Wednesday, July 17, 2024

"I lost a ton of respect for him": Biden's latest performance leaves Democrats more worried


The debate over Biden’s viability cannot go on forever. But the strongest argument against the president’s candidacy can be found not in any poll or letter from nervous lawmakers, but in the fact that his candidacy asks Democrats to campaign on a lie that is exposed by just about every public appearance: that he can keep doing this until January 2029. 

"Put aside the alarming debate performance, the concerning polls and the god-awful vibes: The reason Democrats are still in disarray over the viability of President Joe Biden’s candidacy is because President Joe Biden keeps demonstrating, in each and every public appearance, that the concerns about his fitness and ability to campaign vigorously for the next four months — to say nothing of governing for another four years — are devastatingly valid.

"Speaking Monday with NBC News’ Lester Holt, Biden looked and sounded all of his 81 years, conceding it’s a “legitimate question to ask” if he can keep doing this until “he’s 83 years old, or 84 years” (he’d be 86 when a second term ends). Asked about his June 27 showing, and what happens if “you have another performance on that par,” Biden was both incoherent and in denial.

“ 'What happened,” he asked, mumbling something that the transcript describes as “INAUDIBLE.” Asked the question again, he answered: “I don’t plan on having another performance at that level.”

"The concern among Democrats is that no one planned on him performing at that level last time around, particularly not after the president had 12 days to rest and prepare. The Biden campaign had long sold the debate as the moment the race would “reset”: voters would see Trump as unhinged, Biden as normal, and the polls would soon reflect that — all the president had to do was appear more “with it” than six-second clips on right-wing social media would suggest." . . .

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