Friday, August 16, 2024

Retired Minnesota Cop Makes Shocking Charge Against Tim Walz

Robert Spencer; PJ Media 

Oh, surely not! Why, surely an American public servant wouldn’t willingly aid and abet the destruction of a major city, would he? Of course, he would. These are, after all, radical leftists we’re talking about. Nagel opines, "I think it was all part of a much greater scheme because he truly doesn't like the police.

"When Kamala Harris picked Tim Walz as her running mate, Reuters informed us that he was a “plain speaker from the American heartland to help win over rural, white voters.” That’s what the Harris-Walz campaign wants us to think, but it has quickly become a virtually impossible narrative to sustain. Now, a retired Minnesota police lieutenant has shot another hole in the left’s already tattered Walz “America’s dad” narrative, and shown yet again how far left the Leftist Next Door really is.

"Fox News reported Thursday that retired Minnesota State Patrol Lt. John Nagel knows the real Tim Walz behind the propaganda smoke and mirrors: "He is not a moderate, he has never been a moderate and here in Minnesota he has been anti-police, he has raised taxes, he is nowhere near being a moderate." 

"Even worse, "he’s anti-police, defund the police, when you have police families, and we have an officer killed in the line of duty, when that family looks at the governor and says we don't want you at the funeral. That should tell you a great deal of how law enforcement in general feels about Walz." 

"Indeed. It also tells us why the left loves him so much and why patriots should regard him as potentially even more dangerous than Harris herself." . . . 

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 28 books, including many bestsellers such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About MuhammadThe History of Jihad, and The Critical Qur’an. His latest book is Muhammad: A Critical Biography. . . .

This Florida Sheriff is an effective TV personality

"In a video posted on social media this week, Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods asked for the public’s help to locate a “worthless human being” who is wanted on multiple charges including sexual battery, molestation of a child, and human trafficking.

"On Wednesday, July 10, during his regular “Wanted by Woods” Facebook segment, Sheriff Woods stated that Jahwreinsley Marley is wanted for three counts of sexual battery, lewd and lascivious molestation, human trafficking for commercial sex activity, solicitation, and battery.

"The sheriff further stated that Marley is a “vile” man who “has taken away the innocence of more than one child,” and his alleged actions have “permanently changed the lives of his victims.”

"No further details were provided by Sheriff Woods regarding the alleged crimes that were committed by Marley.

"According to the sheriff, Marley is currently in hiding, and law enforcement believes that he has people who are helping to keep him hidden.

“ 'If you are hiding him, I will have a spot for you in my jail as well,” stated Sheriff Woods. “So, I suggest you turn him in instead.” . . .

 Having said that, let's watch a non-Gavin Newsom - governed sheriff give a press conference:

The Weird, Creepy, Surreal—and Dangerous—2024 Campaign

 Victor Davis Hanson  "The already-long 2024 presidential campaign has become the strangest in modern history.

"Here are 10 unanswered questions that illustrate how and why we’ve entered this bizarro world:

1. How can Kamala Harris merely promise us fixes to come in 2025 for inflation and an open border when she is still vice president for another six months? Why can’t she enact her proposed solutions to these problems (which she helped create) right now?

2. Would the media prefer to help her win but lose further credibility themselves by failing to ask why she has disowned her last three decades of leftist agendas, or to reclaim some of their reputations and thereby risk her losing?

3. Does the Left appreciate the new campaign and election protocols it has now established?

That is to say: "Cancel by fiat their virtual nominee four months before the election when he sinks in the polls?

"Nullify the outcome of a year of primaries and the will of 14 million voters?

"Threaten a sitting president with removal by the 25th Amendment process unless he steps aside as his party nominee?

"Anoint a replacement nominee before the convention and without a single primary—and then prevent any rival candidates from challenging her?

4. After the precedents of 2020 and 2024, is the future orthodox protocol for any Democratic nominee now to avoid all interviews and extempore speaking, and stick to teleprompted speeches and scripted responses only?

Is the fear that a transparent progressive messenger with an overt and honest left-wing message will double down on it and thus guarantee defeat?

5. For the next 80 days, has the chameleon-like Harris now become a temporary MAGA candidate, as she expropriates former President Donald Trump’s positions from border security to no taxes on tips? Does the media care to ask the new 80-day MAGA Harris why she has renounced many of her once emphatic beliefs?

"6. If Democratic presidential reelection candidate Joe Biden was pronounced fit as a fiddle before June 27, but after July 21 was abruptly forced off the ticket as too debilitated to continue as his party’s nominee, what exactly is his status now?

(Half-cognizant and thus able enough to continue his not-so-important task as America’s president, but also half-enfeebled and thus utterly unable to continue as the far more important Democratic nominee, it appears.)

"7. Does the new antisemitic Democratic Party prefer to risk losing with the radical nonentity WASP Tim Walz as vice presidential candidate rather than likely win with a popular, successful, and moderate Jewish Josh Shapiro?

"8. If one vice presidential candidate went to a war zone to serve with his deployed unit, while his counterpart preferred to retire from the military to avoid doing the same and lies about his abdication, how can the media credibly assert that the former’s tour was militarily suspect and yet pronounce the latter’s absence as heroic?

"9. If the current president canceled his reelection bid because he was too debilitated and unpopular, and is now rarely seen or heard, and if the vice president is out of Washington running a campaign in his place, but avoiding all press conferences, interviews, and unscripted addresses, who exactly, if anyone, is running the United States for the next six months of the lame-duck Biden-Harris administration?

"10. If Trump all summer has been compared by his enemies to Hitler and his murderous Third Reich, and if a 20-year-old would-be assassin and murderer with ease took up a sniper’s position to kill Trump—without a notified Secret Service or other law enforcement attempting to abort the shooter’s attempted assassination—what signal does that send to other would-be assassins for the next 80 days of the 2024 campaign? . . .More here...

Biden/Harris Maryland Event Has Embarrassing Moment When Dozens of People Walk Out


Harris disqualified herself with ignorant comments, not understanding or perhaps caring that overspending makes inflation worse. She talks about what she would do if she was elected on "day one" -- despite being in power now and not only not solving the problem but making things worse with bad policy. She also praised the "extraordinary Joe Biden." 

. . ."Shortly after Vice President Kamala Harris handed over the podium to President Biden on Thursday, dozens of attendees at a joint event simply stood up and left rather than listen to the retiring commander-in-chief.

"The rude demonstration was a stark showing of the enthusiasm gap among Democrats revved up by Harris’ sudden elevation as the party’s presidential nominee after Biden dropped out last month — amid reporting that Harris, 59, is seeking to redefine herself to gain distance from the unpopular incumbent.

"Adding insult to injury, when Biden, who regularly suffered low attendance at his own election rallies this year, and Harris greeted an overflow room, he was accused by multiple irate protesters of facilitating “genocide” in the Gaza Strip." . . .

Crowd leaves joint Biden-Harris event early after VP hands off lectern to lame-duck prez (  

Biden seemed to recycle that badly botched line in his Thursday remarks, saying, “We finally beat Big Pharma.” Although Biden urged the nation to “lower the temperature” of the election campaign last month after Trump was wounded in an assassination attempt, he used violent verbiage at the suburban Maryland event.

 "Donald Dump"? How grade school can one get? Intelligent arguments apparently not accessible to these people.

Much discussion on a Biden-Harris administration

 American Thinker Blog: A sampling from an excellent source.

'Don't Take My Word For It...'   "Trump Plays Clips Of Harris's Past Statements On Jumbotron At Rally". . .

Kamala Harris website offers nine pronoun options for campaign applicants but zero policies   . . ."No substance and all fluff—the same attributes that failed to earn Harris a single primary or delegate—sounds about right for her presidential run."

Why is Harris seizing on Donald Trump's policies? 
. . . "Democrats don’t like losing. Often mentioned is their serious concern over
down-ballot races that might be (ahem) negatively impacted by trouble at the top of the ticket. Case in point: Adam “Pencil-neck” Schiff was a particularly vocal advocate for Biden to drop out. He just happens to be running to inherit Diane
Feinstein’s Senate seat. Need I remind you that the Democrats have 23 senate seats up for grabs, while the Republicans have a whopping ten. History grinds on such moments.

@jamesschmehl5972  She wasn't a " leader" yesterday. She's not a " leader " today.She won't be a " leader" tomorrow.

Kamala and Biden have clearly surrounded themselves with people who know nothing about business or economics    . . ."Biden and Harris turned on the government money presses and set out to destroy the oil industry through regulation, but somehow they aren't responsible for oil, gasoline, diesel and utilities prices spiking. These higher energy prices affect almost every visible thing we use, and of course, that's not including credit card bills and housing costs and health care and education costs, which saw even bigger inflationary spikes, based on the same root: the devaluation of the currency because the government printed too much money for all its big-spending programs.

"They campaigned on opening the border and flooding the country with immigrants and on day one Biden started signing executive orders opening it up but somehow they aren't responsible for the knock on effects, such as rent prices and other prices rising because towns have been flooded with people in places with too little housing." . . .

. . ."Now, as she campaigns for higher office, Harris seems to be doubling down on government intervention in the economy.

"The proposed policy aims to impose “stiff penalties” on the food industry. But many experts are raising red flags, comparing this approach to failed price control attempts in socialist economies.

"Mark Hemingway, a senior writer at RealClearPolitics, didn’t mince words: “Kamala Harris is literally proposing price controls on food. This is literally what the Soviets did and the results will be scarcity and higher costs.”. . .

Any student of Economics 101 can tell us that price controls leads to scarcity. Can we not find better people to run America that what we have available today?  People who surrendered to and completely equipped America's enemies are the ones who many want to run this nation's economy. TD

The quality of the many, many American voters and the education system developing them seems to be the downfall forming in our nation. TD

"Why is French President Emmanuel Macron cozying up to China while trashing his oldest ally, the United States?
"Why is there suddenly talk of discarding the dollar as the global currency?
"Why are Japan and India shrugging that they cannot follow the U.S. lead in boycotting Russian oil?
"Why is the president of Brazil traveling to China to pursue what he calls a “beautiful relationship”?
"Why is Israel suddenly facing attacks from its enemies in all directions?" . . .

DOOCY TIME: “When did you guys learn that Vice President Harris wants to distance herself from Bidenomics?” KJP: “Why do you think that?” Doocy: “Axios is now reporting that she is 'hoping to distance herself from President Biden's unpopularity on the economy.' Can you blame her?” . . .Full article...

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Howard Stern tongue bathes Biden with clueless commentary

 Scott Pinsker   . . ."If money’s your metric, then Howard Stern is the most successful radio personality in American media history. If you consider radio a creative art, then he’s the world’s wealthiest artist. He’s been compensated more money than anyone else in his medium — and by a VERY wide margin." . . .

 . . ."And now?

"Nobody under 40 listens to Stern. Nobody under 30 knows could even identify him in a lineup. But whereas older Americans — Gen X-ers and up — still remember Stern as a pioneering shock jock, younger Americans don’t remember him at all. 

"It’s like he never existed.

If PJ Media’s target audience were Gen Z-ers, there’s no way I could write this article. Nobody would care enough to click on it.

"But there’s a fascinating story lurking beneath the surface: By becoming the first A-Lister to trade his mainstream visibility for a big, fat payday, Stern became a case study on celebrity paywalls. 

"Rush Limbaugh never did it, although he certainly had ample opportunities: His fans were crazy-loyal, too. But Limbaugh rejected satellite offers because he still wanted to reach the largest audience possible. He already had enough money for dozens of lifetimes; what he truly cared about was the growth of his show and the future of our country. El Rushbo understood that his social impact would’ve been dramatically diminished if he retreated behind a paywall. Up until Limbaugh’s final days, it was always important to him for his audience numbers to be strong." . . .

Then this didn't help Stern:

'NO EVIDENCE': Biden mocked for stretching the truth on shock jock Howard Stern's show

Howard Stern Praises Joe Biden in Embarrassing Interview

Howard Stern TONGUE BATHES Biden In Interview The real content begins after two minutes of comment.

As for being Border Czar, Kamala is Number Two


Jon Karl Contradicts Himself on Kamala Harris’s Border Responsibilities

Another Palestinian Terror Watchlist Member Caught in New Mexico   "This is turning into an unpleasant pattern that continues to repeat despite assurances from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that they have the situation under control. Last month, border agents caught three Palestinians whose names appear on the terror watchlist coming over the southern border into California. On Monday, CBP found another one, this time in New Mexico. Omar Shehada turned out to be a doozy. He's from the West Bank and he landed on the watchlist because he had already been convicted of terror attacks involving "explosives and firearms." (Probably against Israel.) And now he has crossed the world and very nearly entered our country undetected. Are we honestly expected to believe that he was the only one?" . . .

FACT CHECK: Harris was Biden’s second 'border czar,' despite recent media claims (The Center Square)    "As Vice President Kamala Harris began campaigning to become the next Democratic presidential nominee, media outlets started claiming she was never President Joe Biden’s border czar.

The claims are verifiably false.

“ 'Kamala Harris Was Never Biden’s ‘Border Czar,’” TIME Magazine claimed. A USA Today "fact check" headline said, "Harris' border work was on 'root causes' of migration; she wasn't in charge." Axios wrote, “The Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the ‘border czar’ title – which she never actually had.”

"PolitiFact wrote, "Claims that President Joe Biden named Harris the ‘border czar’ and that she is responsible for overseeing U.S. border enforcement gained prominence at the Republican National Convention as the party sought to link her to his immigration policy. Biden didn’t put Harris in charge of overseeing border security.”

"Harris was the second woman chosen as border czar by the president.

"After 100 days on the job, Roberta Jacobson, President Joe Biden’s first border czar, left the role on April 9, 2021, after already “grappling with large increases of migrants attempting to cross into the U.S.,” The Los Angeles Times reported, saying, “Biden’s border czar … is stepping down.”

"Before she did, Biden announced in a March 24, 2021, news conference that Harris would be responsible for addressing the southwest border surge that already began within days of him taking office. “I can think of nobody who's better qualified to do this than the former California attorney general, Biden said." . . . (Emphasis mine, TD)

How MSNBC’s Leftward Tilt Delivers Ratings, and Complications

 The New York Times ( 

When Hamas staged its terror attack against Israel on Oct. 7, MSNBC mixed breaking news of the attacks with discussions about the historical backdrop of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. The coverage reflected views on the left — and presaged the pro-Palestinian demonstrations that would soon grow in number — but it struck many others as discordant, or even offensive, given that the violence was still coming into view.

"NBC’s leaders have been forced to grapple with how to square its cable news network’s embrace of progressive politics with the company’s straight-news operation."

"MSNBC placed a big bet on becoming comfort TV for liberals. Then it doubled down.

"Time slots on the cable network once devoted to news programming are now occupied by Trump-bashing opinion hosts. The channel has become a landing spot for high-profile alumni of President Biden’s administration like Jen Psaki, who went from hosting White House press briefings to hosting her own show. On Super Tuesday, when producers aired a portion of a live speech by former President Donald J. Trump, Rachel Maddow chastised her bosses on the air.

"The moves have been a hit with viewers. MSNBC has leapfrogged past its erstwhile rival CNN in the ratings and has seen viewership rise over the past year, securing second place in cable news behind the perennial leader, Fox News.

"But MSNBC’s success has had unintended consequences for its parent company, NBC, an original Big Three broadcaster that still strives to appeal to a mass American audience.age followed."

"NBC’s traditional political journalists have cycled between rancor and resignation
that the cable network’s partisanship — a regular target of Mr. Trump — will color perceptions of their straight news reporting. Local NBC stations between the coasts have demanded, again and again, that executives in New York do more to preserve NBC’s nonpartisan brand, lest MSNBC’s blue-state bent alienate their red-state viewers
. . .

Then, Mr. Trump’s ascent shocked the Democratic base and spiked viewership of Ms. Maddow and other left-leaning hosts, whose programs became a kind of televised safe space. MSNBC’s ratings surged.

MSNBC Producer Quits, Pens Letter Calling Network A ‘Cancer’ That Stokes ‘Racial Division’

MSNBC Propagandist Joy Reid Claims Trump Might Use Virus To Reign As Monarch (Video)   . . ."There’s been a lot of fake news and propaganda thrown out by MSNBC, the official network of insane liberal hate, rage and lying liberal propaganda.  On Sunday, MSNBC propagandist Joy Reid tossed in a heaping dose of stupid when she suggested President Trump might use the coronavirus pandemic to reign as a monarch.

" 'Now, in this show yesterday, constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe of Harvard University confirmed what we suspected all along: that Cuomo was right, and Trump had no constitutional authority to claim he could quarantine whole states. And right on cue, Trump almost immediately backed down, tweeting that he has advised the CDC to issue a travel warning, but that he determined a quarantine will, quote, not be necessary,” she said.   “Not necessary? Man, try not legally possible! But go off, Apprentice guy—go off!' ” . . . 

A Campaign Of ‘Joy’?

 I & I Editorial Board 

 "Our friends at the Power Line blog, most of whom are based in Minnesota, recall that Walz “ruled by decree for” 15 months. His reign “was arbitrary, petty, deceitful, tyrannical, and hugely destructive to life, liberty, jobs, commerce, and family.” 

"The Democratic talking points were issued and the media enthusiastically accommodated: The Harris-Walz campaign is now a moveable feast of joy. But there’s nothing even remotely joyful about Kamala Harris’ and Tim Walz’s political orientation. Their positions are founded on militancy and just plain meanness.

"The media are nothing but shills for the Democratic Party. They are so willing to please that they will run with whatever theme the party tells them to. Take a look at recent headlines. 

“Harris Used to Worry About Laughing. Now Joy Is Fueling Her Campaign,” says the New York Times.

“ 'Harris is pushing joy,” according to the Associated Press’ surely unbiased reporting.

"The British Guardian swears that the “Democrats’ joy is unconfined,” while ABC News wants Americans to know that “early Harris-Walz rallies feature big crowds, talk of ‘joy.’”

"National Public Radio says “Harris and Walz reintroduce joy,” as the Washington Post declares that “​​Harris and Walz seize on joyful message in contrast to darker Trump themes.” And from Salon’s perspective, “Vibes matter: Trump can hardly restrain his jealousy over the Harris campaign’s joy.”

"And on it goes. The media should be deeply embarrassed about their we-worship-Kamala cheerleading, their eagerness to please the Democrats and follow their orders, which evidently include conveniently forgetting that Harris is a nasty, abusive boss who runs a toxic office.

"But they’re not. With rare exception, the “journalists” of the last three decades have been nothing more than courtiers for the party of the left.

"If they weren’t, they’d press the Harris-Walz axis about its:

Support for censorship. “A Harris-Walz administration would be a nightmare for free speech,”  George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley wrote last week in The Hill. “For over three years, the Biden-Harris administration has sustained an unrelenting attack on the freedom of speech, from supporting a massive censorship system (described by a federal court as an ‘Orwellian Ministry of Truth‘) to funding blacklisting operations targeting groups and individuals with opposing views.”

"The Washington Examiner notes that even before she ran for president, “Harris already had a well-established history of using government power to silence voices she does not like.” 

"Censors are not happy people. They are spiteful and perpetually discontented." . . .

Joy Reid panics that Trump might reign in anti-white racism


"The MSNBC’s hot take comes on the heels of her outrageous comments last week when she reacted to Vice President Kamala Harris’s pick of Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate. Reid thought the Democrat would have picked Sen. Mark Kelly who is white, “Super white. Like a mayonnaise sandwich on Wonder Bread white.”

"MSNBC’s resident racist host Joy Reid said the quiet part out loud in a segment that seemed to admit the existence of anti-white racism.

"The host of “The ReidOut” warned that former President Donald Trump and his running mate Sen. J.D. Vance pose a threat to anti-white racism, in a head-scratching rant that seemed to suggest this racism does exist and is actually okay.

"Lacking any sense of self-awareness, Reid delivered a ringing endorsement of the Trump-Vance ticket and didn’t even know it.

"Reid once again falsely tied Trump and Vance to the Project 2025 initiative, the Heritage Foundation’s conservative blueprint for a Republican president. The GOP nominee and his campaign have repeatedly denied any connection to the project and it is not part of the Trump-Vance platform.

"But Reid did not let facts slow her down.

" 'Republicans like Vance and Trump advisor Stephen Miller, who is tangentially connected to Project 2025, have made it a point to block these disbursements,” she claimed. warning they will “nationalize their long-term goal of putting a stop to what they call ‘anti-white racism,’” using air quotes to emphasize.

"This, she claimed was “just another way of saying ‘we’re sick of America being held accountable for actual racism.' ” . . .

How MSNBC’s Leftward Tilt Delivers Ratings, and Complications   “I love this network, but I’ve got to ask: Who’s writing your scripts? Hamas?” asked two days later on “Morning Joe.”

Vance: A real Marine

 Tom McCorkill

"Every Marine a rifleman" is perhaps the Marine Corps' most widely known edict.  It illustrates, in the most simplistic terms, the Corps' desire to infuse into every Marine the fighting spirit and ethos upon which the organization has relied for more than 227 years and continues to do so.  22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit

"I am not sure whether to be amused or insulted by the press coverage of Sen. J.D. Vance’s Marine service. The implication is that because he had a Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) of Combat Correspondent he was not a “warrior.” I spent 28 years in the Air Force and had many contacts with Marines. My brother-in-law was a Marine aircraft maintenance specialist during WW II. He served with “Pappy” Boyington in the Black Sheep Squadron. My son was a Marine intelligence NCO. I have many friends who were Marines.

"The ASVAB test is the standard test used by the U.S. military services to determine a recruit’s aptitudes and abilities.

The ASVAB is a timed, multi-aptitude test, which is given at more than 14,000 schools and Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) nationwide and is developed and maintained by the Defense Department (DoD). 

The ASVAB helps the DoD not just determine whether you are a good fit to join the service, but also which service branch you might be best for and even what military jobs you can hold after you finish basic training or boot camp. The better your ASVAB score, the broader your options.

"The minimum for acceptance in the Marine Corps is an ASVAB score of 50. The requirements for Combat Correspondent is an ASVAB score on the high side of 100. The same is true for the intelligence MOS held by my son. Other specialty fields, other than rifleman, have various ASVAB skill levels. But one thing I know is that every Marine is a rifleman above anything else. Sen. Vance served in a combat zone. His job may have been to record and report on Marine activities and operations but he was still a rifleman in a combat zone where he might have been subjected to potential hostile fire." . . .

The Marine Rifleman's creed

. . ."Before God, I swear this creed. My rifle and myself are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.

So be it, until victory is America’s and there is no enemy, but peace!!

 The men we choose to build Marines.

California Adopts Six Million Children

 American GreatnessThe traditional role of parents has been seized by the government in the Golden State. 

"While the Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion trends seem to be leveling off or even ebbing, the transgender craze is still in full bloom, at least in the very tarnished Golden State."

"On July 15, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 1955 into state law. This deplorable legislation bars school districts from requiring staff to notify parents if their child decides to change their gender. No other state in the country has passed such a drastic law. In fact, according to the Movement Advancement Project, eight states have already passed laws requiring school districts to inform parents if their children ask to use names or pronouns associated with another gender.

"The haughtily titled “Support Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth (SAFETY) Act” specifically forbids schools from adopting any policies that force them to disclose “any information related to a pupil’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil’s consent.”

"In the past, these matters were handled on the local level, but not anymore. Chino Valley Unified, Murrieta Valley Unified, Temecula Valley Unified, Orange Unified, Anderson Union High School District, Rocklin Unified, and Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District were among the school districts that had passed parental notification policies.

"The law is atrocious on so many levels. As mandated reporters, teachers are required to notify the authorities of any suspected child abuse. But this law assumes that the parents of some six million children are abusers, and the state needs to protect their kids from them. AB 1955 replaces parents with school counselors, teachers, and mental health providers.

"Jonathan Keller, president of the California Family Council, summed up the new law, saying, “By allowing schools to withhold vital information from mothers and fathers, this bill undermines their fundamental role and places boys and girls in potential jeopardy. Moms and dads have both a constitutional and divine mandate to guide and protect their kids, and AB 1955 egregiously violates this sacred trust.”

"Thankfully, legal action has been filed opposing the new law. On behalf of the Chino Valley School District, the Liberty Justice Center filed a lawsuit on July 16 challenging the newly enacted legislation. Emily Rae, Senior Counsel at the Liberty Justice Center, explains, “PK-12 minor students, most of whom are too young to drive, vote, or provide medical consent for themselves, are also too young to make life-altering decisions about their expressed gender identity without their parents’ knowledge. But that is precisely what AB 1955 enables—with potentially devastating consequences for children too young to fully comprehend them.' ”. . .

Larry Sand, a retired 28-year classroom teacher, is the president of the non-profit California Teachers Empowerment Network – a non-partisan, non-political group dedicated to providing teachers and the general public with reliable and balanced information about professional affiliations and positions on educational issues. The views presented here are strictly his own.

Adam Carolla Exposes Gavin Newsom and California's Political Facade!