were needed to drag her to Gaza, she was fighting them bravely.

Amit was held alone in a child’s bedroom, chained by her left ankle. Sometimes, the guard would enter, sit beside her on the bed, lift her shirt and touch her.

Around Oct. 24, the guard, who called himself Muhammad, attacked her. Early that morning, Muhammad unlocked her chain and left her in the bathroom. After she undressed and began washing herself in the bathtub, Muhammad returned and stood in the doorway, holding a pistol.

“He came towards me and shoved the gun at my forehead,” Amit recalled during eight hours of interviews with The New York Times in mid-March.

After hitting Ms. Soussana and forcing her to remove her towel, Muhammad groped her, sat her on the edge of the bathtub and hit her again. He dragged her at gunpoint back to the child’s bedroom, a room covered in images of the cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants.

“Then he, with the gun pointed at me, forced me to commit  a sexual act on him,” Ms. Soussana said.

Is it enough details for you, human rights activists, or will you ask where is the video?

Today, Amit spoke at the White House regarding being s*xually assaulted as a hostage: “Being in captivity means having no control over your mind, body or soul. You have absolutely no control over what happens to you… The s*xual assault I experienced should never happen to any human being under any circumstances.”  End quote.

"Dr. Ahmad – a general practitioner, imam, and member of a prominent family in Gaza – secretly held three Israeli hostages captive in his home for six months, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.

"Every day, Aljamal returned home from work to his son, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, and captives Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv.

"According to the report, citing residents, it was an open secret within the Nuseirat camp that Aljamal’s family was associated with Hamas. Aljamal’s brother, Abdelrahman Aljamal, is a Hamas lawyer in Gaza. Nevertheless, the report stated that most did not know of the three hostages being held in a dark room in the family’s house." . . .

Extricating Israel from Biden’s [handler's] “vice-grip”


RealityBites by Broc Smith

CarolineGlick.com   "What would an Israeli strategic victory look like? Why does the U.S. oppose it so harshly, and what does Israel need to do to defy the Biden administration and secure its survival?

"I have all the details on the latest IN FOCUS."

ESCAPE FROM HAMAS: What Israel's Hostage Rescue Tells You About Gaza - CarolineGlick.com   "An incredible Israeli operation rescues four hostages from Hamas captivity in the Gaza Strip.

"Yet in a new low, the mainstream media focuses on alleged Palestinian civilian casualties, accusing Israel of “war crimes” based on numbers provided by the Hamas-controlled “Gaza Health Ministry.”

"What does the daring rescue mission reveal about the coastal enclave’s “civilian population” and the way mainstream journalists operate?" . . .  

I go through the details on IN FOCUS. Video

Get Ready for the Islamist Summer In American Cities, Fed By A Sense of Impunity From Consequences

 William A. Jacobson (legalinsurrection.com)

"Anti-Israel protesters have been unhinged and dangerous forever, but particularly since October 7.

"We have documented here dozens of times the intimidation tactics, including particularly on campuses. The lasting impact of the campus protests and encampments is that with only a small number of exceptions, there were no consequences to violating campus rules. We saw several universities pay ransom for the encampments to end without disrupting reunions and graduation. The sense of being able to act with impunity was evident in the smugness of the “From the River to the Sea” crowd.

"Woven into this fabric are faculty who encourage and defend the misconduct and administrators who are scared.

"So too when it comes to the criminal laws. At Columbia, protesters including many non-students took over and trashed a campus building, but most are having their charges dropped completely or reduced to diversion agreements whereby the charges are expunged if they stay out of trouble for a specified time.

"This societal weakness will encourage even more agressive action.

"Anti-Israel activists, particularly in big cities, are getting more aggressive by the day, as they realize the majority of Americans are not with them, and Israel has the determination to keep fighting. Protesters are becoming hoodlums." . . .

With support from some Congress members!

Voters Skeptical Of CNN, Anchors Tapper And Bash, Heading Into Trump/Biden Debate

  I&I/TIPP Poll – Issues & Insights (issuesinsights.com)

"The first 2024 presidential debate is on the way, but already controversy has emerged over the television network that will conduct the presidential face-off and those selected to ask the questions. Some Americans, it turns out, aren’t exactly thrilled about CNN anchors serving as moderators for the debate, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

"The national online poll, taken from May 29-31, included 1,675 registered voters who were asked the following: “CNN will host the first general election presidential debate on June 27, 2024, moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. What is your opinion of the debate moderators and the host?”

"The possible answers, given for CNN, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, were “very favorable,” “somewhat favorable,” “not very favorable,” “not at all favorable,” and “not sure.” The poll has a +/-2.5 percentage-point margin of error.

"First, CNN. It was viewed favorably by a small plurality of voters, at 45% favorable versus 36% not favorable. Another 20% were “not sure.” So a total of 56% either didn’t approve of CNN or were unsure." 

"The liberal media has normalized comparisons to Adolf Hitler since Trump became president and Tapper was no exception.

"In December, Tapper evoked the Nazi dictator while condemning Trump's comments about illegal immigrants "poisoning the blood of our country."

"With four weeks until Ohioans cast the nation’s first votes in the 2024 presidential race, the dehumanizing rhetoric of Adolf Hitler is once again alive and well on the national political stage. This time, of course, in the United States. This time, given life by former president and current Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, whose thoughts on immigrants were made shockingly crystal clear over the weekend," Tapper said before playing the clip of Trump's remarks. "If you were to open up a copy of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf,’ you would find the Nazi leader describing the mixing of non-Germans with Germans as poisoning. The Jew, Hitler wrote, quote, 'poisons the blood of others.' " . . . 

CNN host Kasie Hunt CUTS OFF Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt right when she brings up Jake Tapper spending years comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler.

. . . Never forget; this is the network that will host the debate between the favored Joe Biden and the detestable Donald Trump:   NRA’s Dana Loesch Claims CNN Town Hall Attendees Rushed Stage Screaming “Burn Her” (yahoo.com)

“I want to make this super-obvious point: government has proven they cannot keep you safe and yet some people want all of us to disarm.”

Menstruating “Men”! Yes, that's what the headline says.

 Religio-Political Talk (RPT) (religiopoliticaltalk.com)

Remember Beto? …"And yes, it appears that the Menstrual Equity Act is a real thing. H.R. 1882, otherwise known as the Menstrual Equity For All Act of 2019. Apparently Beto thinks women across America have never heard of a pharmacy. Oh but wait, this absurd legislation isn’t just for women! According to GovTrack, this legislation will “increase the availability and affordability of menstrual hygiene products for individuals with limited access, and for other purposes.”

"Individuals. Because men have periods too! Duh! Beto may not have gotten that memo, but Cory Booker and Julián Castro did. …"  See for yourself!

. . ."I had to laugh at this… but it is sad at the same time that (a) people think this is a normal thing, and (b) watching this little girl struggle with the FACT that a man could never menstruate or have periods (cramps, mood swings, headaches, tender breasts, bloating, various food cravings, etc). Apparently she even did a Google search on the topic… how much do you want to bet this household leans progressively left. She seemed truly disappointed there was not a way to make a man menstruate [which will never happen — just like a vagina is not made out of a man’s penis.]

 "This is with thanks to THE LIFE AND TIMES blog." . . .

“It’s Biden’s world and, sadly, we just live in it”


Image courtesy of Ken Swope - American Thinker

A proper frame for November, 2024   
"As the left continues to double down on the weaponization of government against its political opponents, the frame for the 2024 election emerges clearly. The lawfare is so unprecedented in our republic, so offensive in both its particulars and its totality to historic norms, and such an outrageous assault on our constitutional democracy, that the critical question for every American, especially those on the left, necessarily becomes this:

"Which is more important to you, your distaste toward one individual or your love of country?"...

Footage of Biden all 'cheap fakes' and 'disinformation,' Biden's press secretary, media, and Democrats claim -Eric Utter    "This did not happen.”

"These definitive words were uttered by an Obama aide, so we know they are true.

"Even though we saw President Biden freeze up onstage at a recent Hollywood fundraising event. And even though we saw Obama come up to the dazed and confused commander-in-chief, grab him by the arm, and gingerly escort him off the stage, right arm around his shoulders.

"Sure looked like it happened. But it didn’t, I guess.

"Presidential press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about a series of recent videos that have shown Biden apparently wandering off, freezing up, or both. She responded by labeling them "cheap fakes,” and calling them “misinformation” and  “disinformation."

"Cheap fakes or deep fakes? Look in the mirror, KJP.

"It's been a talking point of theirs for a while, and getting pretty stale.

"Here is Politifact weighing in on the matter in 2022:" . . .

We have all seen the difference in outcome between four years of Trump’s policies and nearly four years of Biden’s policies, so lies and projection are all they have.

The "It's Biden's world and, sadly, we just live in it" illustrated edition - Bookworm Room

Notice What's Embarrassing About The Associated Press' Fact-Check About Biden's LA Fundraiser (Matt Vespa)   . . ."Fox News’ Brit Hume even said that while Biden is riddled with senility, this might not be an actual short-circuit moment, though it was made to look that way, thanks to Obama yanking him off the stage. Hume guessed that Obama was probably the subject of much ire from Biden’s staff for making this look like a senior moment. I’d be okay with that, but then there’s this clip of Biden speaking about his phantom job creation. Just look at Obama’s body language" . . .

As GOP calls Biden's oil reserve depletions election-year politics, figures show he's sold off the most

 "Please, sir. . ."

Charles Creitz  "In April 2022, the White House celebrated the Biden administration’s sale of the first 30 million of an eventual 180 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which seemed an unprecedented election year move at the time.

"In May, the Energy Department similarly celebrated a planned liquidation of 1 million barrels from the NGSR, a Perth Amboy-to-Boston contingent of the SPR, aimed at lowering summertime gas prices.

"Fox News Digital took a deeper dive into the numbers to see whether administration critics have ground to stand on when it comes to claims Biden is wielding U.S. oil reserves as an unprecedented election-year cudgel, versus simply helping Americans better afford to travel.

"The findings showed the SPR saw its most sweeping drawdowns during Biden’s tenure, and that he, and former Presidents Trump and Clinton oversaw the largest historical decline in reserves." . . .