Monday, June 10, 2024

Democrats as they now are

We have watched this Antifa generation burn our cities over the killing of a man who held his gun at a woman's pregnant stomach, murder police, stalked Supreme Court Justices. Now we see them as simple-minded tools of murderous Hamas, shaped by teachers leading that generation to the destruction of a nation they have shamed and abased. TD

'Lafayette, we are here' has an entirely different meaning in front of Joe Biden's White House - Monica Showalter

 . . ."Which tells us a lot about Joe Biden and the kind of government he represents and values. That abortion and Jan. 6 protestors can be sent to prison for years and years, while this garbage symbolically directed at our valuable ally goes on with impunity says mountains about what the Biden administration is about. And after the French treated him so well in France.

"What an ingrate."

 Who’s behind the pro-Palestinian protests in the U.S.? (   . . ."Despite accusations by some pro-Israel groups and former U.S. and Israeli government officials of potential ties between protest organizers and terrorist groups, public records show no clear evidence financially linking Hamas or any foreign governments to the American protests. 

"What did emerge is a vast network that includes left-leaning, billion-dollar American philanthropies and collaboration with at least one foreign organization that Germany and Israel have banned for allegedly working with or supporting Hamas and another terrorist group.

"The movement overall appears grassroots, with localized efforts that coordinate primarily through social media using apps such as Telegram, X, WhatsApp and Instagram." . . . 

"Obama would later scold the hecklers when they started up again, telling them “You can’t just talk and not listen– That’s what the other side does”:. . ."

"Other side?" Is this Muslim sycophant speaking of the people whose villages were destroyed by murderous "Palestinians" and women brutally raped out of hate? None of this had to happen until these Gazans showed the brutality they have been wanting to unleash with the promise of repeating it over and over! TD

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