Wednesday, July 17, 2024

MSNBC Serves an Empty Mug: Why 'Morning Joe' Got Pulled

  Brad Slager (

"Scar-Joe went full crazed blue-anon pundit in declaring that Trump will jail and execute his opponents. Adding to the psychosis, he adds, “Just look at his past!” That would be Trump’s record of not doing the very things promised."

"Here we are, the Monday immediately following the attempt on the life of Donald Trump, but for those who were hoping to begin their day with the sane and sober reflections on this event from the capable crew on “Morning Joe”, they were met with dismay. “Morning Joe” was not on the air!

"We were not treated to the calm and introspective wisdom from Mr. Scarborough, the balanced and thoughtful reflections from his paramour Mika Brzezinski, and the fulfilling commentary from the wizened panel and rotating slate of Algonquin-level thinkers. 

"This is likely due to the fact that once again, the press is in a state of dismay and upheaval. It has been a wild and revealing time analyzing the media in the aftermath of the attempt to take the life of Donald Trump. Once again, we see the press ensnared within a reality of their own making, due entirely to their abandonment of basic journalism ethics.

"This is the press industry that commonly takes the approach to any gun event by first filtering it through their narrative prism before taking to the airwaves. Is the shooter a white male? Then every detail of their personal life and social media is examined through forensics and any connectivity to an entity on the right will be highlighted for days as the inspiration for the violence.

"In the case that a minority is behind the shooting? One bland report is sufficient before dropping the story entirely.

"The desire in detailing blame in that fashion is an extension of the larger practice in the press of delivering promised violent outbreaks from the right, specifically MAGA-inspired attacks. This has been the mantra in the media, that Trump and conservative outlets will provoke violent outbursts due to their intolerant and inciteful language. We have been promised a lengthy list of moments when MAGA Nation would rise with an outburst of violence; the various rallies, Trump’s indictment, Trump’s conviction, and other general occurrences are a regular prediction in the press. One day - one day - they may become proven accurate." . . .

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