Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lloyd Marcus; My Black Dad and Chick-fil-A

Lloyd Marcus writes this column with regret that more blacks are not taking part in conservative causes:  ..." I called Dad to ask if he participated in Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.  He said no, he had not heard about it.  Then, he added, "All I know is Chick-fil-A discriminates against gays."
"Folks, I was outraged. Struggling to keep my composure, I passionately said, "Dad, that is a lie!  You have got to stop getting your news from the mainstream media!"
...."I informed Dad that that Democratic Party no longer exists.  In short, spoiled-brat old hippies run the Democratic Party today.
"A majority of the Democratic Party leadership comprises far-left liberals who hate America and believe that man can fix every problem. God is an imaginary being clung to by ignorant, bitter, and racist middle Americans.  These Democrats believe they are intellectually superior -- and thus far better-qualified to manage our lives." Hat tip to Margi Hawks, St. Louis.
Yet another result of journalistic malpractice, which naturally leads us to this next post:

Media finally find something to cover at Chick-fil-A   "So what happened on Friday, the day the GLBTG activists called upon members to hold public displays of affection outside the family themed fast food chain?  Well at least the media turned out in droves.   Chick-fil-A Kiss-In: LAPD called to Hollywood store over media mob " "
...".Of course that would assume they are still in the mass media business of reporting the events of the day in a form that bears some semblance to reality. They aren't anymore.  The[y] have become arbiters of acceptable taste, fashonistas of the body politic, groupies ready to service the current hot liberal politician.  In this role they naturally treat such déclassé movements as the Tea Party as nonexistent even as they flock to cater to the clique who shares their vision." 

Mainstream Media Blacks Out Chick-fil-A Story?
  "Inside some of those papers, the coverage is still relatively scant. The L.A. Times has a news story, while the New York Times has an op-ed from the gay dean at the Georgia Tech business school encouraging Americans to let Chick-fil-A "fly free." The Washington Post ran a photograph, but no story.

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