Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Sorry, Joe; Barack has made his choice and it's not you

Bad news for Joe Biden: Obama endorses Michelle for president ... and in the most ickily avuncular* way  . . . "Yet even the supposedly politically savvier Obama does it in the worst kind of way - with an avuncular patronization of "the little ladies" that comes off as worthy of Joe Biden.
"Obama threw out these ridiculous rationales for what had to be Michelle, whose name is often bruited around as a last-minute brokered candidate for the Dems because she is supposedly popular:
“Women, I just want you to know, you are not perfect, but what I can say pretty indisputably is that you’re better than us,” Obama reportedly said Monday. “I’m absolutely confident that for two years if every nation on Earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board on just about everything."
Among the issues Obama thinks female leaders would excel are war and youth issues.
"Statements like these have been said about the little ladies since the pre-suffragette era. They're stupid. They're patronizing. They roll women up into an identity-politics wrapper and end their individuality entirely. A candidate is not a candidate if she's a woman, if she's a woman candidate, then she's just a woman. Obama  accentuated the stupidity by bring up women as good with kids and against war, which is another stereotype. Some are, some are not. Same as politics: Some women are good, some are not. Some women are really good but not the people Obama has in mind. Memo to Obama: Margaret Thatcher.
(Ed: I cannot see a single Margaret Thatcher in US politics; only possible guest stars on some late-night talk show.  TD)
"And I doubt that by his statement, Obama was thinking of Elizabeth Warren, Tulsi Gabbard, Hillary Clinton or Amy Klobuchar as his vaunted women who'd do it all better than Obama did, most of these people are people he fights with. Nope, it had to be Michellem who, by the way, looks like she's lost some weight and has had a makeover.
"Michelle Obama is a ridiculous choice, of course, because she has no political record other than being someone's wife.
"But with no political record at all, she's easy to put forward under the argument: Vote for me, I'm a woman. It's actually all she has, and Obama thinks it's enough.
"Apparently, he thinks the voters are stupid."

Barack Obama's feminist nonsense By Cheryl K. Chumley  "Former President Barack Obama, at a leadership event in Singapore that he attended with wife, Michelle, told the no-doubt adoring crowd that women were awesome, men were scum and people of the world, unite! It’s time for the fairer sex to take over both boardrooms of business and power offices in politics. To paraphrase, that is.
“ '[M]en have been getting on my nerves lately,” he said, The Hill reported.
"Gag. Barf. What’s Obama trying to do — score points with his wife or start a fire of feminism?" . . .

Perhaps the endorsement is still an ongoing penance for this incident. I doubt any of America's enemies would get the look Michelle just gave in this video.
*Avuncular: ADJECTIVE;  relating to an uncle.

    • kind and friendly toward a younger or less experienced person.
      "an avuncular manner"

    • anthropology
      relating to the relationship between men and their siblings' children.
      Michelle Obama, back with a racially charged vengeance

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