Thursday, September 5, 2024

IDF finds shaft to tunnel where bodies of hostages found in a kids' yard

  The Jerusalem Post (  

"The tunnel was hidden in a child's yard, a place where a child should be safe, and not used as a human shield for Hamas."

"In a published video, a soldier explained that the IDF received clear intelligence about the location of the tunnel shaft, leading the IDF to operate in that precise location."
No shame?

 Details of the operation

"The IDF retrieved the bodies of the hostages from a tunnel under the city of Rafah in Gaza. They were likely slaughtered by Hamas shortly before the IDF got to them in Rafah.

"The bodies were found only one kilometer from where Kaid Farhan al-Alkadi, age 52, from Rahat, was found last week. Since Alkadi was found, the IDF put out instructions to be extra careful in the area, but it is possible that Hamas killed the six, knowing that the military was close by and that the hostages might be taken by the IDF alive.' "

IDF Video Shows Entry To Rafah Tunnel Where 6 Slain Hostages Were Found| Children's Yard Hamas' Den?

"Do You Hold ALL Palestinians Culpable?" Douglas Murray on Israel-Hamas, Riots & More (    
Douglas is steadfast in his belief that Hamas is the central cause of the conflict, stating that the aim of Hamas is not a ceasefire, but the destruction of Israel; but Piers holds his feet to the fire. Piers makes the point that many Palestinians aren't supporters of Hamas but are dying anyway. Douglas concedes that he doesn't blame all Palestinians, but says that 'they elected Hamas'.

Joe and Kamala struggle.

Biden Goes Full-On Incoherent in Pittsburgh, What He Says About Kamala Is Incredible – RedState  "Joe Biden is back before the cameras. 

Ian Macfarlane
"In some ways, it would be better if he stayed on vacation, as he may do less damage then when he's actually before the cameras and talking. How wrong it is that the Democrats have put us in that position with him, by not being honest about his condition. Kamala Harris is chief among those who has not been honest with the American people about Biden's issues. 

"After making bizarre comments before and after a meeting in the Situation Room about the situation in Israel, Biden went with Harris to Pittsburgh for a campaign event with union people." . . .
Kamala’s Campaign Is Flailing So Badly the DOJ Just Tried to Toss Her a ‘Russia Collusion’ Lifeline     . . ."The DOJ wants voters to believe Russia is spreading disinformation, and Russia wants Trump to win. And, as a good red-blooded American, you must vote for Harris instead.
"Putin, however, has said he’d prefer to see Biden defeat Trump. And that likely extends to Harris now as well, considering she would represent a de facto second term for him.

"All of this spells absolute doom for Kamala’s campaign. She has no original policies to speak of, no platform posted for the American people to read. She just has the same tired "disinformation" and ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ shtick we all saw play out in 2016 and 2020.

"It sounds like a desperate last-gasp effort by the Harris campaign after realizing she earned a negligible post-DNC bump in national polling and hasn’t even moved the meter in battleground states.

"The American people are too intelligent to fall for this nonsense. The Russia meddling narrative is dead."

Putin says Russia prefers Biden to Trump | AP News   "President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would prefer to see U.S. President Joe Biden win a second term, describing him as more experienced and predictable than Donald Trump — even though Moscow strongly disagrees with the current administration’s policies.
"Putin’s comments during an interview with Russian state television Wednesday were his first about the upcoming U.S. presidential election, likely to pit Biden against Trump. They were rare praise for Biden, a fierce critic of the Russian leader who has frequently lauded Trump.
" 'Biden, he’s more experienced, more predictable, he’s a politician of the old formation,” Putin said, when asked which candidate would be better for Russia. “But we will work with any U.S. leader whom the American people trust.”
"Putin’s motives for saying Biden is a better choice for Russia were unclear, but the assertion was eyebrow-raising given prior U.S. government assessments of the Russian leader’s support for Trump and of Kremlin efforts to tip American elections in his favor." . . .

Hamas vows to kill hostages at 'risk' of rescue, and Biden ups his pressure on Israel

 NY Post (

A protester holds a photo of slain hostage Carmel Gat, killed in captivity in Gaza,
during a rally calling for an immediate hostage deal and release of hostages held by
 Hamas in the Gaza Strip

"Hamas has now basically admitted it killed those six hostages rather than risk their liberation — indeed, all but boasted of it.” 

"Meanwhile, the Harris-Biden administration seems to be taking the tragedy as license to push Israel into a cease-fire deal that could let the terrorists re-supply.

"Asked by a reporter Monday if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had done enough to secure a hostage deal, Biden gave a flat “No” while claiming “we’re very close” to proposing another hostage deal this week, and “Hope springs eternal.”

"Hamas refused to accept the last cease-fire offer, even as Netanyahu was signaling (some) willingness to bend on the crucial question of the Philadephi corridor: Who is to control the Gaza-Egyptian border during any ceasefire?

"Cairo, it turns out, had let the area be riddled with smuggling tunnels on its watch, so Bibi is reluctant to let the IDF cede control even temporarily now — lest Hamas take the opportunity to re-arm and/or get its top leaders out of Dodge." . . .

Are the citizens of Israel failing their leaders? - Michael Abel  . . ."The cruelty and depravity of Hamas need not be recited here.  They are the worst of the worst, and, in my humble opinion, the policy of total destruction of the line fighters and leaders is the only path for Israel.  The Munich solution (which created a lot of problems for Israel) is the only solution.  Now Israel needs to cripple the money highway that funds Hamas.  This is a political problem and, I admit, a difficult one.

"But a fifth column has developed in Israel that wants a deal with Hamas at any price.  The families of the hostages and the leftist unions have organized a protest machine that threatens to bring down the wartime government.  They want a Shalit deal, but even worse.  Besides releasing (let’s guess) 2,000 committed terrorists"

"To survive this horror, Israel must stand firm.  Some terrorists you might be able to negotiate with, but these are the worst of the worst.  To blame Bibi for the lack of a hostage agreement is like blaming Trump for the abortive Afghanistan withdrawal.  The actions of Hamas murdering these innocent hostages shows the depravity of these killers.  Israel’s only defense is to kill each and every Hamas soldier and every leader, wherever they reside in this world.  It may be tragic for the families of the roughly 100 hostages to “give up” on them, but the downside of giving in to Hamas will result in a much worse outcome for Israel."

Nice people; see how they look just like our own college kids here in America! TD

Hamas hints six slain hostages extracted by IDF were murdered because troops were near
Dressed just like the college students at the pro-Hamas rally in America's streets. Lets sooth their anger by giving them their own state just across the fence from Israel's villages. Then they will be good neighbors. TD

Hamas vs. the Israel and her ally, the "greatest nation in the world"

Imagine the Israelis caught between murderous Arabs who want all Jews dead and in the worst possible way, and allies such as America, a nation of silly people; people who choose for leaders those seen at any Democrat gathering. People wearing designer scarves and vandalizing historical monuments; cheering those we went to war against seven decades ago and stopped - too late - those wanting to kill Jews by the millions.

Oh that America could be capable of the greatness and heroism that we see from those living in the tiny nation of Israel. TD

Michigan Democrat Rep. Haley Stevens wonders why Hamas didn’t release the hostages after Congress sent the aid to Gaza   "Government, by virtue of being a business that pays its employees regardless of their aptitude or work performance, naturally draws a class of people who have few employment opportunities (if any) outside the public sector. Our “public servants” are just hopelessly stupid; who would hire them except government officials and uninformed voters?

"Rep. Hank Johnson worried about Guam “capsizing” if too many people were on the island at one time, Jerry Brown, who said we needed “more welfare” and fewer jobs, AOC the barmaid, doesn’t understand that illegally crossing the border is illegal, we’re still saddled with bottom-of-the-class Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and her Alpha-Bits word scrambles, peppered with explanations of school buses being yellow, may be sitting at the Resolute Desk in January, we’ve got way too many DEI hires to count, and now, Michigan Democrat Representative Haley Stevens is wondering why Hamas didn’t release the hostages its terrorists took captive on October 7—after all, the aid trucks went in, so why didn’t the hostages come out?" . . .

Comment to this photo: "I think we found out whose been stealing all the humanitarian aid rations. Allahu Snackbar!! #HamasTerrorists"

. . .“US universities are in the hands of students and professors that while condemning Israeli crimes in Gaza, are calling for the release of protesting students and the reinstatement of sacked students and members of faculty,” wrote the ultra-hardline Keyhan, which has been heralding the ‘demise’ and ‘end’ of the US and Israel for many years. And, this time it is not just celebrating present events — but, the future, in which the author speculates that the US election hinges on the candidates’ support for Palestine." 

 Using antisemitic trope, Khamenei welcomes US student protesters to ‘Resistance Front’ | The Times of Israel    "Iran’s supreme leader has offered praise to students who roiled US university campuses with anti-Israel protests, and appended the antisemitic claim that Jews manipulate global media.

"In an open letter to US university students, Ali Khamenei said the students have “now formed a branch of the Resistance Front,” referring to a loose alliance of Iran-backed terror groups and militias around the Middle East seeking to destroy Israel and kill American troops, including Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Yemen’s Houthis, Iraq’s Islamic Resistance, and the Hamas terror group that rules Gaza." . . .

“The support and solidarity of your professors is a significant and consequential development. This can offer some measure of comfort in the face of your government’s police brutality and the pressures it is exerting on you,” he wrote."

The protest — organized by two leftist groups, the pro-Palestinian organization “Within Our Lifetime” and “Healthcare Workers for Palestine” — began in Union Square before protesters marched to Washington Square Park, chanting phrases like “Israel, go to hell.” Within Our Lifetime said the March is part of a broader nationwide movement, CBS News reported.
What on earth has happened to America's moral compass?

The Media Lies Add Up; Victor Davis Hanson

  American Greatness ( 

"Their new problem with Biden was not just his long-standing embarrassing dementia. Rather bad polls increasingly warned that voters no longer believed their lies and thus would likely not reelect Biden but would instead punish most Democrats in the upcoming 2024 election."

"For some nine years, the media and the left have successfully fed the country a succession of rank deceptions and conspiracies."

""The public is exhausted after a decade of chronic untruth from the left-wing and its media.

"The 2016 presidential campaign will be long remembered for the false allegation that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to warp the election.

"Citing the bogus “Steele dossier,” loser Hillary Clinton and other Democrat grandees claimed that the victorious Trump was an “illegitimate” president.

"Almost immediately, the left and media then pushed for the appointment of special prosecutor Robert Mueller. He assembled a ‘dream team’ of partisan prosecutors to prove Trump-Russian collusion.

"Some 22 months later, Mueller found no evidence that Donald Trump improperly won the 2016 election with help from any colluding Russians.

"More hysteria followed when Trump was impeached in December 2019.

"The left claimed he had pressured the Ukrainian government to look into the family of Joe Biden (then a potential 2020 election opponent) for its corruption with Ukrainian oligarchs—as a condition for releasing military aid designated to Kyiv.

"Yet Hunter Biden was paid nearly $1 million a year by a Ukrainian energy company to enlist his father, Vice President Joe Biden, for quid pro quo services.

"In turn, Joe Biden himself later bragged he had pressured Ukraine to fire its prosecutor, Victor Shokin—who happened to be looking too closely into the various shady schemes of the Biden family.

"The deceptions and lies continued.

"On the eve of the first 2020 debate, Biden aide and now Secretary of State Antony Blinken helped to round up “51 former intelligence authorities” to claim falsely that Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop—full of incriminating evidence of felonious Biden family behavior—was fabricated by the Russians.

"Yet the FBI already had the laptop and had authenticated it as genuine." . . .

6 Hostages Murdered. Put Heat on Hamas, Not Netanyahu

 Debra Saunders: RealClearPolitics 

At Tuesday's White House press briefing, Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre why Biden is "harder on Benjamin Netanyahu than he is on the terrorist leader of Hamas."

"WASHINGTON -- A reporter asked President Joe Biden if he thought Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was "doing enough" as the president returned to the White House on Monday. Biden answered, "No."

"Biden added that he was pushing as "hard as we can for a deal" for a ceasefire in Gaza that would bring home hostages.

"The bodies of six of those hostages were found murdered in a tunnel in Gaza over the weekend, including Israeli-American citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23.

"Once again, the pressure is on Bibi, and hence on Biden to lean on Bibi -- and not Hamas, the terrorist group that killed 1,200 on Oct. 7 and abducted some 251 hostages

"Methinks the very focus of the White House press corps about what Biden will do to force a ceasefire deal lets Hamas off the hook.

"Ditto the massive protests in Tel Aviv against Netanyahu.

"American billionaire Bill Ackman, whose criticism of university diversity, equity and inclusion policies helped spur the resignation of academic biggies, including Harvard President Claudine Gay, had strong words of advice for activists who took to Israeli streets to protest Netanyahu.

" 'By protesting Israel's leadership one day after Hamas executed an American and five Israelis in cold blood, the protesters are rewarding Hamas for their barbaric acts and blaming their leadership for the loss. This is a very bad message to send to terrorists," Ackman posted on X.

"Ackman cautioned, "I fear it will only embolden the enemy to execute more heinous acts."

"During a press event, Netanyahu warned of the consequences of protests and calls for further concessions after the brutal execution of the six hostages.

" 'What message does this send Hamas?" the prime minister asked. "It says kill more hostages -- murder more hostages, you'll get more concessions."

"Netanyahu was especially critical of the consequences of giving Hamas a win for an international and domestic pressure campaign." . . .

Biden Blames Bibi: Failed President Disgustingly Says Netanyahu 'Not Doing Enough' After Hostages Killed – RedState

. . ."It's already a given that Joe Biden will leave office as the most cognitively vacant president of the United States in history. There's also a strong argument to be made that he'll be remembered as the most shameless." . . .

 . . ."Raise your hand if you think Biden's answer — particularly in the aftermath of the cowardly murder of six hostages by Hamas, with the IDF reportedly close to rescuing them — was morally repugnant." . . . 

California’s anti-business, high-tax policies are driving businesses and people away -

 "Chevron’s departure should serve a wake-up call for California and other high-tax states. The movement of people and wealth across state lines is not just a coincidence—it’s a direct result of policy decisions." 

California had the chance to be rid of Newsom but chose to keep him. How could the man and his voters not have known what his policies would do? TD

California Political Review  "Chevron, one of America’s largest corporations, recently made headlines with its decision to relocate its headquarters from San Ramon, California, to Houston, Texas. This move is not just another routine corporate shuffle; it is a loud and clear message to high-tax states like California, which have long been suffering the economic consequences of their own policies. Chevron’s exit serves as a stark reminder that poor economic practices, overregulation, and high taxation have real consequences—and they are driving businesses and individuals away.

"Chevron’s CEO, Mike Wirth, was refreshingly candid about the reasons behind this move. In a statement to The Wall Street Journal, Wirth pointed out that California’s policies have raised costs, hurt customers, and discouraged investment, ultimately stifling economic growth in the state. This is not just Chevron’s opinion; it’s a reflection of a broader trend where states with burdensome regulations and high taxes are losing their competitive edge, while states with more free market and business-friendly environments, like Texas, are thriving.

"Chevron’s decision to relocate is also a testament to the power of favorable economic conditions. Texas, with its lower cost of living, no personal income tax, right to work and other free market policies, has become a beacon for companies looking to expand and thrive. The state’s recent $18 billion property tax cut, the largest in its history, shows its commitment to sending surplus dollars back to hardworking taxpayers. In contrast, California has continued to fall in economic rankings, recently sinking to 47th place for economic outlook in the 2024 edition of Rich States, Poor States. This is no surprise, given the state’s sky-high tax burden and oppressive regulatory environment, which stifles innovation and growth." . . .

Banned In California – Issues & Insights

   . . ."California is the land of the banned. And plastic bags aren’t the only products to be sacrificed on the steps of the green temple. Other items that are either restricted in some way or are entirely verboten include polystyrene takeout food containers, natural gas connections in new home construction, new gas stations, plastic shampoo and conditioner bottles in hotels, milk and juice cartons, condiment packages, plastic straws and utensils, and gasoline-powered lawn equipment."

From the state that produces the likes of Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff....... 

UPDATE: California City Council Fights Back Against Newsom, Legislature's Attack on Parental Rights – RedState   "The State of California in July passed a law prohibiting teachers and other members of school staff from informing parents if their children exhibit symptoms of gender dysphoria." . . . Sadly, the rest is behind a paywall.

Positioning Kamala Harris, the California Candidate - Robin M. Itzler  

"Harris and Walz are fraudulently campaigning as moderates in their quest to make America into the United States of California. When she debates Donald Trump on September 10, that might be the first time Harris is forced to defend her past views and ever-changing current positions. Positions that started in Willie Brown’s bedroom."

 The little 'tell' that suggests Kamala Harris never worked at McDonald's - Monica Showalter  . . ."Based on that lack of work skills and inability to apply herself, I seriously doubt she ever worked at McDonald's. She wouldn't have lasted one day even if it were true."

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Another Lie: Biden Is Deporting More Illegals Than Trump

 Ann Coulter (

. . ."Even if Biden were deporting more illegals than Trump -- and he's not -- he's got a lot more to deport. In the past three years, more than 10 million illegal aliens have come in, with his and Harris' active encouragement." . . .

"The media have always engaged in mass lying about immigration, but they're really going the extra mile this election cycle. Lie No. 1 is the toughness of the "bipartisan" border bill, covered in last week's column. (Quotes on "bipartisan" because not a single congressional Republican supports it, even the guy who co-sponsored it.)

"Immigration Lie No. 2 is even more comically, straw-graspingly wrong: The Biden-Harris administration is deporting MORE illegals than Trump!

"It's been reported everywhere. I'll include bylines so you know whose reporting never to trust:

-- Reuters by Ben Kellerman, Mica Rosenberg and Ted Hesson: "Biden is now deporting more people than Trump";

-- Politico by Jack Herrera: "Even as Trump slams the president for open borders, the Biden-Harris administration has kicked out far more immigrants than Trump ever managed to";

-- The Washington Post by Nick Miroff, Maria Sacchetti and Sarah Frostenson: "Biden officials deported or returned roughly 740,000 people ... exceed[ing] Trump's totals, which averaged roughly 500,000 annually";

-- CBS-Austin by Andrew Freeman: "Biden on track to exceed Trump, Obama in deportations in first term, data shows";

-- The Hill by Maria Cardona: "DHS under Biden is deporting 3.5 times as many people per month as DHS did under Trump";

-- Cato Institute by David J. Bier: "In absolute terms, the Biden DHS is removing 3.5 times as many people per month as the Trump DHS did."

. . ."This manifest absurdity originated with an illiterate misreading of a White House proclamation that said: "Total removals and returns in the 12 months following May 12, 2023, exceeded removals and returns in every full Fiscal Year since 2010." . . .

Deportations under Trump:  2017: 226,119 illegals deported; 2018: 256,085 illegals deported; 2019: 267,258 illegals deported; 2020 185,884 illegals deported.

Deportations under Biden: 2021: 59,011 illegals deported; 2022: 72,177 illegals deported; 2023: 142,580 illegals deported.   Full article.

Inauguration Day at the border.

Walt Disney World Updates Hall Of Presidents...

 . . ." By Placing President Biden In Beach Chair"   Babylon Bee

ORLANDO — The Hall of Presidents attraction at Walt Disney World Resort has been updated with a more realistic Joe Biden animatronic that is vacationing while asleep in a beach chair.

"When people think Biden — they think of an elderly man relaxing on a Delaware beach somewhere while the world burns," said Disney CEO Robert Iger. "We are proud of this true-to-life likeness."

Imagineers reportedly visited President Biden and recorded real audio of him snoring for the attraction. The lifelike animatronics were also updated to allow for a sitting position.

"It was actually really easy," said Imagineer Dirk Vantom on the work that went into the update. "We just laid him back in a beach chair. We actually spent more time deactivating most of his animatronics. Now he just sits there, seemingly dead except for the rise and fall of his abdomen to show that he's breathing."

At the attraction's grand re-opening, fans gushed when they saw the reimagined Joe Biden in action.

" 'Wow! He doesn't do anything — just like the real president!" said Disney World annual pass holder Steph Demetria after seeing the more realistic Joe Biden. "Uncanny!"

"At publishing time, Donald Trump's animatronic was also updated to perform his signature dance and given a realistic bullet wound in his ear." 

Bereaved Israeli families ask police to prosecute former judge who tore down photos of hostages, fallen soldiers  "This criminal act committed by the retired judge harms the holiest of holies," said Itzik Bunzel of HaGvura‒The Forum for Families of Fallen Heroes.

The death toll among Israeli troops since the start of the Gaza ground incursion on Oct. 27 stands at 340 and at 706 on all fronts since the Hamas-led Oct. 7 cross-border massacre, according to IDF figures. 

Members of HaGvura‒The Forum for Families of Fallen Heroes during a protest demanding
 the continuation of fighting in the Gaza Strip, Sept. 2, 2024.

"HaGvura‒The Forum for Families of Fallen Heroes filed a complaint with the Israel Police against former magistrate’s court judge Sara Haviv on Wednesday after she was filmed tearing down a poster with pictures of fallen Israel Defense Forces soldiers and hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.

"The sign, which had been put up by the HaGvura forum, featured pictures of IDF Staff Sgt. Oron Shaul and Lt. Hadar Goldin, whose bodies have been held by Hamas since the 2014 war, as well as Staff Sgt. Amit Buntzel, who was killed fighting the terror group in Gaza on Dec. 6.

“ 'This criminal act committed by the retired judge harms the holiest of holies, disrespected, and causes harm to all of the bereaved families in Israel,” said Itzik Bunzel, Amit’s father and a member of the forum.

“ 'These are pictures of the holy ones in whose merit she breathes the air that she breathes,” Bunzel added. “In the coming days, we will file a complaint with the Israel Bar Association, asking to revoke her license.

“ 'She should not be allowed to enter the courtrooms of the State of Israel and must be excluded from every firm and every organization because she crossed the clearest and most sacred red line in the State of Israel and harmed the dignity of the fallen,” the bereaved father stated.

"The former judge refused to apologize, telling Israel’s Channel 12 News, “I did tear down the signs which, anyhow, were put up illegally. The HaGvura forum prefers dead hostages in exchange for future real estate, while I choose life. We will meet in court regarding the complaint.' ” . . .

Kamala must have spent too much time with Joe "Walter Mitty" Biden the past four years

Kamala Harris Mocked for Claim Grandmother Promoted Abortion in India  "Harris relayed that she comes from “a long line of tough, trailblazing and phenomenal women,” recalling how her grandmother would visit villages armed with a bullhorn, promoting access to abortion.

“ 'My grandmother would go into villages in India… with a bullhorn talking with the women about the need to have access to reproductive health care,” she recounted, in what was considered a revolutionary stance in a culture where women’s rights were often suppressed.

"The 2024 Democratic presidential candidate noted that her grandmother persisted despite facing backlash and her grandfather’s concern that her activism might end his career.

“ 'She was an extraordinary woman,” she added."  Video

Comrade Kamala's Tie-Breaking IRA Vote Broke Medicare; She’s Covering it Up with a Taxpayer-Funded Bailout  . . ."Americans know that everything has become more expensive under Biden and Harris – gas, groceries, housing. But perhaps the worst impact the IRA had was breaking health care for America’s seniors, spurring the biggest spike in Medicare Part D premiums ever. The IRA re-wrote Medicare Part D, changing it from a program that relied on markets and competition to keep costs down, to a command-and-control style program with price controls set by bureaucrats in Washington, DC. And the consequences have been devastating." 

"For the 50 million Americans enrolled in Medicare Part D, after 15 years of stability, premiums went up more than 20 percent in 2024 and are expected to increase by almost 50 percent in 2025.

"And here’s the latest. To temporarily defray the premium hikes on seniors right before the election, the Biden-Harris administration is bailing out Part D insurers with billions in taxpayer dollars to conceal the increases. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is calling it a “premium stabilization” for stand-alone prescription drug plans, the full details of which have been spelled out in an excellent report by Paragon Health Institute."...

Harris just confirmed that packing the Supreme Court is DEFINITELY on the ballot... - Revolver News   "The US Supreme Court isn’t perfect, but it hasn’t been completely weaponized… yet. In fact, the court has recently come through on several key issues, voting in favor of truth and justice. One recent ruling, which affirmed presidential immunity, was a huge victory for President Trump—and for the entire country. But don’t get too excited, because the entire US Supreme Court is on the ballot this election season.
"VP Harris made that painfully clear when she was asked about “stacking the court,” something the American people clearly don’t want—but her radical, extremist base would love to see.
"Americans don’t like the idea of messing with the US Supreme Court because, let’s be honest, there’s literally no reason to do it—except for a blatant power grab.
"The only reason Dems are pushing to “stack” the court is because they don’t like some of the decisions it’s made. Sorry, but that’s not a good enough reason to upend our entire system." . . .

Victor Davis Hanson: Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris in 70 Days?

  American Greatness

Harris is not so much a flip-flopper as a padder, who supports anything, without any worry about framing each new position by renouncing her original and opposite one.

Trump’s challenge is to expose Harris for the radical she is; Harris’s is to mask the radicalism that she once proudly asserted and will do so again immediately upon election. 

AF Branco

"An Opportunistic Mediocrity"  "In theory, it should be hard for Kamala Harris to win the presidency of the United States.

"Under pressure, Harris just completed her first “live interview”—a disastrous performance that was mysteriously taped, edited, and emotionally supported by her co-interviewed running mate. During the interview, she claimed that her values remain the same even though her manifestations of them have admittedly changed. Translated, that means for the next 70 days, she will advocate for popular policies antithetical to her own values, which will inevitably resurface after the election once the current façade fades away.

"She is a Berkelyite who, as attorney general of California, had a proud far-left tenure. The lifelong large corpus of Harris’s left-wing enthusiasm and causes are only now being unearthed. But they are singular in that her riffs of embracing wokism, being a radical, erasing ICE, doing away with private health insurance, or being the last person in the room when Joe Biden made his disastrous decisions were all given to sympathetic media or pandered to crowds.

"As a result, she often doubled down. Her emphatic statements were intended to stun audiences. Unlike other leftists, she really was a proud woke, radical and wanted everyone else to be one as well—broadcasting her leftism as openly as she is now cloaking it.

"In one respected survey, Harris’s voting record was rated as the most left-leaning in the United States Senate. If she voted to the left of the admitted hardcore socialist Bernie Sanders, what exactly does that make her?

"Otherwise, Harris was undistinguished, and often overtly so, as she was exposed as inane in Senate hearings. Her envisioned 2019-2020 primary bid proved an utter disaster. When liberal Democrat voters nationwide were first made aware of her radical record, her left-wing agendas, and her weird wash/rinse/spin word-salad chats, they ran.

"Harris’s well-funded 2019 campaign quickly blew up early. Indeed, she never entered much less won a single primary–and captured no delegates through voting.

"In the frenzy following George Floyd’s death, and the mayhem and nationwide rioting and violence of late spring and summer, panicked 2020 nominee Joe Biden announced in advance he would select a diversity candidate as a running mate. And in no time, and under increasing pressure to trump his braggadocious promise, he boxed himself in by assuring his handlers that his running mate would be preselected as a black woman.

"Given there were then no black female governors and only two black women in the Senate, Kamala Harris was a choice of last resort—even though, as a candidate and competitor of Joe Biden, she had condemned him before a nationwide audience as a veritable racist who had habitually cozied up to segregationists. When she labels her own running mate a racist it becomes hard to take her charges of racism against Trump seriously." . . .