Monday, June 10, 2024

When will America become America again?


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Civil War if Trump Goes to Prison? - John Kudla   "I find it difficult to believe that we are still discussing the possibility of a second American Civil War.  However, the trial and conviction of Donald Trump in a Russian — excuse me, New York court on dubious charges has once again prompted discussion of civil unrest that could lead to civil war.

"During a recent interview with Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business regarding the Trump verdict, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky said, “I worry about strife.  I worry about war in the streets.”  He is not alone.

"Last Friday, during a discussion of Trump possibly being sentenced to prison, comedian Bill Maher had this to say: “MAGA Nation will go nuts.  If they put him [Trump] in jail, I know it will happen because the judge’s name is Juan.  Everything becomes racial in this country.”

"Of course, no prejudices there.  That remark might have been a joke, but it sounded as if Maher believes that all you dirty Make America Great Again types hate Hispanics.  Yes, it seems everything in this country has become racial.  Who do you suppose is responsible for that, Bill?" . . .

You see, Democrats want social unrest, or want to pretend there will be, because it fulfills their expectations, makes them seem rational, and allows them to take the moral high ground.  The whole civil war thing is just a scare tactic to make the gullible believe that Trump is a threat to democracy.  Sorry, Democrats — no civil war is coming unless you start it.

How much prison time could Trump get? It's complicated. - POLITICO  Donald Trump now faces 78 felony charges across three criminal cases — many of them carrying the potential for hefty prison time.

"If Trump were convicted on all counts and given the maximum statutory penalty for each one, he would face a whopping 641 years in prison. And that’s not counting additional criminal charges he may face in Georgia, where the district attorney in Fulton County may be on the verge of indicting him this month.

"But the reality of any prison term that Trump could plausibly receive is far more complicated." . . . 

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