Friday, August 16, 2024

Biden/Harris Maryland Event Has Embarrassing Moment When Dozens of People Walk Out


Harris disqualified herself with ignorant comments, not understanding or perhaps caring that overspending makes inflation worse. She talks about what she would do if she was elected on "day one" -- despite being in power now and not only not solving the problem but making things worse with bad policy. She also praised the "extraordinary Joe Biden." 

. . ."Shortly after Vice President Kamala Harris handed over the podium to President Biden on Thursday, dozens of attendees at a joint event simply stood up and left rather than listen to the retiring commander-in-chief.

"The rude demonstration was a stark showing of the enthusiasm gap among Democrats revved up by Harris’ sudden elevation as the party’s presidential nominee after Biden dropped out last month — amid reporting that Harris, 59, is seeking to redefine herself to gain distance from the unpopular incumbent.

"Adding insult to injury, when Biden, who regularly suffered low attendance at his own election rallies this year, and Harris greeted an overflow room, he was accused by multiple irate protesters of facilitating “genocide” in the Gaza Strip." . . .

Crowd leaves joint Biden-Harris event early after VP hands off lectern to lame-duck prez (  

Biden seemed to recycle that badly botched line in his Thursday remarks, saying, “We finally beat Big Pharma.” Although Biden urged the nation to “lower the temperature” of the election campaign last month after Trump was wounded in an assassination attempt, he used violent verbiage at the suburban Maryland event.

 "Donald Dump"? How grade school can one get? Intelligent arguments apparently not accessible to these people.

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