Thursday, June 20, 2024

After This Failed Program, Does Anything *Work* in Joe Biden's America?

 Matt Vespa (

"Three years ago, Biden rolled out the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD), allocating $42.5 billion to bring high-speed internet access to rural America. And not a single home has been connected to the network. It’s a hodgepodge of government bureaucracy, red tape, and other aspects of Washington that perfectly illustrates why this is a classic tale of government action (via Washington Times): " . . .

. . ."Lawmakers and internet companies blame the slow rollout on burdensome requirements for obtaining the funds, including climate change mandates, preferences for hiring union workers and the requirement that eligible companies prioritize the employment of “justice-impacted” people with criminal records to install broadband equipment. 

[…] Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr said the program’s goal of providing high-speed internet to most underserved areas will not be fully realized until 2030, nine years after its enactment. . . .

. . ."Nothing will be shovel-ready until 2025-2026. Still, US Senators have wondered about all the extraneous provisions in the law regarding the funding requirements: 

  • Preference for hiring union workers, who are scarce in some rural areas. 
  • Requiring providers to prioritize “certain segments of the workforce, such as individuals with past criminal records,” when building broadband networks.
  • Requiring eligible entities to “account not only for current [climate-related] risks but also for how the frequency, severity, and nature of these extreme events may plausibly evolve as our climate continues to change over the coming decades.” 

Lawmakers also protested provisions in the BEAD program giving preference to government-owned networks, which critics say put taxpayers at risk and have sustained financial losses around the country. 

“Time and time again, such networks have squandered public dollars and left taxpayers holding the bag,” the National Taxpayers Union said in a letter to Sen. John Thune, South Dakota Republican. 

"And yes, there’s DEI nonsense in a bill trying to boost internet access for the rural poor. It’s no wonder why Biden isn’t touting this on this already thin sheet of legislative accomplishments. It’s in purgatory. Does anything in Biden’s America work? Planes are nearly crashing in airports nationwide; trains are derailing, there are no EV charging stations, and now no Internet."
Joe Biden's presidency: All crises and no solutions (   "Among his many self-inflicted crises, inflation and immigration perfectly embody Joe Biden’s failing, flailing presidency. Confronted with catastrophes of his own creation, Biden shows himself not just unable to solve them but even to deviate from the errors that produced them. Two crises, one cause, no solution — and even less leadership. Increasingly, it is clear that Biden’s approach is to search for others to save him from himself.

"There is no end to Biden’s self-inflicted wounds. There is also no Biden solution for them except more of the same. Abroad, they began with his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which has kept his administration backpedaling ever since. In the Middle East, he was played by Iran, first over the hopeless nuclear deal and most recently over a swap of hostages for $6 billion, which has since been temporarily paused. And when Iran thought Biden played out, it unleashed its client Hamas on Israel." . . .

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