Monday, May 27, 2024

Joe Biden spends his Memorial Day weekend celebrating George Floyd

Why cannot Democrats feel shame over what they have become? The generation that gave us Antifa and honors Hamas is the one Biden panders to here. Sadly, he may be right. As British Journalist Sophie Corcoran bitterly noted:

The Tunnel Dweller

 Monica Showalter - American Thinker

The Memorial Day weekend is on us, so quite a few people were surprised to see Joe Biden tweeting about this instead of our selfless servicemen who paid the ultimate sacrifice: . . .

. . ."Nothing good came of the death of George Floyd, a career criminal whose death, while a tragedy for him, was a pretty preventable one. As for the public, his death and the radical response, driven to some extent by Cuban and Venezuelan agents, was a disaster.

"Yet even though someone called May 25 "George Floyd Day," it's outrageous to see it cut into the Memorial Day weekend, which is a period of solemn observance for those servicemen and servicewomen who gave their lives for something good -- our country.

"Biden's nattering on about Floyd at the most inappropriate of times calls to mind that he's been pretty hellish as commander in chief. He has yet to make right the COVID vaccine mandate which drove many topflight members of the service from the service. Military housing remains dilapidated, while military paychecks have been ravaged by Bidenflation.

"Biden lost Afghanistan, leaving that country in shambles and in the hands of the Taliban while our enemies snickered. Worse still, thirteen U.S. servicemembers lost their lives at the hands of these monsters and Biden stared at his watch as their coffins were brought into the U.S. He silenced the families of these servicemembers who paid the ultimate sacrifice at his State of the Union address. And as Memorial Day rolls around, he has yet to bring up these casualties of his military incompetence, who ought to be honored on Memorial Day.

"He has since lost a major military base in Niger while U.S. troops were held hostage, gotten the U.S. mired in a war in Ukraine, and foolishly schemed to use the U.S. military to build a pier to Gaza for humanitarian aid has since seen broken off and fallen away and washed onto some Gaza beach, $350 million down the drain.

"Memorial Day is a special day, it's not to honor veterans, or first responders, however worthy they genuinely are. It's to honor the fallen in U.S. wars and nothing else." . . .

 That Biden has yet to understand this, and instead demonstrates that it's somehow about George Floyd only goes to underscore how unfit he is as commander in chief.

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