Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Biden, Palestinians and MSNBC are a match made for each other

 Biden’s claim he’s done ‘more for Palestinian community than anybody’ prompts backlash (   Rescued Israeli hostage says Hamas threatened to kill him and film it | Watch (

Well, he was raised in a Palestinian neighborhood by Muslims.

Joy Reid questions Trump's injuries, suggests it could have been 'glass' that hit former president (  "MSNBC host Joy Reid questioned the nature of former President Trump's injuries on Wednesday after he narrowly survived an assassination attempt.

"I have many questions! Like where are the medical reports? What caused Trump’s injury and what was the injury? Sheapnel? [sic] Glass? A bullet? Where were the three attendees who were shot seated or standing relative to Trump? Why was Trump allowed to stand and pose for photos, fist pumping for nearly ten seconds while asking about his shoe when there could easily have been additional shooters?" Reid wrote in a post on Threads.

"Reid was responding to a post wondering why journalists weren't demanding medical information from Trump in the aftermath of the Pennsylvania shooting, as they are from President Biden.

" 'How did the gunman manage to get on the roof of the building WHERE THE LOCAL POLICE WERE LITERALLY INSIDE?" she asked.

"Members of both sides of the political aisle have questioned the Secret Service and how it secured the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The FBI is continuing to investigate the deceased shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks. 

" 'More questions: does it make sense that a 17 year old who three year[s] later is a member of a far right gun group donated to any political organization, let alone @actblueorg??? Has the organization verified that? And where is this supposed ladder? Did he seriously bring a five foot ladder with him and his AR? Really? And why haven’t authorities released information about all three civilian victims, including a schematic of where they were standing or sitting?" Reid continued. " . . .

Joy Reid suggest Biden recovering from COVID is 'exactly the same thing' as Trump surviving an assassination (  . . ." "This current President of the United States is 81 years old and has COVID, should he be fine in a couple of days, doesn't that convey exactly the same thing? That he’s strong enough – older than Trump – to have gotten something that used to really be fatal to people his age. So, if he does fine out of it and comes back and is able to do rallies, isn't that exactly the same?," Reid said." . . .


MSNBC Serves an Empty Mug: Why 'Morning Joe' Got Pulled

  Brad Slager (

"Scar-Joe went full crazed blue-anon pundit in declaring that Trump will jail and execute his opponents. Adding to the psychosis, he adds, “Just look at his past!” That would be Trump’s record of not doing the very things promised."

"Here we are, the Monday immediately following the attempt on the life of Donald Trump, but for those who were hoping to begin their day with the sane and sober reflections on this event from the capable crew on “Morning Joe”, they were met with dismay. “Morning Joe” was not on the air!

"We were not treated to the calm and introspective wisdom from Mr. Scarborough, the balanced and thoughtful reflections from his paramour Mika Brzezinski, and the fulfilling commentary from the wizened panel and rotating slate of Algonquin-level thinkers. 

"This is likely due to the fact that once again, the press is in a state of dismay and upheaval. It has been a wild and revealing time analyzing the media in the aftermath of the attempt to take the life of Donald Trump. Once again, we see the press ensnared within a reality of their own making, due entirely to their abandonment of basic journalism ethics.

"This is the press industry that commonly takes the approach to any gun event by first filtering it through their narrative prism before taking to the airwaves. Is the shooter a white male? Then every detail of their personal life and social media is examined through forensics and any connectivity to an entity on the right will be highlighted for days as the inspiration for the violence.

"In the case that a minority is behind the shooting? One bland report is sufficient before dropping the story entirely.

"The desire in detailing blame in that fashion is an extension of the larger practice in the press of delivering promised violent outbreaks from the right, specifically MAGA-inspired attacks. This has been the mantra in the media, that Trump and conservative outlets will provoke violent outbursts due to their intolerant and inciteful language. We have been promised a lengthy list of moments when MAGA Nation would rise with an outburst of violence; the various rallies, Trump’s indictment, Trump’s conviction, and other general occurrences are a regular prediction in the press. One day - one day - they may become proven accurate." . . .

Elon Musk moving X and SpaceX to Texas after California's Newsom signs student gender identity law: 'Final straw'

 NY Post (  

I really like Elon Musk; sorry to root against his electric car. TD

 "Billionaire Elon Musk said Tuesday he will shift the headquarters of privately held SpaceX and social media site X to Texas from California — calling Gov. Gavin Newsom’s decision to sign a new student gender identity law “the final straw.”

"The law, signed Monday, blocks school districts from requiring teachers to notify parents about changes in a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation without the child’s permission. It also requires the state’s Department of Education to create resources for families of LGBTQ+ students from seventh grade through high school.

"“This is the final straw,” Musk wrote on X. “Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas.”

"Musk added that he made “it clear to Governor Newsom about a year ago that laws of this nature would force families and companies to leave California to protect their children.”

"In another post, the billionaire added that the San Francisco headquarters for X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter, will move to Austin, Texas." . . .

How Elon Musk fired back after Gavin Newsom said tech giant 'bent the knee' to Trump (  Trump checked in on this and Gav the Goc loved it. TD

Unbelievable: Shooter Was on Secret Service Radar for 3 Hours

 David Strom – HotAir

BREAKING: Thomas Matthew Crooks' parents called law enforcement *before* the rally, telling them that their son was missing and they were "worried." They knew something was up. "[The parents] called law enforcement to report that Crooks was missing and they were worried," reported Harris Faulkner. . . ."How could this possibly be?

"Already, we know that the entire operation to protect Donald Trump at the Wisconsin rally was botched in many ways, but it boggles the mind that an assassin who came so close to being successful got so close to the former president after he had already been identified as a potential threat to the president. 

. . ."A threat to Trump was not an abstract, distant possibility. The Secret Service had already been warned that Iran was actively plotting to kill President Trump, supposedly triggering enhanced security measures that somehow didn't include securing an obvious site from which a sniper could take potshots at him. 

. . ."And, as many have pointed out, if you are going to assassinate a high-profile target, you wouldn't pick Crooks in a million years to do it. 

"But even given that, it's clear that the Service didn't just fail; it failed so spectacularly that many people involved will have to be fired and even investigated personally. " . . . 

Full article here.

Video shows shooter at Trump rally moments before attack | Watch (
The Italian Front in WW1 was Very sloped

'Mine Eyes Have Been Opened': Madeline Brame's Ferocious Indictment of Alvin Bragg, Joe Biden

 Ed Morrissey – HotAir

As I quipped in our live blog: "Man, can we just have Madeline Brame go on the road with Trump for the next three months?" It could produce a 50-state landslide. Well, 45, at least. 

. . ."But by far the most compelling voices on these issues came not from elected officials and candidates, but from everyday Americans whose lives have been tragically altered by crime. As the NY Times puts it in review, the stars of the evening were those lost in crime and drug waves, whose family members came to testify to the failures that let them die -- and let those responsible off the hook:

The theme was “Make America Safe Again,” and the stars of the night were not onstage. They were the deceased loved ones of one emotional speaker after another: women, children and police officers, the victims of illegal immigrants, vicious criminals and fentanyl dealers.

Anne Fundner, a mother of four from California, spoke tearfully of the death of her teenage son after a fentanyl “poisoning” that she laid directly at the feet of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Michael Morin told of his sister Rachel, “raped and murdered by a suspected illegal immigrant.” Mr. Biden never called, he said. Madeline Brame, the mother of a New York Army veteran stabbed on the city’s streets, passionately decried being “sick and tired of being sick and tired,” all to cheers.

"All three of these speeches had my wife in tears last nigh. Both Fundner and Morin struggled to get through their own emotions to finish their speeches, and the sight of that broke hearts wherever seen. " . . .

"But the speech that brought the house down came from Madeline Brame. Brame, now a victim's advocate in New York City, had no trouble at all in speaking to the crowd about Alvin Bragg's refusal to prosecute those who killed her son, nor about the responsibility of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their progressive allies in making American cities more unsafe than they had been in decades. Brame offered no rhetorical quarter and took no rhetorical prisoners, and her stemwinder had the entire convention hall on their feet roaring in approval:" . . .Video

Mom Who Lost Son To Fentanyl Brings Tears To RNC, Standing Ovations (    "I hold Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the border czar — what a joke — and Gavin Newsom and every Democrat who supports open borders responsible for the death of my son"

Secret Service increased Trump's security weeks ago after learning of assassination threat from Iran

  Just The News  "The Secret Service have previously advised Trump and his campaign not to hold outdoor events, because they pose greater security risks."

RealityBites by Broc Smith

"The United States Secret Service increased its security around former President Donald Trump several weeks ago, after U.S. officials learned of an Iranian plot to assassinate him, CNN reported Tuesday.

Authorities said they do not believe the Iranian plot is connected to Saturday's assassination attempt, where Trump was shot in the ear by what is suspected to be a lone gunman, according to CNN sources.

A national security official said Trump's campaign and the Secret Service were made aware of the foreign threat before Saturday's shooting. 

“Secret Service learned of the increased threat from this threat stream,” the official said. “NSC directly contacted USSS at a senior level to be absolutely sure they continued to track the latest reporting. USSS shared this information with the detail lead, and the Trump campaign was made aware of an evolving threat.

"In response to the increased threat, Secret Service surged resources and assets for the protection of former President Trump. All of this was in advance of Saturday," the official added.

"The Secret Service have previously advised Trump and his campaign not to hold outdoor events, because they pose greater security risks. But the campaign has only stopped holding unexpected events, where there is limited security and guests are not screened by Secret Service ahead of time.

"The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations denied reports of an Iranian plot, claiming that Trump should be tried in court for ordering the assassination of Qasem Soleimani in 2020, but not assassinated.

"Former Trump National Security Advisor John Bolton, Trump's other former national security adviser Robert O'Brien, and former Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are other possible targets of Iran in retaliation of Soleimani's death, and threats have previously been levied against them.

"All three were given Secret Service details after leaving office. Bolton still has Secret Service protection, but O'Brien currently pays for his own private security due to ongoing threats." . . .

Former agent explains challenges of securing outdoor rallies (

The Secret Service Story is Starting to Stink - Stu Tarlowe   . . ."We’re now learning, among other things, that Trump’s Secret Service detail was made up of second- and third-stringers, with more experienced agents having been pulled away to protect “Dr.” Jill Biden, and that even the Secret Service director is a “DEI” (“Diversity, Equity, Inclusion”) hire, put in place under a doctrine that amounts to “Affirmative Action on steroids,” replacing meritocracy with “qualifications” based on identity politics. " . . .

Speaking of DEI: John Deere Hoists the White Flag and Abandons DEI (Mostly) – RedState  " 'Genderbread man" training"? 

  1. John Deere is in the middle of a corporate crisis that it may not survive. About 600 layoffs have been announced, and some production is slated to move to Mexico. In that context, a revolt by North American customers and distributors was the last thing the company needed, and that, more than any shame associated with pushing sexual deviancy and embracing racial discrimination, probably drove the decision. 

"I lost a ton of respect for him": Biden's latest performance leaves Democrats more worried


The debate over Biden’s viability cannot go on forever. But the strongest argument against the president’s candidacy can be found not in any poll or letter from nervous lawmakers, but in the fact that his candidacy asks Democrats to campaign on a lie that is exposed by just about every public appearance: that he can keep doing this until January 2029. 

"Put aside the alarming debate performance, the concerning polls and the god-awful vibes: The reason Democrats are still in disarray over the viability of President Joe Biden’s candidacy is because President Joe Biden keeps demonstrating, in each and every public appearance, that the concerns about his fitness and ability to campaign vigorously for the next four months — to say nothing of governing for another four years — are devastatingly valid.

"Speaking Monday with NBC News’ Lester Holt, Biden looked and sounded all of his 81 years, conceding it’s a “legitimate question to ask” if he can keep doing this until “he’s 83 years old, or 84 years” (he’d be 86 when a second term ends). Asked about his June 27 showing, and what happens if “you have another performance on that par,” Biden was both incoherent and in denial.

“ 'What happened,” he asked, mumbling something that the transcript describes as “INAUDIBLE.” Asked the question again, he answered: “I don’t plan on having another performance at that level.”

"The concern among Democrats is that no one planned on him performing at that level last time around, particularly not after the president had 12 days to rest and prepare. The Biden campaign had long sold the debate as the moment the race would “reset”: voters would see Trump as unhinged, Biden as normal, and the polls would soon reflect that — all the president had to do was appear more “with it” than six-second clips on right-wing social media would suggest." . . .

Disgusting': ABC Anchor's Blames Candidate's 'Violent Rhetoric' for Near-Assassination of Trump

 RTM (  No, NOT Biden's words

“She was furious that someone of George’s experience and status would compromise the news division’s impartiality, and subject it to unnecessary and embarrassing headlines.” I'm sure they expected this when they hired him. TD

"Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt on Saturday afternoon. 

The incident, which saw a bullet miss Trump by mere inches, has sparked intense debate and controversy, particularly following comments made by ABC News veteran anchor George Stephanopoulos on Sunday’s episode of “This Week.”

Stephanopoulos, discussing the political climate with chief global affairs anchor Martha Raddatz, made the controversial claim that Trump himself had contributed to the “violent rhetoric” that led to the assassination attempt. 

"This statement, coming less than 24 hours after the near-fatal incident, has ignited a firestorm of criticism from viewers and political commentators alike.

|The discussion began with Raddatz addressing claims suggesting President Joe Biden’s involvement in the attack. 

"Marc Cox, posting on X, described the comments as “disgusting,” while David Asman labeled them a “new low, even for a former Clinton operative.” . . .

How Democrats relentlessly dialed up violent rhetoric against Trump before assassination attempt — comparing him to Hitler

"Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), who is vying to succeed Sen. Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority leader, wrote on X, “Democrats and liberals in the media have called Trump a fascist. They’ve compared him to Hitler. This isn’t some unfortunate incident, this was an assassination attempt by a madman inspired by the rhetoric of the radical left.”. . .

The Level of Hatred; who and why listen to MSNBC?

 The Level of Hatred - YouTube I was shocked at the Maxine Waters clip when she was not corrected and reprimanded but then I saw she was speaking on MSNBC. TD

Comments to this video:
How did Maxine Waters ever graduate from high school????????
Joe Scarborough and his wife lived in my neighborhood in Florida during the pandemic for about two years. He is, without a doubt, a complete jerk. He had a bodyguard parked in front of his house and following him around town as if he were important—such a joke. In real life, he’s not a nice guy and definitely doesn’t belong in Florida. What a hypocrite.

Newsom Bans Schools From Telling Parents if Child Identifies as Transgender, Uses Different Pronouns

 Mary Chastain (

Elon Musk: "This is the final straw. Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas."

"California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 1955, which bans school districts from telling parents their child is transgender or using different pronouns.

"The state wants your children (emphasis mine):

This bill would prohibit school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, and the state special schools, and a member of the governing board or body of those educational entities, from enacting or enforcing any policy, rule, or administrative regulation that requires an employee or a contractor to disclose any information related to a pupil’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil’s consent unless otherwise required by law, as provided. The bill would prohibit employees or contractors of those educational entities from being required to make such a disclosure unless otherwise required by law, as provided. The bill would prohibit employees or contractors of school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, or the state special schools, or members of the governing boards or bodies of those educational entities, from retaliating or taking adverse action against an employee on the basis that the employee supported a pupil in the exercise of specified rights, work activities, or providing certain instruction, as provided.

"So, the school cannot give my child a Tylenol…but the school can tell me if my child identifies as transgender and uses different pronouns.

"The school better tell me everything my child does and says at school.

"AB 1955 is the first law of its kind in the country.". . .

Elon Musk: "I did make it clear to Governor Newsom about a year ago that laws of this nature would force families and companies to leave California to protect their children"

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dad of Trump shooter called police after attack with concerns that his son and gun were missing, report says

 The Independent (   "The father of the gunman who shot Donald Trump called police after the rally shooting, worried that his son and a firearm were missing, according to reports.

" Matthew Crooks realized his 20-year-old son, Thomas Matthew Crooks, and an AR-style rifle were missing shortly after shots were fired at the former president at a campaign rally on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania.

"Three senior law enforcement officials told NBC News that the father then called police. Law enforcement officials then went to the home where Crooks lived with his parents in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.

"Approximately a day later, they publicly identified Crooks as the gunman who fired from the roof of a building outside the security perimeter of the Trump rally. Because Crooks was not carrying a form of identification, investigators used DNA to confirm his identity. 
"The Independent has asked the FBI for more information on the report.

" The gun was identified as his father’s missing firearm. Crooks used his father’s legally obtained 5.56 caliber AR-style rifle to carry out the shooting, police said." . . .

Mark Levin sends message to Biden after failed Trump assassination: ‘You owe the nation an apology’