Monday, June 10, 2024

On the Gaza rescue

 The Morning Briefing: Hostage Rescue Brings Out the Worst in the Worst People on Earth   "Ever since the horrific Hamas terrorist assault on Israel last October, we have been discussing the fact that it is very easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys in all that has followed.

"Morally bankrupt leftists all over the world have thrown in with the terrorists. They pretend that it's all about the poor innocents in Gaza, but Hamas is Gaza, and Gaza is Hamas. Those fully grown Hamas terrorists aren't being dispensed from a vending machine or being purchased off of Amazon, after all. 

"The ugliness of this insanity has been compounded by hordes of ignorant college kids who have had their impressionable minds warped by commie professors. 

"As is always the case with the leftists, there are no limits to how low they can go. The antisemitic rage we've seen from them these past eight months has been beyond awful. Unfortunately, they found new depths to plumb after the Israel Defense Forces rescued four hostages last week. They immediately looked for ways to taint a great cause for celebration — especially given the fact that many had lost hope that any hostages remained alive. 

"Israel continues to fight for its survival while the Left's smear machine works feverishly to turn public sentiment against it. As Richard Fernandez wrote over the weekend, the global public relations initiative might not be working out the way Hamas and its apologists want it to: . . ."

 Why Did CNN Say the Israeli Hostages Were 'Released?' – HotAir

. . ."I would like to offer them the benefit of the doubt and assume that this was just an accident that popped up during a breaking news event, but it's rather difficult to do so. This just seems to be typical of the culture at CNN. They have been quick to accept anything said by Hamas' Ministry of Health in Gaza when it comes to casualty figures in the Strip and quick to lay blame at the feet of the IDF for nearly anything. When terrorists blew up their own hospital's parking lot with an errant rocket, CNN was quick to blame Israeli rockets, setting a pattern of taking Hamas at their word." . . .

. . ."Gazans died because they held Israelis hostage in their homes, and then used them as human shields when the IDF came to rescue the hostages. It's simple - stop taking hostages, stop keeping them hidden among civilians, and release the hostages. 

"I think Noa's story will get worse as we learn more, as the other three hostages' stories will, too. The important thing is that they were rescued alive and are back with their families. The confusion about how was held where complicates the story." . . .

Now if only doctors will be able to heal the nightmares Noa must have nightly. TD

Douglas Murray: How Media Are SKEWED Against Israel (

Douglas Murray speaks to Uncommon Knowledge about the hysterical reporting and reactions to the Israel-Hamas war. Ollie reacts and digs deeper.

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