Friday, August 16, 2024

Much discussion on a Biden-Harris administration

 American Thinker Blog: A sampling from an excellent source.

'Don't Take My Word For It...'   "Trump Plays Clips Of Harris's Past Statements On Jumbotron At Rally". . .

Kamala Harris website offers nine pronoun options for campaign applicants but zero policies   . . ."No substance and all fluff—the same attributes that failed to earn Harris a single primary or delegate—sounds about right for her presidential run."

Why is Harris seizing on Donald Trump's policies? 
. . . "Democrats don’t like losing. Often mentioned is their serious concern over
down-ballot races that might be (ahem) negatively impacted by trouble at the top of the ticket. Case in point: Adam “Pencil-neck” Schiff was a particularly vocal advocate for Biden to drop out. He just happens to be running to inherit Diane
Feinstein’s Senate seat. Need I remind you that the Democrats have 23 senate seats up for grabs, while the Republicans have a whopping ten. History grinds on such moments.

@jamesschmehl5972  She wasn't a " leader" yesterday. She's not a " leader " today.She won't be a " leader" tomorrow.

Kamala and Biden have clearly surrounded themselves with people who know nothing about business or economics    . . ."Biden and Harris turned on the government money presses and set out to destroy the oil industry through regulation, but somehow they aren't responsible for oil, gasoline, diesel and utilities prices spiking. These higher energy prices affect almost every visible thing we use, and of course, that's not including credit card bills and housing costs and health care and education costs, which saw even bigger inflationary spikes, based on the same root: the devaluation of the currency because the government printed too much money for all its big-spending programs.

"They campaigned on opening the border and flooding the country with immigrants and on day one Biden started signing executive orders opening it up but somehow they aren't responsible for the knock on effects, such as rent prices and other prices rising because towns have been flooded with people in places with too little housing." . . .

. . ."Now, as she campaigns for higher office, Harris seems to be doubling down on government intervention in the economy.

"The proposed policy aims to impose “stiff penalties” on the food industry. But many experts are raising red flags, comparing this approach to failed price control attempts in socialist economies.

"Mark Hemingway, a senior writer at RealClearPolitics, didn’t mince words: “Kamala Harris is literally proposing price controls on food. This is literally what the Soviets did and the results will be scarcity and higher costs.”. . .

Any student of Economics 101 can tell us that price controls leads to scarcity. Can we not find better people to run America that what we have available today?  People who surrendered to and completely equipped America's enemies are the ones who many want to run this nation's economy. TD

The quality of the many, many American voters and the education system developing them seems to be the downfall forming in our nation. TD

"Why is French President Emmanuel Macron cozying up to China while trashing his oldest ally, the United States?
"Why is there suddenly talk of discarding the dollar as the global currency?
"Why are Japan and India shrugging that they cannot follow the U.S. lead in boycotting Russian oil?
"Why is the president of Brazil traveling to China to pursue what he calls a “beautiful relationship”?
"Why is Israel suddenly facing attacks from its enemies in all directions?" . . .

DOOCY TIME: “When did you guys learn that Vice President Harris wants to distance herself from Bidenomics?” KJP: “Why do you think that?” Doocy: “Axios is now reporting that she is 'hoping to distance herself from President Biden's unpopularity on the economy.' Can you blame her?” . . .Full article...

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