Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Kamala Harris plan to tax 'unrealized gains' would crash the American economy

The Dossier by Jordan Schachtel

 "The Supreme Court is currently reviewing the constitutionality of such a concept. Let’s hope they strike it down and take a potential instrument to detonate the American economy out of the hands of Kamala Harris and her allies in Congress."

"This week, the Kamala Harris campaign unsurprisingly endorsed the Biden-Harris administration’s fiscal year 2025 budget, which stands to increase taxes by at least $5 trillion over the next decade.

"The most controversial idea within the hyper-progressive shakedown plan is an annual 25 percent *minimum* tax on “unrealized gains” of individuals with income and assets that exceed $100 million, according to Americans For Tax Reform.

"As with all new taxes, that number will almost certainly come down to envelop much of society.

"America’s original federal income tax only applied to less than one percent of all households. It now applies to almost three-quarters of the country.

"But even if we put aside the inevitable, an unrealized gains tax on America’s wealthiest citizens would result in absolute disaster.

"An unrealized gain is a positive change in the value of a stock, bond, or any asset of value that you have purchased but not yet sold. This would potentially apply to assets like your home, any collectors items, your gold stash, your bitcoin holdings, the stocks in your brokerage account, and many other equities.

"Even if you believe that a Harris Administration would only tax the “super rich,” the cascading effects of forcing all these people to sell off their "unrealized" assets will crash the economy, destroy innovation, and lead those targeted by the government to flee the country.

"There are roughly 10,000 Americans whose wealth crosses over that $100 million threshold. And here’s how this tax would “trickle down” to lower tax brackets:

"Say you’re Elon Musk or Larry Ellison, who both happen to be GOP voters, who are less likely to find a magic Democrat carve out or loophole to avoid the pain of an unrealized gains tax.

"Musk owns over 20% of Tesla’s shares outstanding. Ellison owns 42% of Oracle’s outstanding stock. Should these men be hit with a 25% annual tax on their unrealized gains, they could be forced to dump tens of billions of dollars onto the market on a yearly basis." . . .

One Democrat Supreme Court justice chosen by Biden could not define a woman to the Congressional committee. Can we have confidence in her wisdom at judging a complicated issue as what Kamala has planned for us? TD

Megyn Kelly: ‘Kamala Harris is not a smart person'

Serenading Kamala

 Serenading Kamala; Dear Kamala: We’re here for you. XO, the media

The media has less than 100 days to convince the American people that the vacuous politician they despise is the Second Coming of Obama, and the only way to do that is to oversaturate every medium with hagiographic, sickeningly sweet rubbish.    

. . ."There is no free press in this country.

"During the Obama years, I referred to the American corporate media as “The Enslaved Press.” Their job was not to hold the Obama administration to account or “speak Truth to Power.” Instead, the press willingly indentured itself to the Obama administration, unquestioningly regurgitating its talking points while attacking anyone who criticized the sainted Barack.

"They even helped get a rodeo clown fired.

"For Kamala Harris, the corporate news media is taking it even further. No longer satisfied with enslaving themselves to a politician, they have castrated themselves in service to their Queen." . . .   Kamala Harris is not a blank slate like Barack Obama. She is a known entity with lower approval ratings than Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Since Kamala Won't Tell You Her Policies, Trump Will  . . ."This election will be decided by a few hundred thousand people. This website gives us an idea of what Trump's messaging to them will be. 

"But don't be fooled. Unless you live in a vital swing region, you are just seeing the tip of the iceberg. 

"Still, this list tells you what Trump wants swing voters to focus on, and it is a pretty darn good list of issues." . . . 

"The Trump people have been smart and not given a huge laundry list of Kamala's worst hits. Instead they have created a "Top 9" list of issues that hit middle class Americans in the gut." 

Also here at The Dossier Saving to buy a home or a car? "An unrealized earning tax is an Orwellian concept and it serves as the ultimate government power grab."

Biden’s DNC Speech Included An FU to Israel

Lies, Half-Truths, And Omissions That Corrupted The Truth

Oh, and if you think President Biden’s section about Israel was terrible, just wait until Thursday night. Kamala Harris’ will be a real whopper. She makes Joe Biden and  Barack Obama look pro-Israel.

 "Joe Biden’s mention of the Israel/Hamas war during his DNC speech proved again that except for the first month and a half after October 7, Biden has never been pro-Israel.   Amazingly, despite his advanced dementia, he remembered the Democratic rule of talking about Israel. Omitting or bending facts, half-truths, or even lying in an attempt to seem fair but actually trying to promote an anti-Israel position.

"Allow me to explain. This  President Lame Duck said to the Democratic Party convention on August 19. Well, not exactly. His loving party allowed him to start his speech at 11:30 EDT and end it on August 20.

"Per “The Lid” tradition, the black type is Biden’s speech, and the red words are my comments, which are responses to particular phrases in Biden’s speech (those phrases are in bold). It is presented as a response to Joe even though he is not a big reader of The Lid." . . .

..."Joe you say you don’t want the war to expand? Israel is fighting Hamas, the militants (hey, I got one right), the militants who massacred Israeli citizens on Oct.7. Israel is NOT fighting the Palestinian people. Heck, Israel is not even fighting the people of Gaza. That lie gave some PR ammo to the spin-masters trying to get the Palestinian Authority to join in. It also gave ammo to [Iran] its family of militant (terrorist) organizations, and the people in the Democratic Party and across the country that want Israel destroyed. After all, they were said by the president."... 

Ford Cuts Back EV Production Due To Lousy Sales

The Lid

"Far-Left Ruining Auto Biz Because Of Unproven Climate Change Hypothesis"  People just aren't buying the whole thing.

. . ."One reason for the lousy economy the Biden/Harris administration created was their love of the climate change hypothesis. Well, not exactly love. More likely, it’s because their far-left base believes that CO2 will melt the ice caps, throwing Earth’s entire land mass underwater. Because of the Biden/Harris’ far-left base belief in the still unproven climate change hypothesis, the Biden/Harris administration damaged a working economy to placate their far-left base." . . .

Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Dumps Woke Diversity Policies after Customer Outcry    "The current CEO of motorcycle maker Harley Davidson is a whacked out, left-wing, lunatic who pledged to drive his company down the street of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), but after a public outcry, the company is announcing they are abandoning that campaign.

"CEO Jochen Zeitz — who is not even an American — was heard touting his DEI obsession and telling the media how he intended to force Harley to become a woke juggernaut because America is too stupid and evil to be allowed to think for themselves.

"But Harley fans did not take the news very well. Many began flooding social media with criticism and a boycott effort was launched." . . .

"Just shut the hell up and make stuff for us to buy. We don’t need your moralizing."

Thank Robby Starbuck for the anti-woke drive.

“The West has committed the greatest self-immolation in human history”

Legal Insurrection   

They’re sick of it in Europe, where nationalist and pro-Israel parties did well in European Parliament elections, and some high profile anti-Israel parties got clobbered.  "The Pro-Israel, Pro-American Backlash Is Coming"
Including those teaching students to chant "Death to America"

"Gad Saad is someone to whom I need to pay more careful attention – his insights into the self-inflicted collapse of the West are frank and brutally honest. I find myself re-Tweeting (or whatever it’s called now on X) him frequently.

“When the leaders hate their civilization more than their enemies do, the civilization is doomed. Never before has history witnessed such a gargantuan self-inflicted death of a civilization that was an existential light in an otherwise world of historical darkness.”

"This recent tweet of his fairly succinctly summed up the situation:

Remember: War is coming to every corner in the West. It might take 5 days, 5 years, or 50 years but it’s coming. The West has committed the greatest self-immolation in human history. Save this post. I would argue the war already is here and has been for decades.

"That war certainly is here already in education. You know its in higher ed, but its also in grade schools.

"Read this article in The Tablet by Neetu Arnold, someone I knew when she was an undergraduate student at Cornell and who now works at the National Association of Scholars, The Child Soldiers of Ethnic Studies.

“From a young age, more American students are fed anti-Western material funded and distributed by a constellation of dark money, left-wing groups, foreign governments, and even from our own government” . . .

Kamala Harris's Dangerous Agenda

 If Biden Saved the Economy, Why Do We Need Harris’s Price Controls?   "After all the talk of abortion rights, protecting democracy, and how “fun” Vice President Kamala Harris apparently is, the first night of the Democratic National Convention culminated with a celebration of President Joe Biden’s four years in office.

"Biden “recovered all those millions of jobs that [Donald] Trump watched slip away,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D–Ill.) declared. Biden “rebuilt the economy” after the pandemic put it “flat on its back,” intoned Sen. Chris Coons (D–Conn.), a longtime Biden stan [sic]. 

"Biden himself put the cherry on top. “We’ve had one of the most extraordinary four years of progress ever,” the president said. “We gone from economic crisis to the strongest economy in the entire world,” he claimed, pointing to job creation figures, economic growth, higher wages, and “inflation down, way down, and continuing to go down.”

"If so, someone should probably tell Vice President Kamala Harris about all that.

"Just four days ago, Harris outlined plans for gigantic government interventions in the economy, including price controls. In what was billed as the first major policy speech of her hastily assembled campaign, Harris promised to implement the “first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries” and to take other actions to empower the federal government to “bring down costs.”

"(There’s been some debate in the days since her speech about whether it is fair to say Harris has called for price controls, but economist Brian Albretch has laid out clearly why she in fact did, writing that “any policy that gives the government the power to decide what price increases are ‘fair’ or ‘unfair’ is effectively a price control system. It doesn’t matter if you call it ‘anti-gouging,’ ‘fair pricing,’ or ‘consumer protection’—the effect is the same. When bureaucrats, not markets, determine acceptable prices, we’re dealing with price controls.”)"

Setting Murderers free   EXCLUSIVE: New Trump Rally Video Scorches Kamala For Pushing Dangerous Minnesota Bail Fund (

Don Surber; A joke president

. . ."Democrats replaced the patrons with actors for the campaign stop in an effort to mimic President Trump’s ability to stop at a fast-food joint to draw cheers from surprised customers. Shame on Primanti for allowing this. Shame on other news outlets for not reporting this.

"But we have no shame anymore in America, which is, well, a shame.

"Kamala and Tampon Tim are disastrous candidates who never won a single primary vote for the office as Democrats appeal to the lowest common denominator with a couple of zeroes. They are the Cackler and the Coward.  

"Democrats spin the tag team’s lack of seriousness as joy, but their election puts our nation at great risk." . . .

‘Filled with fury’: Douglas Murray calls out Joe Biden’s ‘fake’ anger

"Author Douglas Murray has called out President Joe Biden’s anger during his Democratic National Convention address as “fake”. “ 'So angry, so sort of filled with fury which I just can't help thinking looks completely put on. I have to say, it just looks completely staged and fake to me, that performance,” Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “It is as if he's trying to show there's life in the old guy yet.”

Montage: Biden ‘Lies and Slurs His Way Through His Entire Speech’  "A video montage from Pres. Joe Biden’s speech Monday at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) shows Biden making gaffes and repeating long-debunked slurs about former President Donald Trump, the 2024 Republican presidential nominee.
"The video posted to social media by investor and Trending Politics Co-Owner Collin Rugg recaps the venom, rage and dishonesty of Biden’s speech on the DNC’s opening night.
"From salacious distortions of Trump’s comments to outlandish claims about border security and democracy, the video recaps nine lowlights from Biden’s speech." . . .

"He's complaining about tax rates under HIS OWN ADMINISTRATION. Bright."

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A picture of Harris begins to emerge

 Fact check: Photo does not show drunk Kamala Harris throwing up in bushes and staggering around | Reuters

As Kamala Harris masks her radicalism, AOC’s speech showed Democrats’ true face     . . ."Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took the stage at the Democratic National Convention a little after 9:30 p.m. Monday, smack dab in the middle of primetime.

President Joe Biden, meanwhile, was relegated to a speaking slot outside of the coveted broadcast window nearly two hours later.

"The striking contrast of their scheduling said a lot — not just about Biden’s and AOC’s personal trajectories, but about the ideological course of the Democratic Party.

"In the days since Vice President Kamala Harris replaced Biden as the Democrats’ presidential nominee, we’ve seen a concerted effort to recast Harris as the kind of candidate that moderates can unreservedly pull the lever for."

In a bold move, the Trump campaign created a website for Harris, displaying her public policy platform.   . . ."Since Vice President Kamala Harris has yet to inform voters of her public policy points, the Trump campaign saved her the trouble and released the information for her, Fox News Digital reports.

"'In a bold move, the Trump campaign created a website for Harris, displaying her public policy platform.

“Kamala Harris has yet to tell voters what her policies are, so we thought we’d help them out. Kamala Harris wants to open the borders, raise taxes, and free criminals,” a Trump campaign national press secretary told the outlet regarding the website.

"Called, the website was launched on Wednesday morning, as the Democratic National Convention (DNC) kicked off its third day. Once viewers click on the website, they are greeted with three images of the vice president laughing with a caption that reads, “Kamala Harris’ dangerous policies are nothing to laugh about.”

"The website lists nine platforms that the Harris campaign is running, which include that she fought “to set murderers free,” desires to “abolish the border,” wants to “eliminate private health insurance” and seeks to give illegal immigrants Social Security and Medicare." . . .

I was a captive of Hamas. After I was freed, I was imprisoned by online trolls.

 Agam Goldstein-Almog  I was among the Oct. 7 hostages. I dreamed of freedom, and hoped the world would embrace us.  Via American Jewish Committee

But then these people happened: I have watched as the movement in the West for a Gaza cease-fire sometimes devolves into full-throated support for Hamas and the hounding of Jews in public spaces. I’m sure my kidnappers still hate me, but when American students call for “intifada” or chant in praise of Hamas terrorists “Al-Qassam, you make us proud,” I’m reminded that many other people do, too.

"Growing up in Kibbutz Kfar Aza next to Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip meant a childhood that could be interrupted at any moment by sirens warning of a Hamas rocket attack. Sibling fights or quiet nights were instantly turned into a scramble for the nearest safe room. Hamas took control of Gaza a few months before I was born in 2007, so living in its shadow is all I have ever known.

"Having 15 seconds to run to safety might not be a common theme in childhood nostalgia, but

I convinced myself that it had made me stronger than kids from the comfortable Tel Aviv bubble."

Agam Goldstein-Almog

"Then came Oct. 7. Hamas terrorists charged into our home, shooting my father, Nadav, and sister, Yam, in a furious ecstasy of hate. I was dragged out of the house together with my mother and two younger brothers and forced into a car to Gaza. I see my father’s fading eyes when I close mine at night.

"Arriving in Gaza, the car was surrounded by a mob, mostly people who appeared to be about my own age, 17, or younger. They smiled and laughed as I wept.In Judaism, there is a tradition that baseless hatred — hatred divorced from all reason — is what led to the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in A.D. 70. I now know what it means to be hated baselessly — for all that I am and all I am not.

"My Hamas guards hated me for being Jewish, so I was coerced into reciting Islamic prayers and made to wear a hijab. I was forbidden from mourning my father and sister, and often ordered to look down at the ground. Six female hostages I met in a tunnel told me about men with guns who came into their shower rooms and touched their bodies." . . .

"Now a dangerous escalation in the war that began on Oct. 7 may loom, involving an Iranian regime that has long promised to wipe Israel off the map. Theirs is the same hatred that killed my father and sister. The same hatred that poisons too many campuses and too much of social media."

Emphasis mine. TD. See also: Hamas and their useful idiots in the streets and on the stage in Chicago

Hamas and their useful idiots in the streets and on the stage in Chicago

 "Father, Child Tied Together, Burnt Alive" | What We Saw At Israel's Foreign Media Briefing | Hamas   "Barkha Dutt in Israel: At Israel's National Medical Forensic Center, examiners are working around the clock to identify as many of the 1,400 bodies of Hamas victims as they can.

"In a press briefing, Dr. Chen Kugel, the director of Israel's National Center of Forensic Medicine, explained how Hamas unleashed horror on innocent civilians.
" 'I don't know if we will be able to take DNA from these samples because they are very charred,” he said. " 'Some of the victims were not shot as no metal fragments were discovered in their bodies, but they were burned. It's like a crematorium.”

Kibbutz life for Israelis and death by Palestinians "He showed one example of two people whose bodies were discovered together in a burned-out safe room. “This is an adult with a child. The adult was hugging the child, and a metal wire might have been used to tie the two bodies together. They were burned like this," Kugel told reporters."

Kamala Harris Would Be Disastrous for the Middle East Especially if she tries to please those scarf people chanting "death to America!" and "Death to Israel!"outside the DNC.

"With Donald Trump and Kamala Harris functionally tied in the polls, it is high time to ask: What would a Harris foreign policy look like?

"First, let’s dismiss the idea that Harris has little foreign policy experience and, therefore, will likely rely heavily on veterans of the Biden, Obama, and Clinton administrations. This view is comforting to the alumni of previous Democratic administrations and suggests continuity. It is also convenient for partisans and pundits on both sides of the Blue-Red divide, allowing them to defend or attack Harris based on the Biden record." . . .

. . ."America’s allies already see the signs. Zelensky has sent Ukrainian forces into Russia itself. It will need Russian territory to trade away in any Harris-convened “peace conference” with Russia. Israel’s focus on total victory in Gaza and, perhaps, in Lebanon is with the tacit understanding that it may lose access to U.S. weapons and intelligence in a Harris administration. The world is becoming more dangerous as allies position themselves for America’s departure. They know that Afghanistan, Cambodia, and South Vietnam were allies once and do not wish to share their fate." (Emphasis mine, TD)

Damning impeachment report shows why Dems were desperate to get rid of corrupt Biden

Andrew C. McCarthy

"Democrats will open their convention with a celebration of President Biden, the candidate for whom they nigh-unanimously voted in primaries only to jettison as unelectable as November beckoned.

"What better time, then, to remind the public of why Biden was thrown under the proverbial bus?

"That’s the thinking of House Republicans, who’ve released a final report on their long-running probe of the Biden family business — i.e., the lucrative sale of Biden’s political influence to agents of corrupt and anti-American regimes.

"It’s two extremes of reckoning the Biden record.

"The Democratic encomia will be as cynical as their bookend project (to be executed Tuesday through Thursday): the transmogrification of Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris, from unpopular speaker of word salads to America’s progressive sweetheart.

"Of course, Biden and his record are the last things Democrats want to remind the country of; they are doing this Chicago farewell because it’s the price he and his family — his “Biden Brand” collaborators — demanded before he would step aside." . . .

Satire from the Babylon Bee

. . ."Following his keynote speech on Monday night, Biden was ushered off of the stage and quickly discarded with other used-up and unwanted items, where he was later discovered by a group of homeless men looking for food.

" 'Hey, is that the president?" one of the filthy vagrants reportedly asked after seeing Biden's legs protruding from the dumpster. "I'd know that shuffling movement anywhere. My friends and I rushed over to help him out of the dumpster, and sure enough, it was Joe Biden. I guess the Democrats finally decided they had gotten what they wanted and didn't need him anymore.' " . . .