Friday, August 3, 2012

Charles Krauthammer; Romney’s excellent trip

Charles Krauthammer   "Look at how Romney was received. In Israel, its popular prime minister lavished on him a welcome so warm as to be a near-endorsement. In Poland, Romney received an actual endorsement from Lech Walesa, former dissident, former president, Cold War giant, Polish hero.

"Two staunch U.S. allies salute a man they would like to see lead the free world. Yet the headlines were “shove it” and “culture.”
"Scorecard? Romney’s trip was a major substantive success: one gaffe (Britain), two triumphs (Israel and Poland) and a fine demonstration of foreign-policy fluency and command — wrapped, however, in a media narrative of surpassing triviality."
Obama joins a long line of those who commit Western betrayal of our allies.

Jimmy Carter sold out the Shah of Iran and continues to stab Israel in the back, front and side.  This Jerusalem Post cartoon has poor resolution, but I like what it says about Israel as depicted by Western politicians vs. the ancient Scriptures. TD

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