Monday, June 10, 2024

"May Adir’s memory forever be a blessing"

ALL Category Sports (    "Hamas terrorists beheaded my son and tried to sell his head in Gaza,” revealed David, the father of Adir Tahar, a victim of a brutal terrorist attack on October 7th. He detailed the horrific treatment of his son's body.

" 'My son's death was incredibly difficult to come to terms with. The terrorists fired an anti-tank missile at him, then threw three grenades. The autopsy report showed that Adir's entire body was ravaged, and his head was missing. They took his head to Gaza. For two and a half months, I desperately sought information about its whereabouts. It was a grueling task - receiving a headless body," he explained.

"Adir's father, in deep sorrow, said, "I demanded to see the body. They warned me against it, but as a father, I needed to know every detail about my child’s death. Half an hour before his burial, the body arrived at the cemetery. When I opened the casket, I realized what I was burying. He was unrecognizable. As we buried Adir, I knew I was interring my child without his face, so I had to keep searching for it."

"The grieving father spent weeks searching for a lead. "I reviewed all the videos and eventually found footage of my son missing a critical part of his body." David recounted, "Three weeks ago, during the interrogation of two Hamas terrorists arrested in Israel, they confessed that one of them had attempted to sell my son's head for $10,000 in Gaza. The IDF then entered Gaza, searched an ice cream shop's freezer, and there, in a suitcase, they found my son's head, which had also been desecrated. At least I was able to bury him with the little dignity that remained."

"May Adir’s memory forever be a blessing." 💔

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