Hat tip to John Paul Curnutt, former classmate from Oregon
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Top 5 Reasons to Repeal Obamacare
Heritage "Heritage has laid out the impacts of Obamacare on the American people—and according to a poll released this week, a majority of Americans agree that Obamacare should be repealed. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius took to the pages of The Washington Post this week to re-argue the Administration’s positions, claiming basically the opposite of the havoc Obamacare is wreaking on the U.S. economy and health care system.
As Congress takes up the issue, we present the Top 5 Reasons to Repeal Obamacare:"....
Putin nails it
Neal Boortz "Monday of this week Putin said that the West – and by this he means America – is in decline as the American economy recedes. It’s tempting, of course, to disregard these comments from a Russian leader. After all, for most of our lives we’ve been having either Soviet or Russian leaders talk about the decline of the west. Well .. this time they may have a point."
The ‘God Particle’ and God
Dennis Prager; Without God, major scientific discoveries have no meaning. "Not only is science incapable of discovering why there is existence; scientists also confront the equally frustrating fact that the more they discover about the universe, the more they realize they do not know."
Does the 'God Particle' Prove that God Does or Does Not Exist "So the term God particle was first used by a scientist, but was picked up and popularized by the media. It's catchy and enhances interest in the subject among the public. But like so much else that the media promotes, it is misleading and inappropriate."
Texas refuses to expand Medicaid or establish health-care exchange
"AUSTIN, Texas — In a sharply worded letter to federal officials Monday, Gov. Rick Perry said Texas will not participate in two key programs under the Affordable Care Act, noting that the law recently approved by the U.S. Supreme Court "will find no foothold here."
"Perry said Texas will not expand Medicaid, forgoing an estimated $13 billion a year in federal money from 2014 to 2017, and will not create a health care exchange, an online market that would allow uninsured people to shop for coverage.
" "Please relay this message to the president," Perry wrote to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. "Both represent brazen intrusions into the sovereignty of our state." "
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Healthcare discussed: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare (Updated by PolitiFact)
Daily Caller "The DPMA found that many doctors do not believe the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will lead to better access to medical care for the majority of Americans, co-founder of the DPMA Kathryn Serkes told TheDC.
" “Doctors clearly understand what Washington does not — that a piece of paper that says you are ‘covered’ by insurance or ‘enrolled’ in Medicare or Medicaid does not translate to actual medical care when doctors can’t afford to see patients at the lowball payments, and patients have to jump through government and insurance company bureaucratic hoops,” she said."
Victor Davis Hanson; Supreme Court Hypocrisies "What was “unprecedented” was a presidential shot across the bow of the Supreme Court on the eve of a critical decision — especially given the fact that Obama would soon welcome the Court’s activism in overturning most of a duly-passed Arizona immigration law that sought to enforce federal statutes."
Hearse of a Different Color "For starters, Obamacare moves millions of Americans into the Medicaid program...and doctors already lose money on every Medicaid patient they see. What would your reaction be if Obama suddenly ordered you to not only give your services away for free...but pay for the privilege?"....
Update: GOP lawmaker Jeff Duncan repeats survey finding that 83 percent of doctors are considering quitting due to Obamacare "The group asked: "How do current changes in the medical system affect your desire to practice medicine?" According to the group, 83 percent answered, "Makes me think about quitting," 5 percent said, "I’m re-energized," while 13 percent said they were unsure or had no opinion.....
"Duncan said "83% of doctors have considered leaving the profession because of #Obamacare." But that's an inaccurate description of the foundation’s poll.
"The poll did not specifically ask about the federal health care law and was meant to measure concerns about a wide range of changes in health care. Also, it's worth noting that the poll had a small return rate and the group that conducted it is opposed to the law. We rate the claim False.
Hearse of a Different Color "For starters, Obamacare moves millions of Americans into the Medicaid program...and doctors already lose money on every Medicaid patient they see. What would your reaction be if Obama suddenly ordered you to not only give your services away for free...but pay for the privilege?"....
Update: GOP lawmaker Jeff Duncan repeats survey finding that 83 percent of doctors are considering quitting due to Obamacare "The group asked: "How do current changes in the medical system affect your desire to practice medicine?" According to the group, 83 percent answered, "Makes me think about quitting," 5 percent said, "I’m re-energized," while 13 percent said they were unsure or had no opinion.....
"Duncan said "83% of doctors have considered leaving the profession because of #Obamacare." But that's an inaccurate description of the foundation’s poll.
"The poll did not specifically ask about the federal health care law and was meant to measure concerns about a wide range of changes in health care. Also, it's worth noting that the poll had a small return rate and the group that conducted it is opposed to the law. We rate the claim False.
NAACP Requires Photo I.D. to See Holder Speak in State Being Sued Over Voter ID
Katie Pavlich "Earlier today, Attorney General Eric Holder addressed the NAACP Nation Convention at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. What did media need in order to attend? That's right, government issued photo identification (and a second form of identification too!), something both Holder and the NAACP stand firmly against when it comes to voting. Holder's DOJ is currently suing Texas for "discriminatory" voter ID laws. From the press release:"
American Twilight; The lamps of liberty are going out.
Mark Steyn "Metaphorically speaking, the lights of liberty were certainly dimmed by Roberts’s hideously convoluted Supreme Court decision: I don’t see why I should be fined $695 for declining to participate in an overpriced and dysfunctional “insurance” “market.” "
...."Obituaries for the late Andy Griffith generally glossed over his career finale as a pitchman for Obamacare. But he was a canny choice to sell the unsellable, for is not “health” “care” “reform” the communitarian virtues of beloved small-town Mayberry writ large? The problem is you can’t write Mayberry large. And, if you attempt it, it leads not to Mayberry but to Stockton, Calif., and to a corrupt, dysfunctional swamp. A large Sweden is a contradiction in terms. It cannot be done, and the more determinedly you try to do it, the more you will preside over a ruined wasteland." Monday, July 9, 2012
Obama Won’t Keep Middle Class Tax Vow
Jonathan S. Tobin "In a transparent effort to pre-empt Republican arguments about tax cuts, President Obama unveiled a proposal today for a one-year cut for all Americans making less than $250,000 per year. While calculated to play well with his faux working class campaign rhetoric, the president’s plan makes no economic sense. Implementing a massive tax increase on those with the capital to invest it and therefore create jobs is not the sort of thing that will help a flagging economy. Nor will it do anything to stem the bleeding that creates job reports such as the one released last Friday that illustrated the country’s unemployment problem. But, as James Pethokoukis writes at the American Enterprise Blog, the president’s dare to Congress to pass such a plan or to implement a simpler tax code is pure political baloney."
James Pethokoukis: Is Obama’s new promise to lower middle-class tax rates credible?
"Of course, he had an opportunity to do just that — lowering rates and eliminating tax breaks — by embracing Simpson-Bowles, but he passed.
"Also, recall what liberal journalist Noam Scheiber wrote in his recent book, The Escape Artists: How Obama’s Team Fumbled the Recovery."
Get Ready for More Charges of Racism
Bruce Thornton; "Obama has only one card left to play and it has been over-used and discredited."
"The implosion of the Obama administration will create more and more desperate narratives on the part of progressives as we head toward the November election. With no record of achievement to run on, Obama must try to misdirect voters by shifting blame elsewhere: so far George Bush, the Eurozone crisis, the Japanese tsunami, even ATMs have all been fingered as the cause of our sluggish economic growth and high unemployment. Since the barrel of excuses is close to empty, get ready for something scraped from the bottom: Americans don’t support Obama because Americans are racists."
"The implosion of the Obama administration will create more and more desperate narratives on the part of progressives as we head toward the November election. With no record of achievement to run on, Obama must try to misdirect voters by shifting blame elsewhere: so far George Bush, the Eurozone crisis, the Japanese tsunami, even ATMs have all been fingered as the cause of our sluggish economic growth and high unemployment. Since the barrel of excuses is close to empty, get ready for something scraped from the bottom: Americans don’t support Obama because Americans are racists."
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