Friday, October 18, 2024

Climate Change: The Greatest Psychological Operation We Never Needed

American Free News Network

 . . ."So here we are, united by a crisis that doesn’t really exist, but feeling pretty good about ourselves for caring so much. It’s like the biggest, most well-intentioned hoax ever pulled on humanity." . . .

"Well, folks, we’ve been had. Turns out, climate change was never really about saving the planet. It was a cleverly orchestrated psychological operation designed to give humanity a common goal—because apparently, the planet didn’t actually need saving. According to the real science (not to be confused with “the science” aka Fauci) the Earth is doing just fine on its own, thank you very much. But as the Russian philosopher Dostoyevsky—once said, humans need a struggle to be happy. And what better struggle than fighting an invisible, impending climate catastrophe?

"Our political leaders, who are clearly much smarter than us, figured this out long ago. They saw a world without purpose, where people were content watching Netflix and complaining about the Wi-Fi. How do you unite a fractured humanity when people can’t even agree on pineapple as a pizza topping? Simple: you invent a global crisis! Enter climate change. It’s the perfect bogeyman—vague, everywhere, and completely unavoidable. Who cares if the real science says the planet isn’t going up in flames? We need a good struggle, and they gave it to us.

"In their infinite wisdom, the powers-that-be decided that the climate crisis was noble enough to rally us all together. After all, saving the planet sounds a lot better than admitting we just needed something to freak out about. Plus, who’s going to argue with polar bears and melting glaciers, right? It’s the perfect emotional hook. If you question it, you’re not just a skeptic—you’re a villain, hellbent on destroying Mother Earth herself. That’s some next-level psychological manipulation, and you’ve got to hand it to them: it worked." . . .

Opinion | Gavin Newsom Raises Gas Prices Again

 Opinion | Gavin Newsom Raises Gas Prices Again (WSJ) 

"Is California Gov. Gavin Newsom trying to raise gasoline prices? It’s hard not to wonder after he signed legislation this week that does precisely that. Meantime, his climate regulators next month plan to raise prices even more.

“You’re seeing gas prices drop across the rest of the country, but spike in California,” Mr. Newsom declared on Monday as he signed a bill imposing onerous new mandates on refineries. Oil companies “buy all these ads saying somehow it’s California’s fault. They’ve been manipulating you. They’ve been lying to you.”

"The truth is that California’s gasoline prices are on average $1.47 a gallon higher than the national average owing to its gas taxes—the highest in the country—and environmental regulations, including cap-and-trade and low-carbon fuel standard. High operating costs have spurred seven California refineries to cease production over the last decade. On Thursday, Phillips 66 announced plans to cease operations at its Los Angeles-area refinery, which constitutes about 8% of the state’s refining capacity.

"This has contributed to a tight market and price spikes whenever a refinery has problems. California’s new law will require refiners to maintain larger stockpiles of fuel, supposedly to mitigate supply shortages. But even Mr. Newsom’s energy commission warns that the mandate could “increase average prices.”

"That’s because refiners will have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars building and maintaining more inventory, which they will have to replenish continuously since gasoline has a shelf life of only a few months. Refineries already maintain about two weeks of supply. Some may shut down to avoid the new and costly burden.

"Refinery union leaders warn that the mandate will harm their workers. “Profit employs our members and allows them to feed their families,” they wrote to legislative leaders last week. “It should not be deemed villainous to operate legal and needed industries that turn a profit for shareholders, especially when they employ hundreds of thousands of Californians and contribute billions of dollars in tax revenue.”

"Mr. Newsom disagrees. His goal is to drive oil and gas companies out of business, or at least out of the state. California’s oil production has declined about 35% since he entered office in January 2019 and by half over the last decade. Last month he signed a bill letting localities block new wells.

"Now the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is preparing to ratchet up the state’s low-carbon fuel standard, which requires refiners to blend increasing amounts of renewable fuels into diesel and gasoline. CARB last September projected that the stricter standard would increase gas prices by 47 cents a gallon next year." . . .

Fury in California town as Newsom shuts down its last major employer (UK Daily Mail)

Lip Reader Has Figured Out That Conversation Between Obama and Biden at Memorial Service


Now we know why players on the field hold objects in front of their faces when having a strategy conference.

From the NY Post: "President Biden griped to former President Barack Obama that “she” is “not as strong as me” — with Obama agreeing “that’s true” — in a stunning off-mic conversation deciphered for The Post by a professional lip reader.
"The apparent candid assessment of Vice President Kamala Harris’ standing going into the Nov. 5 election occurred Wednesday afternoon as America’s two most recent Democratic presidents conversed at Ethel Kennedy’s memorial service in Washington.
" 'She’s not as strong as me,” said Biden, 81, according to the translation, which was produced by analyzing the on-video lip movements during the discussion.
. . ."“I know … that’s true,” the popular former president agreed, adding, “We have time.”
“ 'Yeah, we’ll get it in time,” said Biden, who was forced by fellow Democrats to relinquish the party’s nomination in favor of Harris on July 21 in a mutiny that Obama was believed to support.
"Moments earlier, Obama said, “it’s important that we have some time together” in a possible reference to campaigning alongside Harris.
"The dialogue was translated for The Post by Jeremy Freeman, a London-based forensic lip reader who was born deaf and for 16 years has served as a University College London-certified expert witness for litigants, the police and journalists." . . .
“Democrats essentially robbed Peter to pay Paul and are now stuck with a less likable sinking ship.”

. . ."Here's some of what they said during that conversation, according to the lip reader. 

“She’s not as strong as me,” said Biden, 81, according to the translation, which was produced by analyzing the on-video lip movements during the discussion.

“I know … that’s true,” the popular former president agreed, adding, “We have time.”

“Yeah, we’ll get it in time,” said Biden, who was forced by fellow Democrats to relinquish the party’s nomination in favor of Harris on July 21 in a mutiny that Obama was believed to support.

Moments earlier, Obama said, “it’s important that we have some time together” in a possible reference to campaigning alongside Harris.

 . . ."After the way the Biden regime treated Mrs. Kennedy’s second oldest boy over the past year, Biden’s nerve in showing up at all, let alone delivering a eulogy as if a respected family friend, serves as just another example of the inhuman, insensitive, nonsensical thought processes of the modern American Left."

Joy Reid Displays the Absolute Insanity We're Up Against

 Brandon Morse; RedState  

To highlight what I mean further, Joy Reid, with a straight face, told a crowd of people this election is a litmus test for fascism, and people wanting to have babies is proof of wanting a fascistic nation. 

"At some point, the hippies in the '60s learned that if they took a bath and put on nicer looking clothes, then people would think their insane ramblings actually had some intellectual weight to them. They wormed their way into universities and media, pushing government reforms and slowly but surely injecting leftist radicalism into the government. 

"Now, we have open socialists winning seats in government, a socialist healthcare system, and a legitimate communist as the chosen and installed candidate for the Democrat Party's attempt at the White House. 

"Despite the fact that these policies they enact keep failing, people keep electing them. The thinking is that "this time it will work," but all my millennial brain hears is Voss talking about the definition of insanity. They're doing the same thing over and over again, expecting things to change. 

"Maybe the issue is that they don't see it, being so blinded by their own ideological conditioning that they see someone like Kamala Harris and, despite watching as she comes up with non-answers or redirecting answers toward her opponent, think that she's the best candidate to ever be presented to us. They truly believe that the answer to achieving the Utopia the left is always trying to get to is simply arrived at by rejecting and denigrating the opposition. If you listen to them talk, that's truly all they have to go on. 

"Just look at the mental gymnastic this man did in order to square Harris's failure during her Fox News interview in his mind."   David Plouffe commented:

 Kamala Harris (strong) handled an ambush Fox interview light years better than the hash Donald Trump (unstable) made of the Fox pep rally disguised as a town hall.

Trump and Harris at the Al Smith dinner...wait! What?

Donald Trump obliterates Kamala Harris, Biden, de Blasio and more Dems in scorching Al Smith dinner roast: ‘Shows there is a God’  "No one was safe from former President Donald Trump’s zingers Thursday night at the Al Smith Dinner — as he panned Vice President Kamala Harris for skipping the event, roasted New York City Mayor Eric Adams and dragged top Democrats in the rowdy audience.

"Trump, 78, blasted Harris for being the first presidential candidate to decline the invitation to the Manhattan event, which raises funds for Catholic charities supporting children, since former Vice President Walter Mondale in 1984.

" 'I guess you should have told her the funds were going to bail out the looters and rioters in Minneapolis and she would have been here guaranteed,” Trump needled." . . .

Jim Gaffigan Eviscerates Kamala Harris and the Democrats — Exposes the Coup Against Biden at Al Smith Charity Dinner  . . ."Comedian Jim Gaffigan, who recently portrayed Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on SNL, took sharp jabs at Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party during the 79th Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, where Harris was notably absent.

"Instead of attending the long-standing bipartisan Catholic charity event, Harris opted for a pre-recorded video message.

"Gaffigan did not waste the opportunity to mock her avoidance of real public engagement while prioritizing softball media appearances.

" 'This event has been referred to as the Catholic Met Gala. Twenty-two percent of Americans identify as Catholic. Catholics will be a key demographic in every battleground state,” Gaffigan said as the night’s emcee.

“ 'I’m sorry. Why is Vice President Harris not here?” he continued." . . .

Hell Freezes Over: Even Brian Stelter Praises Trump's Jokes, As Harris Gets Booed at Al Smith Dinner   . . . "Harris had the nerve to attack Trump over his comments, another nasty breaking of the tradition of the event. You're supposed to accept the roasting in good spirits. But all she has left is ridiculous attacks on Trump as her campaign implodes. "Here was the statement she released, none of which was true." . . .

At right is the statement on Trump's address at the Al Smith dinner. I do have to say Mr. Trump did struggle with his delivery, appearing to have trouble seeing the text he was reading from. TD

Biden’s Biggest Foreign-Policy Problem in Gaza, Ukraine, and Elsewhere Is Incompetence

Foreign Policy  "The U.S. military’s collapsed pier in Gaza is symbolic of a much bigger issue." 

. . ."If I tossed in the failed interventions in Afghanistan and Libya, you’d accuse me of piling on, and I haven’t said a word about the clown asylum that the U.S. House of Representatives has become." SW

"U.S. soldiers look on as a digger attempts to extricate a U.S. Army vessel that ran aground at a beach in Israel's coastal city of Ashdod on May 25, 2024." Otherwise it's all good. TD

"As the New York Mets compiled a record of 40 wins and 120 losses during their comically inept inaugural season, manager Casey Stengel famously lamented: “Can’t anyone here play this game?” I thought of Stengel’s remark when I learned that the temporary pier the United States had built to bring relief aid into Gaza had collapsed. It was an apt metaphor for the Biden administration’s handling of the whole Gaza conflict, as critics on social media were quick to point out. Constructing the pier was essentially an expensive PR stunt undertaken because U.S. officials were unwilling to force Israel to open the border crossings and allow sufficient relief aid for civilians facing a man-made humanitarian catastrophe. This largely symbolic effort managed to deliver about 60 truckloads of aid before rough seas damaged the structure and aid deliveries were suspended. Repairs are now underway and will reportedly take at least a week, and the cost of the whole operation is already hundreds of millions of dollars and rising.

"One might see this sorry episode as just a small part of a larger tragedy, but I think it raises larger questions about American ambitions and pretentions. Foreign-policy experts in the United States obsess about preserving “credibility,” largely to justify spending vast resources on conflicts and commitments that are of minor strategic importance. In the 1960s and 70s, U.S. leaders understood that South Vietnam was a minor power of little intrinsic strategic value, yet they insisted that withdrawing short of victory would cast doubt on America’s staying power, undermine its credibility, and encourage allies around the world to realign toward the communist bloc. None of these gloomy forecasts came to pass, of course, but the same simplistic arguments get recycled whenever the United States finds itself in an unwinnable war for minor stakes.

"Those who fetishize credibility typically assume all that is needed is sufficient resolve. They believe the United States can achieve whatever goals it sets if it just tries hard enough; in their minds, victory is just a matter of staying the course. But seeing credibility and influence solely as a matter of will overlooks another key ingredient, one that is arguably more important. That key ingredient is competence." . . .

 , a columnist at Foreign Policy and the Robert and Renée Belfer professor of international relations at Harvard University.

Biden Tries to Steal Spotlight Over Sinwar Death, Compares to Bin Laden Raid—Which He Also Opposed

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar tried to take out Israeli drone with piece of wood moments before he was killed

 Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar tried to take out Israeli drone with piece of wood moments before he was killed, shocking footage shows (   

“ 'To the people of Gaza, I have a simple message,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement. “This war can end tomorrow. “It can end if Hamas lays down its arms and returns our hostages. Israel will guarantee the safety of all those who return our hostages,” Netanyahu added." . . .

"An Israeli drone captured Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar’s last minutes alive — as the Oct. 7 mastermind tossed a piece of wood in a futile attempt to take out the device before he was killed, officials said.

"Shocking footage shows the moment a drone is deployed to check a building in Rafah that a group of IDF soldiers hit on Thursday.

"An injured Sinwar, who had his face covered and appeared be missing his right hand, could be seen sitting alone on a chair in the destroyed building, with the IDF soldiers unaware that they were seeing the very man they had been hunting since he ordered the Oct. 7, 2023, terrorist attack on the Jewish state.

"When Sinwar finally notices the drone hovering just a few feet from him, he struggles, using his left hand, to fling an object at the UAV in a last-ditch effort to keep his whereabouts hidden.

" 'The soldiers then ordered a second strike on the building, killing Sinwar and two other Hamas terrorists who were traveling with him." After recovering the body and comparing it to the DNA samples the Israeli military retrieved from Sinwar during his time as a prisoner, officials confirmed the man killed in the strike was the terror chief. 

"IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told reporters that Sinwar had likely been shot in his hand and taken refuge in the building when it was hit by the Israeli troops.". . . More text and photos with video.

From Oct 17th:"I try not to rejoice when people I don’t like die because life is precious. However, I also believe that evil people have forfeited that consideration—and Yahya Sinwar was one of the most evil people in the world. So, without any sense of moral failing, I am celebrating reports that Sinwar is dead. Even better, if he is indeed gone, Israel killed this foul human being without touching the phalanx of hostages with which Sinwar was said to have surrounded himself."  Andrea Widburg

Writer Michael Brown saw things Biblically: The Death of Sinwar on the First Day of Tabernacles  . . ."There were also unconfirmed reports that he had sometimes dressed as a woman and walked the streets of Gaza, allegedly being sighted or even photographed, but none of that was confirmed.

"The idea that he would be out in the open, engaging in a firefight together with other Hamas terrorists is almost unimaginable, yet that’s exactly what happened.

"It reminded me immediately of the biblical account of the death of Ahab, a wicked Israelite king who went into battle without his royal robes, not wanting to draw attention to himself. “But someone drew his bow at random and hit the king of Israel between the sections of his armor” (1 Kings 22:34). Within hours, the king was dead.

"The act was seemingly random, but since Ahab was destined to die under divine judgment, the arrow was actually guided by another hand. Is that what happened to Sinwar in Gaza?

"Of course, the death of this mass murderer does not bring back any of the Israelis killed on or since October 7 (including the hundreds of IDF soldiers). It does not assuage the pain of these agonizing, life-wrenching losses. Nor does it bring back any of the thousands who have died in Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza." . . .

The Seven Intellectual Forces Behind JD Vance's Worldview

The Seven Intellectual Forces Behind JD Vance's Worldview - POLITICO  "JD Vance represents something genuinely unusual for the MAGA movement: A national Republican who is deeply enmeshed with the elite world of the conservative intellectual movement — or what’s sometimes termed for convenience as “the New Right” or “the dissident right.”. . .

Vance blasts Walz response to George Floyd riots in Minneapolis | The Mighty 790 KFGO  "MINNEAPOLIS – Republican vice-presidential candidate J-D Vance called Minneapolis a city in decline during a brief campaign stop Monday. 

"Outside the burned-out 3rd Precinct police station, Vance blasted Democratic V.P. rival Gov. Tim Walz’s handling of the 2020 riots. He warned the story of Minneapolis “overrun with crime” is coming to every community across the U.S. if Kamala Harris becomes president. 

"Democrats respond that violent crime decreased in Minneapolis the past two years."

Might I suggest that everything was burned up and nobody was left in town? All because of the death of George Floyd, commented on by British writer Sophie Corcoran:  TD

The Democrat Party’s Testosterone Deficiency 

. . ."Barack Obama is trying desperately to corral black men back onto the Democrat plantation, but the old Obama magic just isn’t working as it once did.  Why?  Because Barack has chosen to embrace his inner schoolmarm and scold black men for not mindlessly lining up behind Kamala as instructed.  That’s the exact kind of condescending attitude that men of all races are tired of seeing!"

Black Community Leaders in Michigan Blast ‘Arrogant Democratic Party Out of Touch With the Electorate’   "Things are NOT going well for Kamala in Michigan. Take it from her own supporters on the ground:"

That Fox News Interview May Have Done To Kamala What The Debate Did To Biden

Matt Vespa; Townhall   "What a nightmare of an interview! Three things were confirmed during this shambolic sit-down with Fox News’ Bret Baier: Kamala is unqualified, incapable of grasping the issues, and still dances with her 2020 demons. One of the criticisms of Harris during her failed 2020 campaign and vice presidency is that she criticizes staff and often ignores their briefings and memos, which would likely blunt the chances of her coming off as a total ignoramus

The PR Fallout of the Kamala Harris Fox News Interview  "Yikes. If Kamala Harris thought Bret Baier was tough, wait ‘til she meets Putin." . . .

. . ."This interview aimed to use one of the nation’s most-watched news networks to attack Donald Trump. She couldn’t do that well. The whole thing was an exercise in how not to answer questions for 30 minutes. Kudos to Baier and Fox News, who asked fair questions and showed them unedited, unlike what CBS News did to their 60 Minutes interview with the vice president."...

"That’s the liability of running a comparison campaign: When you ask audiences to compare you to something or someone else, they will. You can actually “train” an audience to think in terms of comparisons, and it’ll become part of your brand identity. But that’s NOT where the comparisons will end. 

"You can’t turn that switch on and off. Brand identities don’t work that way.

"Audiences today were comparing and contrasting Kamala Harris with Bret Baier. And I don’t care if you’re a liberal youngster, a conservative oldster, or something in between: There’s NO scenario whatsoever where Kamala Harris was more likable than Baier! 

"No scenario where she came across as smarter." . . .

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Sinwar’s Likely Death Comes Days After Biden, Harris Threatened Israel with Arms Embargo

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Thursday that it may have killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, after a body was discovered that closely resembled him in the aftermath of a battle in the Gaza Strip. 

. . .Only after Israeli soldiers arrived to inspect the damage did they realize that one of the three terrorists killed strongly resembled Sinwar.

The IDF is still assessing whether the body was indeed Sinwar, but Channel 12 says that it has not yet been brought back to Israel because the area where it was found is heavily booby-trapped. The body also had a military vest carrying grenades.

A DNA sample has been taken from the body, however, for expedited testing in Israel" . . .

 Joel B. Pollak  

"The likely killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar on Thursday came days after President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris threatened Israel with an arms embargo if it did not improve conditions in Gaza and cut back its attacks.

"As Breitbart News reported on Wednesday, Harris endorsed a threat made by the administration days before, warning that Israel had 30 days to “surge” aid into Gaza and to end the isolation of northern Gaza, effectively terminating an ongoing Israel Defense Forces (IDF) offensive there, or else it could lose access to U.S. weapons.

"The following day, IDF soldiers fighting Hamas in southern Gaza discovered a body closely resembling that of the Hamas leader. He was likely killed in a fight with ordinary infantry and armored units, not by an airstrike.

"Biden and Harris had long pushed for a ceasefire deal — with Harris insisting in March on a ceasefire even without a deal to release the Israeli hostages still held by Hamas.

"Had such a deal taken place, Sinwar would certainly have been alive, instead of suspected dead.

"The episode recalls that of the killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in late September, just days after the Biden-Harris administration called for a 21-day ceasefire in Lebanon.

"In both cases, had Israel followed the Biden-Harris administration’s demands, the leaders of terror organizations would still be alive and the terror groups they led would have remained more formidable foes.

"Former President Donald Trump’s position has been that Israel should finish the war “quickly” by defeating Hamas." . . .

Heartbroken Husband Slams Biden-Harris Regime as Wife Begins 3-Year Federal Sentence for Peacefully Protesting Outside an Abortion Clinic

The Gateway Pundit  So much for Trump locking Democrats away and separating children from their parents. Ask her daughter what she wants for her mother, I can just hear her say, "fweedom!"   TD

"Her husband, Rickey Victory, took to social media to condemn the regime’s actions and to urge Americans to reconsider their votes come election time. “So right now, I’m about to drive my wife to a federal facility. She has to surrender herself there, and this is due to the Harris-Biden administration." . . .

To write her, you can send mail to Bevelyn Beatty Williams, 36475-510, FCI Aliceville 11070 AL-14, Aliceville, AL 35442. Now she is simply known as "36475-510", not "Honey", or "Momma".

"In a heartbreaking plea to the American public, a devastated husband blasted the Biden-Harris regime after his wife, Bevelyn Beatty Williams, surrendered to federal authorities to begin her three-year prison sentence.

"Her crime? Peacefully protesting outside an abortion clinic in violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

"On July 24th, in a Southern District Court, Judge Rochan handed down the harsh 3-year sentence, making it clear that Bevelyn was to be made an example for others.

“She told me before sentencing that I would not be defined by my sentence, but then proceeded to rip me away from my two-year-old daughter for three years,” Bevelyn said.

“ 'The court disregarded the fact that I’m a young mother and stay-at-home parent. This is nothing short of persecution for standing by my Christian beliefs when it comes to the sanctity of life.”

"Bevelyn, who was peacefully protesting outside an abortion clinic, is now appealing her case.

"Her legal team put in extensive efforts to file a stay of appeal, allowing her to remain on bail during the appeal process for the sake of her daughter and husband.

"Unfortunately, the same judge who sentenced her denied this request. She has been assigned to a federal facility and must report to FCI Aliceville for surrender." . . . 

It’s Not Your Father’s Pot Anymore

Ann Coulter 

"The corporate interests pushing pot claim it works wonders on veterans with PTSD. Yes, if you consider suicide a cure. Two studies have shown that cannabis use by veterans was associated with “PTSD severity, depressive symptom severity, and suicidality.' ” . . .

"Remember all those great ideas George Soros had about crime and open borders? Guess what the spawn of Satan, whose every idea is designed to increase human misery, is pushing now? Legal weed.
"Switching out Americans for third worlders and releasing violent predators from prison gave him kicks for a while. But way too many Americans had not yet become McDonald’s-fattened, glassy-eyed deadbeats who spend most of their time sprawled across a filthy couch ordering DoorDash pizza, playing video games and not looking for work.
"Legalizing marijuana is the last step, the silver bullet to the heart of what’s left of our country. Tantalize the public with a drug that will turn them into low-IQ losers, crashing cars, committing suicide and rushing to emergency rooms with their cannabis-induced scromiting (uncontrollable screaming and vomiting at the same time — one of the many charmingside-effects of widely available pot).
"That’s not even the best part. The cherry on top is that a very, very, very small number of corporate magnates with absolutely no conscience stand to make billions. Big Pot will make Big Tobacco and Big Pharma look like your family doctor.
"With that kind of money at stake, the pot-legalizers are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on pot initiatives this year in Arkansas, Florida, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon and South Dakota so they can start profiting off ruined lives in six more states. According to Open Secrets, the group pushing the Florida pot initiative, “Smart & Safe Florida” — or, more accurately: “Lose 8 Points of Your IQ & Murder Your Wife Florida” — had raised more money than for any other ballot initiative this year, on any issue, in the entire country.
"(About my alternative name: One of the first legal pot consumers in America was Colorado’s Richard Kirk, who ate a marijuana edible, started hallucinating, held a gun to his wife’s head and shot her dead.)
"That kind of spending could persuade voters to support cannibalism. Which, come to think of it, they might be: Remember Rudy Eugene, the Miami face-eater believed to be high on bath salts? The toxicology report identified only one drug in his system: marijuana" . . .
." . . .The corporate interests pushing pot claim it works wonders on veterans with PTSD. Yes, if you consider suicide a cure. Two studies have shown that cannabis use by veterans was associated with “PTSD severity, depressive symptom severity, and suicidality.”