Thursday, June 20, 2024

There Will Be a Price to Pay: Consequences Are Coming for Universities That Allowed Pro-Hamas Mobs

 Guy Benson (

"An Israeli peace activist who was seized from her home on 7 October and held hostage for 53 days in Gaza has told the BBC how her ordeal destroyed her belief that peace is possible between Palestinians and Israelis."

"Let's pause, right out of the gate, to reflect on how demented it is that the "woke" have taken up the cause of a theocratic, authoritarian, genocidal, bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic terrorist organization -- while endlessly criticizing the pluralistic democracy, in which women and minorities enjoy equal rights, that was brutally attacked by said terrorists.  Nearly everything that these fraudulent "progressives" purport to care about is exemplified by Israel, especially by Middle Eastern standards, yet they side with the medieval savages who represent virtually everything they claim to oppose.  In their broken and amoral oppressor/oppressed mindset, they gravitate toward the barbarians of Hamas, despite or even because of their heinous predations.  The terrorists are the (overall) darker-skinned, less successful, "colonization" victims, they believe, so they embrace their evil.  Hamas is also aligned with Iran and other anti-Western civilization forces, whereas Israel is successful and largely capitalistic, and generally allied with Western values, so the regressive "woke" legions see kindred spirits among the terrorists.  Then, of course, there's also quite a lot of Jew hatred running rampant throughout these sick circles."

"Western college campuses have been epicenters of this twisted, incoherent madness.  Far too many of these institutions have caved to loud, depraved voices, prompting backlash, investigations, and lawsuits.  The financial pain that will be deservedly visited upon schools like UCLA, over mind-boggling violations like this.  They have one of the best litigators in the country coming after them.  There will be a price to pay.  Columbia is also going to have to answer for astounding revelations such as these, likely through litigation.  Truly appalling:

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