Monday, May 27, 2024

Biden Campaign Gets Dismantled by Tim Scott for Dishonest Ad

 Rebecca Downs (  

Bash segued into talking about the dishonest Biden ad by bringing up the Bronx rally that Trump held last Thursday.  

Bookworm Room

. . ."More recently, in his remarks from March, Trump was clearly talking about "a bloodbath" in the economic sense, specifically to do with the U.S. auto industry.

"Those remarks abut how he "vowed to be a dictator" were clearly made in jest, as he himself confirmed. If anyone "wants revenge on his enemies," that would be Biden, championing the criminal trials against Trump as a form of election interference. 

"That the Biden campaign would target black voters specifically with such an ad is interesting. Do they think that black voters are not informed enough to see through the lies?

"As the clip aired for CNN viewers, Scott was specifically asked "what do you say to black Americans, black voters who watch that ad and share those concerns about Donald Trump?" He's been a fitting campaign surrogate for Trump since he endorsed him for president ahead of the New Hampshire Primary in January, despite himself running for president, though he dropped out last November. This includes assisting with getting Trump support from black voters." . . .

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