Friday, October 18, 2024

Joy Reid Displays the Absolute Insanity We're Up Against

 Brandon Morse; RedState  

To highlight what I mean further, Joy Reid, with a straight face, told a crowd of people this election is a litmus test for fascism, and people wanting to have babies is proof of wanting a fascistic nation. 

"At some point, the hippies in the '60s learned that if they took a bath and put on nicer looking clothes, then people would think their insane ramblings actually had some intellectual weight to them. They wormed their way into universities and media, pushing government reforms and slowly but surely injecting leftist radicalism into the government. 

"Now, we have open socialists winning seats in government, a socialist healthcare system, and a legitimate communist as the chosen and installed candidate for the Democrat Party's attempt at the White House. 

"Despite the fact that these policies they enact keep failing, people keep electing them. The thinking is that "this time it will work," but all my millennial brain hears is Voss talking about the definition of insanity. They're doing the same thing over and over again, expecting things to change. 

"Maybe the issue is that they don't see it, being so blinded by their own ideological conditioning that they see someone like Kamala Harris and, despite watching as she comes up with non-answers or redirecting answers toward her opponent, think that she's the best candidate to ever be presented to us. They truly believe that the answer to achieving the Utopia the left is always trying to get to is simply arrived at by rejecting and denigrating the opposition. If you listen to them talk, that's truly all they have to go on. 

"Just look at the mental gymnastic this man did in order to square Harris's failure during her Fox News interview in his mind."   David Plouffe commented:

 Kamala Harris (strong) handled an ambush Fox interview light years better than the hash Donald Trump (unstable) made of the Fox pep rally disguised as a town hall.

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