"As Adam Carolla embarks on a new chapter outside of California, his story poignantly reminds us of the profound impact that governance and policy can have on people's lives and choices. Whether California will heed these voices and enact meaningful reforms remains to be seen."
"Adam Carolla announced on Wednesday that he is officially joining the California exodus during his appearance on "The Sage Steele Show."
"Carolla grew up in Los Angeles and built his career in the city, but he says it is "time to move."
I have twins, and they're in their senior year of high school, and I couldn't- I didn't want to pick up and, you know, tear up their roots, you know? So people always go, ‘When are you leaving?’ And I go, I will be attending their high school graduation in a U-Haul.
That's a sad testimonial about California and sort of recent downturn in L.A. as well, because growing up out here, nobody left. You'd be a fool to leave, you know. And the notion of moving out of L.A. and going to like one of the Carolinas or Nashville … You watch the beginning of ‘The Beverly Hillbillies,’ they lived over here and then they came to where we are, and I was already there. Moving to a place like Wyoming or something would have been unfathomable, unheard of.
"As a California resident, Carolla is right. It used to be unheard of for someone to willingly move out of California. But due to crime, drugs on the street, homelessness, public schools deteriorating, and lunatic District Attorneys, there is an exodus out of big cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Oakland.
"Carolla is not sure which state he wants to move to yet but mentioned Florida, Texas, Tennessee, and the Carolinas.
"He continued, saying that the problems in the state are "self-imposed" and "super avoidable." . . .