Monday, August 5, 2024

The World Is On Fire Thanks to Biden and Harris

 Jeff Crouere, Townhall

" Along with creating instability throughout the world, the Biden/Harris administration has allowed our southern border to be invaded by undocumented migrants from 177 of the 193 nations in the world."

"When President Donald Trump left office, there was peace throughout the world. Today, there are ongoing wars in several regions of the world and other conflicts could escalate into war at any time.

"While Trump was President, Russia did not invade any countries, in contrast to what happened during the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations.

"Obviously, Russian President Vladimir Putin noticed a vast difference once Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took over. Immediately, the United States military made a dramatic turn towards woke policies, which contributed to a huge decline in recruitment.

"In August of 2021, the United States demonstrated tremendous weakness during the withdrawal of our military forces from Afghanistan. The debacle resulted in the death of 13 American military heroes and billions of dollars in military equipment left behind for the use of the Taliban terrorist regime.  

"In addition, Biden and Harris abandoned the massive Bagram air base in Afghanistan. The base featured a 12,000-foot runway, a 50-room hospital, and 100 parking spots for fighter jets. In their haste to depart the facility, the United States military left behind 3.5 million items, including armored vehicles, weapons and ammunition.

"Since our humiliating withdrawal, the Biden/Harris administration has rewarded the Taliban terrorists by sending $239 million in grants to “fake nonprofits” created to scam American taxpayers. According to a report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, the funds were sent by the Biden/Harris State Department to 29 phony Taliban organizations." . . .

Keep America Weird

 "But today in The Free Press, one Republican takes a different view. Former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy says weirdness is actually a good thing. More than that: it’s deeply American."  Oliver Wiseman 

John Adams was an abolitionist when slavery was the norm and a self-taught Hindu scholar. In other words, like the greatest Americans, he was a total weirdo.

America the Weird   Vivek Ramaswamy   "When I grew up in southwest Ohio in the 1990s, my immigrant parents always reminded me: if you’re going to stand out, you might as well be outstanding. They said it with a thick Indian accent, but I view their advice as quintessentially American.

"It’s what distinguished America’s Founding Fathers. The Old World was one that aspired to a certain form of normalcy—one where people stayed in their respective lanes. An inventor was an inventor, a lord was a lord, a philosopher was a philosopher. Much of this was determined at birth.

"But our Founders were different. They didn’t believe in those boundaries. 

"Benjamin Franklin was not only a co-author of the Declaration of Independence but also founded hospitals and universities; dabbled in medicine; created a musical instrument that went on to be used by Mozart and Beethoven; designed the lightning rod, bifocal spectacles, and the Franklin stove. Robert Livingston helped design the steamship as a side project while serving as an ambassador to France. Roger Sherman was a self-taught attorney who never had any formal education. Thomas Jefferson was fluent in four languages, wrote nineteen thousand letters by hand, and invented prototypes of the polygraph and the swivel chair. Oh, and he designed the architecture of the Virginia State Capitol building.

"They were weird. Often the ones who said the weirdest things adopted some of the weirdest viewpoints by the standards of their day. John Adams was an abolitionist during an age when slavery was the norm the world over. He was also a self-taught scholar of Hindu scripture and wrote letters to Thomas Jefferson about the Bhagavad Gita." . . . 

"But alleging “weirdness” is a troubling form of political argument. It’s anti-American, on at least two levels." 

Reflecting on Kamala and Democrat desperation; "Weird"

This juvenile campaign indicates the fear the Democrats have for Trump/ Vance. It all has the support of Google obviously, as TD had to click past six pages of links to find one that refuted the leftist meme, "weird". TD

. . ."But that isn't the point at all. Both of these lines of attack and their constant repetition are designed to undermine the advantages Republicans have--Democrats are undeniably weird, and Trump is undeniably courageous. The goal is to program these facts out of the brains of people who pay attention casually and don't think deeply about the issues." . . . 

Sunday Smiles  "I am deeply worried that the compressed election cycle will allow the mainstream media and the brainwashing complex which includes Big Tech and social media to carry Kamala Harris to victory on their backs.

Kamala herself is a mental midget with no political skills to speak of, but she has behind her a brainwashing machine with decades of experience and trillions of dollars of infrastructure behind it. 

But Kamala's political skills or her electoral prospects are not my focus here: there is one advantage to the compressed timeline, and that is the need for the brainwashing machine to drop all subtlety and use all its tricks in one massive push. We can see the machine work in a way that has been more difficult before.  

 "I didn't do any counting, but somebody else did and found that when you add up the use of the word "weird" it was used in the media hundreds of times in just two days. 

"Hundreds. Two days. 

"That, my friends, is how brainwashing works. You also saw it on social media when every leftist started using it simultaneously and constantly. 

"Normally this sort of campaign would be ramped up over days and weeks, building until the impression is built organically in people's minds. The point would be to avoid any jarring sense of discontinuity and let the idea become settled in people's minds." . . .

Lisa Boothe: If GOP Is ‘Weird,’ Then Democrat Party Is The Party Of ‘Purple-Haired Circus Freaks’  . . .“I mean, Joe Biden was the one that picked a guy who has an animal roleplaying fetish that he’s open about that went on to steal suitcases,” Boothe began. “He had a transgender activist in the South Lawn flashing the cameras.” 

“You had a Democrat staffer filming a sex tape on Capitol Hill,” she said. “Cocaine was found at the White House.”

Crossdressing Luggage Snatcher and Ex-Biden Official Sam Brinton Gets Sweetheart Plea Deal (   "Samuel Otis Brinton (born 1986/1987)[1] is an American nuclear engineer and LGBTQ activist. They served as the deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy from June to December 2022.[2][3][4] Brinton is no longer employed by the Office of Nuclear Energy after being charged with luggage theft on three separate occasions.[4] . . .

Democrats Could Regret Calling Trump ‘Weird’ (

"Thomas Friedman: “For a few days this last week I started to believe that Kamala Harris and the Democrats could come from behind and beat Donald Trump. But then I started to hear Democrats patting themselves on the back for coming up with a great new label for Trump Republicans. They are ‘weird.’”

“I cannot think of a sillier, more playground, more foolish and more counterproductive political taunt for Democrats to seize on than calling Trump and his supporters ‘weird.’”

The absolute, extreme, extraordinary, weirdness of the left    . . ."What’s weird is allowing 8 million illegal aliens to enter our country from both borders, and not vetting them to be sure no terrorists and traffickers and agents of death come in.

"What’s weird are Kamala Harris’ speeches about “the passage of time,” “unencumbered by the past,” “keep doing what we’re doing,” “space is fascinating,” "my pronouns are she/her, I'm a woman sitting at a table wearing a blue dress," and other IQ-crushing statements even AOC can’t figure out.

"What’s totally weird and extremely dangerous, is this administration’s destruction of the American military in favor of DEI and affirmative action policies that degrade military competence, strength, and readiness and make us a laughingstock on a dangerous, saber-rattling world stage where madmen reign.

"What’s weird is destroying the average person’s ability to buy groceries, gas, and energy and then claiming the economy is great.

"What’s weird is demanding Americans suffering under Joe’s inflation be forced to buy expensive electric cars, then trying to penalize them when they don’t." . . .

Amazing ad from the Trump campaign … decimating Kamala without saying a single word.


Quoting The FOO:

I did not like Barack Obama.

Like at all. But I didn't compare him to Hitler. Or shout 'NAZI' at people who supported him. Or call his detention centers concentration camps. And I sure as Hell didn't stop loving my country. You guys on the Left really need to get a damn grip.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The latest Democrat meme

 Remember "gravitas? "Black Lives Matter"? "ACAB"? Now the latest from the left (today's Democrats) is, wait for it...."Weird"

It’s getting weird: Simple insult is Democrats’ latest talking point. Can it stick?

Trump is plain ‘weird’: how Kamala Harris’ meme-fied campaign is leveraging social media and Gen Z culture (

Wouldn't weird be men competing in women's sports? Claiming men can get pregnant? Calling those who want to restore children's libraries to no porn, as it has been our entire lives? Call your opponent racist if you lose an argument with them? Defund the police? 

Why 'weird' is the new watchword for Democrats attacking Trump and Vance | CBC Radio  "Not everyone is a fan of the new Democratic strategy. 

" 'I cannot think of a sillier, more playground, more foolish and more counterproductive political taunt for Democrats to seize on than calling Trump and his supporters 'weird,'" opinion columnist Thomas L. Friedman wrote in the New York Times.

"Friedman says the party needs to connect with "white, working-class, non-college-educated men and women" who "feel denigrated and humiliated by Democratic, liberal, college-educated elites."

"They hate the people who hate Trump more than they care about any Trump policies," wrote Friedman. "Therefore, the dumbest message Democrats could seize on right now is to further humiliate them as 'weird.'" . . .

Typical liberal media: I had to get to page six to find a counter to the anti-Trump posts..TD

Video: ‘The weirdness of Kamala Harris’: Sky News host roasts ‘dopey’ Vice President

JD Vance on Democrats Attacking Him as ‘Weird’: ‘I Think It’s an Honor’

. . ."Democrats have attempted to attack Vance as “weird” — a script that conservatives completely flipped over the weekend, showcasing in post after post the actual weirdness of the Democrats. Those included images of President Joe Biden appearing to sniff a child’s head, Democrats wearing odd outfits, Sam Brinton, a cross-dressing former Department of Energy official who has been accused of stealing women’s luggage, Dylan Mulvaney dressed as a woman, Vice President Kamala Harris high-fiving a drag queen, and a bare-chested transgender individual flashing his fake breasts at the White House."

In 2017 Kamala Harris Berated Americans for Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ Because of those Poor Illegal Aliens

Maybe it was just a debate?

 The Lid

"In 2017, Kamala Harris berated us all and exclaimed “How DARE YOU” say Merry Christmas when there are so many illegal aliens who have not gained amnesty and automatic citizenship!

"That is exactly what she said, too. I am not paraphrasing.

"At the time, this hardcore, extremist, left-winger was advocating for the Dream Act in December and she was furious that we evil Americans were daring to hope for a Merry Christmas.

"In a video taken of her comments on Dec. 17, 2017, Harris wagged her crooked finger in America’s face and droned, “And when we all sing happy tunes, and sing Merry Christmas, and wish each other Merry Christmas, these children are not going to have a Merry Christmas. How dare we speak Merry Christmas. How dare we? They will not have a Merry Christmas.”

"Don’t believe me?"

. . . The party that gave us Greta Thunberg has given us Kamala Harris. TD 

Kamala Harris ‘A Thoroughly Unimpressive Human Being’   

Kamala Harris got her start in politics by sleeping with Willie Brown. She became Vice President because Biden needed a non-white female on the ticket. Now she likely becomes the Democratic nominee for president because the guy at the top of the ticket has dementia. She’s made a career out of begging for hand outs from powerful men. A thoroughly unimpressive human being.

Secretary Austin commits an act of decency by revoking shameful plea deals with 9/11 terrorists

Pleased and surprised, one was inclined to deny respect to the General solely because he was chosen by Biden and part of a Democrat Administration. Being assumed feckless, this is a major surprise. TD


 To close this chapter in history, a reelected Trump should charge his Secretary of Defense with convening and concluding a tribunal for these three apex terrorists and others still held at Guantanamo within the first 100 days of his second term. The long-overdue process should end with a short drop from a long rope and the hangman finally rendering justice to the 9/11 terrorists.

 "In an order released on Friday night, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin canceled the Biden-Harris administration’s shameful plea deals with 9/11 terrorist masterminds that would have spared them the death penalty.

"Secretary Austin, a former Army general before becoming secretary, reserved the power to reach any such deals to himself. Addressing the bureaucrat in charge of the failed prosecution, he wrote: “Effective immediately, I hereby withdraw your authority in the above-referenced case to enter into a pre-trial agreement and reserve such authority to myself.” He added: “I hereby withdraw from the three pre-trial agreements that you signed on July 31, 2024 in the above-referenced case.”

"Bravo General.

"I say “general” instead of “secretary” as a compliment. In discussing with a retired Navy captain friend whether Austin was forced to make the move as a fall guy for the White House or chose to do so himself, my friend speculated: “Austin woke up this morning and realized he is a United States Army general, and then did the right thing.”

"The move has stopped, temporarily at least, a decision by the Biden-Harris administration to accept a plea deal with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the confessed architect of the 9/11 attacks on the United States, and two high-level accomplices. Instead of the execution the three men deserve, they would have received life sentences.

"Such an act would have been moral degenerate and a symbol of a sick civilization that no longer has confidence in itself or a sense of justice. It would have broken faith with those Americans killed on 9/11 and the tens of thousands more who died or were maimed, physically and mentally, in the war the terrorists started on that day.

"Implausibly, the White House disclaimed responsibility for the plea deal. A spokesman remarked: “The president and the White House played no role in this process.” That strikes me as an outright lie or subterfuge. At a minimum, the White House and National Security Council staff ushered along a process designed to produce that result. More likely, they called the shots while making it appear that others were in charge." . . .

This nations silliness on display before the world


Todd Schowalter Productions.

Democrats are an embarrassment before the world and a threat to our nation and our allies, especially Israel which is surrounded by nations who hate Jews and want every one killed. Including one or two in the U.S. Congress. TD

The Etch A Sketch Nominee and the Mullahs’ Nightmare   "The Democrats think they will pitch a fast one, less than 100 days before the election, coronating a radical, not very smart candidate as a substitute for a clearly demented president. They plan to avoid any unscripted remarks by her and any interviews or debates. The wisdom of keeping her mouth shut is evident. How long can they hide the Obama-Kerry-Harris close ties with the nuclear-weapon-seeking, terrorist-supporting Islamists of Iran who want nothing more than to destroy America? How long can the press allow Harris to airbrush her very radical political record?" ...
"Almost uniformly, the Western press mourned Haniyeh as a “moderate.’ On October 7, he was filmed watching the slaughter of the innocents and smiling. It reminds us all of the Washington Post’s description of the ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as an “austere Islamic scholar.' ”
. . ."As for the Democrats, their theme of the week was set by Minnesota governor Tim Walz, who called Republicans “weird,” and both their brainwashed base and the legacy media thought this was a nifty theme. It seems to have fallen by the wayside as it became an easy target for derision. The week ended with the Daily Mail revealing that the second gentleman’s first marriage broke up because he impregnated his children’s nanny."

The coming terrorist attacks   . . ."They—Islamist terrorists--posted a small bail and promised to show up for their court date.

Authorities arrested Hasan Yousef Hamdan, 32, and Mohammad Khair Dabous, 18, on May 3 for trespassing after they tried to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico when they approached the gates in a box truck.

"Real terrorist attacks are coming, and we’re ruled by America-hating useful idiots."

Two of whom are pictured here:

Joe & Kamala Border Services out to lunch
  . . ."Yes, she fell short objectively. However, her biggest mistake was not taking the task seriously, an insult I would think to the President who appointed her. The VP never spoke with border governors like our own Governor Greg Abbott of Texas. She took a meaningless trip to look for the root causes when everybody knows that the issue is an open border and lack of enforcement of laws.

"So the VP cannot escape the issue because she made it worse with her lack of respect for Americans impacted by the issue. It's on her and that's no joke, as her boss would say."

Kamala Campaign Spreads Such an Egregious Tall Tale About Trump Rally, Even NPR Reporter Calls Them Out

Do I detect a tad bit of jealousy?

RedState  "I've said this before but it continues to be true. The Biden-Harris team has a big problem with truth and reality. Their campaign accounts on X, for example, are constantly saying things that aren't true. Of course, since it all flows down from the top and Joe Biden lies like he breathes, maybe that's the reason. So does Kamala Harris.

"Take the Trump rally in Georgia on Saturday. The Harris campaign team is desperate to make it look like Harris had more people coming out for her rally in the same arena a few days ago. So, what did they do? They falsely tried to claim that there were empty seats for Trump, when it was full for Harris: 

"Now, this is a common trick Democrats pull to try to make it seem like there are empty seats, when they use a picture that either gets taken before the event or before the event begins. 

But in this case, it was untrue as the event was full. Trump campaign official Stephen Cheung called out the lie:"

Kamala Harris Launched Her First Big Rally with a HUGE Lie… and the Media Let Her   . . ."The fact is, Project 2025, is just made up of anodyne conservative ideas. And it was created by a group of folks from the Heritage Foundation. But Project 2025 and its sponsors never coordinated with Trump or the Trump campaign. This whole document is autonomous of the Trump.

"He has never had a thing to do with it."

WATCH: Michaelah Montgomery Sets It Off at the Atlanta Trump-Vance Rally

"Conserve the Culture founder Michaelah Montgomery BLASTS Kamala Harris, boosts President Trump at rally in Atlanta, GA"

Montgomery also exposed where Harris' loyalties lie. No matter how much they try to play on the Kendrick Lamar tune, Kamala Harris is "Not Like Us." As Montgomery warned, "she chose her side and it wasn't ours." Harris' record of ignoring the Black community until convenient, targeting and jailing the men and their mothers, and then putting on debauched entertainment as a sop and excuse to ignore policy discussions has become legendary, especially the longer she refuses to do any form of a press conference and plays ChickenMala with a presidential debate. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Kamala is Anti-Israel. Her Husband’s Law Firm Repped the PLO

Daniel Greenfield  "The PLO’s money arm was the largest foreign principal for his law firm.

"Freedom Center Investigates had previously reported on the intersection between Emhoff’s previous law firm and its Cuban business, and Kamala’s opposition to the embargo on the Communist dictatorship. Similar questions might be asked about the intersection of Kamala’s hostility to Israel and the problematic and even terrorist clients of her husband’s law firm."

“ 'Will Doug Emhoff’s Legal Career Be an Issue for the Biden-Harris Ticket?” the New York Times asked four years ago.

"The newspaper noted that Emhoff, the husband of Kamala Harris, was a partner at DLA Piper whose “lobbying clients” had included the governments of Afghanistan and Bahrain, as well as the Qatari government-funded Al Jazeera Network and the Palestine Monetary Authority.

"DLA Piper was good to the Emhoff-Harris family with the family taking home $2.7 million in 2019 and $1.2 million in 2020. “To aspire to create wealth is a good thing as far as I’m concerned. If that is what one chooses. I, on the other hand, have chosen to live a life of public service,’ Kamala had claimed. But the “life of public service” led to her husband’s role at DLA Piper.

"And two DLA Piper clients are connected to a flashpoint in Kamala’s foreign policy.

"As vice president, Kamala pursued a harsher line against Israel than Biden, virulently denouncing the Jewish state over its military campaign against Hamas terrorists after Oct 7." . . .

Mark Levin: Kamala Harris ‘Worst Israel-Hater, Islamist Propagandist’ to Seek Dem Presidential Nomination   

. . ."Her associations with Hamas front group CAIR, among others, her blood libels against Israel when it is surrounded by terrorists threatening to destroy it, her virtual silence in the face of the most horrendous antisemitism we have ever seen in our country (even praising the so-called Iran-Hamas-Qatar funded “protestors”), her boycott of the Israeli prime minister during his joint congressional speech, her failure to make a personal statement condemning Hezbollah’s slaughter of the Israelis children playing soccer, her repeated use of Hamas casualty propaganda, her support for funding Iran directly and indirectly, her support for withholding critical military equipment and ammunition from Israel, and on and on.

"Deeming her a “grave threat to the survival of Israel” — especially given Israel’s current need for support, Levin asserted that no wavering or Jewish ties can mask her true beliefs and condemning record.

“ 'No amount of flip-flopping, association with certain Jewish groups, or other diversions can change who she is, what she has said, and what she believes,” the conservative host wrote, capitalizing for emphasis, while adding that her own record “condemns her.”

"In response, conservative Middle East analyst and commentator Caroline Glick suggested to “Watch what people do. It’s more important [than] what they say.' ” . . .

In using parody, Babylon Bee is dead serious on this subject


The People's Cube

Imane Khelif Wins First-Ever Gold Medal In Freestyle Domestic Violence   "Algerian boxer Imane Khelif made history this week by becoming the first-ever Olympian to win the gold medal in the new Freestyle Domestic Violence event.
" 'This is for all of us," an emotional Khelif said, raising his bloody fist triumphantly as the broken body of his small female opponent lay before him. "I'm proud that my superior man-shoulders and bone structure gave me the ability to beat up this small woman. This is what the sport of freestyle domestic violence is all about."
"According to doctors, the genetically male Khelif has higher testosterone and XY chromosomes that make him a killing machine. He has dominated the amateur Domestic Violence circuit, but this is the first time a similar event has made its way to the Olympics." . . .

Woman Who Lost To Male Boxer Says Everything's Fine, She Just Fell Down Some Stairs  "Italian woman Angela Carini tearfully assured reporters yesterday that "everything is fine, except that I fell down some stairs" while responding to questions on her recent loss to male boxer Imane Khelif in the Olympics.
"Carini went out of her way to assure reporters that absolutely everything was fine and dandy as cameras snapped photos of her bruised face, which was still bleeding from Khelif's crushing male blows.
" 'I would like to assure the world that I am 100% okay and doing perfectly fine," Carini sniffled, carefully blowing her broken, disfigured nose. "The only thing was that I randomly fell down a flight of stairs. Everything is fine. It was just a flight of stairs. Nobody hurt me. It was just an accident."
"When asked about her round bruises which looked oddly like they had been administered by a man's hand, Carini ventured to note that she had also banged her head onto a doorknob at the bottom of the stairs.
"Khelif was unavailable for comment, as he was busy having a testicular hernia seen to before his next session of abusing women in front of a cheering crowd.
"At publishing time, Khelif's next opponent was telling reporters that her new bruises had happened when she accidentally walked into a cabinet and a wall."