Thursday, August 22, 2024

Serenading Kamala

 Serenading Kamala; Dear Kamala: We’re here for you. XO, the media

The media has less than 100 days to convince the American people that the vacuous politician they despise is the Second Coming of Obama, and the only way to do that is to oversaturate every medium with hagiographic, sickeningly sweet rubbish.    

. . ."There is no free press in this country.

"During the Obama years, I referred to the American corporate media as “The Enslaved Press.” Their job was not to hold the Obama administration to account or “speak Truth to Power.” Instead, the press willingly indentured itself to the Obama administration, unquestioningly regurgitating its talking points while attacking anyone who criticized the sainted Barack.

"They even helped get a rodeo clown fired.

"For Kamala Harris, the corporate news media is taking it even further. No longer satisfied with enslaving themselves to a politician, they have castrated themselves in service to their Queen." . . .   Kamala Harris is not a blank slate like Barack Obama. She is a known entity with lower approval ratings than Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Since Kamala Won't Tell You Her Policies, Trump Will  . . ."This election will be decided by a few hundred thousand people. This website gives us an idea of what Trump's messaging to them will be. 

"But don't be fooled. Unless you live in a vital swing region, you are just seeing the tip of the iceberg. 

"Still, this list tells you what Trump wants swing voters to focus on, and it is a pretty darn good list of issues." . . . 

"The Trump people have been smart and not given a huge laundry list of Kamala's worst hits. Instead they have created a "Top 9" list of issues that hit middle class Americans in the gut." 

Also here at The Dossier Saving to buy a home or a car? "An unrealized earning tax is an Orwellian concept and it serves as the ultimate government power grab."

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