Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Damning impeachment report shows why Dems were desperate to get rid of corrupt Biden

Andrew C. McCarthy

"Democrats will open their convention with a celebration of President Biden, the candidate for whom they nigh-unanimously voted in primaries only to jettison as unelectable as November beckoned.

"What better time, then, to remind the public of why Biden was thrown under the proverbial bus?

"That’s the thinking of House Republicans, who’ve released a final report on their long-running probe of the Biden family business — i.e., the lucrative sale of Biden’s political influence to agents of corrupt and anti-American regimes.

"It’s two extremes of reckoning the Biden record.

"The Democratic encomia will be as cynical as their bookend project (to be executed Tuesday through Thursday): the transmogrification of Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris, from unpopular speaker of word salads to America’s progressive sweetheart.

"Of course, Biden and his record are the last things Democrats want to remind the country of; they are doing this Chicago farewell because it’s the price he and his family — his “Biden Brand” collaborators — demanded before he would step aside." . . .

Satire from the Babylon Bee

. . ."Following his keynote speech on Monday night, Biden was ushered off of the stage and quickly discarded with other used-up and unwanted items, where he was later discovered by a group of homeless men looking for food.

" 'Hey, is that the president?" one of the filthy vagrants reportedly asked after seeing Biden's legs protruding from the dumpster. "I'd know that shuffling movement anywhere. My friends and I rushed over to help him out of the dumpster, and sure enough, it was Joe Biden. I guess the Democrats finally decided they had gotten what they wanted and didn't need him anymore.' " . . .

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