IT'S THE MEDIA'S JOB TO STOP HARRY REID "As journalists, we could not make allegations like these without backing them with substance, so we must demand the same of Reid. Not just a halfhearted appeal of Reid to back his words with substance, but hit him hard when he deflects. The media should go "junk yard dog" on this and not let up until Reid proves his charges. Blast him at every turn and demand answers. Shout out questions at news conferences until he answers, or is shamed into backing up.
"Instead, for the most part, the Activist Old Media has used this issue to cause Romney to back up and answer questions."
Why Harry Reid keeps attacking Mitt Romney with Obama's blessing "“I have paid taxes every year, and a lot of taxes, so Harry is wrong,” Romney said at a news conference. “Harry Reid has to put up or shut up. Harry, who are your sources?” "
McConnell: Reid’s accusations against Romney ‘beneath the dignity of his office’"“I’m telling you authoritatively speaking on the behalf of the governor that those charges are untrue, they are baseless, and there is nothing to back them up,” Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom said."
ABC, NBC Fail to Lunge at Harry Reid's 'Explosive Accusation' That Romney Hasn't Paid Taxes "By contrast, all three networks covered Rep. Joe Wilson's 2009 "you lie" shout at President Obama at the State of the Union within 24 hours and were unanimously scandalized at the "stunning moment" in the House chamber, as then-anchor Charles Gibson labeled it on ABC's World News. Both ABC and CBS trumpeted Wilson's outburst as the "shout heard 'round the world.""