Monday, May 27, 2024

Cruz Flips the Script on Code Pink When They Try to Corner Him, Exposes What They're Really About


Nick Arama – RedState  "As we reported. last week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) demolished Antony Blinken when the Secretary of State testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee regarding Joe Biden's catastrophic foreign policy. In particular, he ripped into Blinken about how they'd helped our enemies and alienated our friends, and how the world was much more dangerous as a result. He pointed out how, despite their claimed sanctions against Iran, Iran had increased the number of barrels of oil it was selling from 300,000 to two million a day. 

"But there was a little bit more drama after that beatdown when Code Pink tried to do a "gotcha moment" on him in the hallway coming out of the hearing. Imagine people being this twisted to act as though it's Israel that's the evil one in the fight for their lives against the Hamas terrorists. But Cruz was ready and delivered a healthy dose of reality to the radical activists.". . .

READ MORE:   MUST SEE: Ted Cruz Demolishes Antony Blinken on the Catastrophic Foreign Policy of Biden on Iran

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