Saturday, July 20, 2024

Biden is reportedly flying into rages

Monica Showalter 

He's like a wounded Frankenstein's monster of Democrats' own making; artificially stitched together, rotting, braying, lashing out. That's some candidate to present to the public, and as of this writing, he's not going. 

"Republicans have wrapped up their national convention in Milwaukee this week, and President Trump has emerged triumphant.

"Attention now goes to the Democrats and their upcoming convention beginning on August 19 in Chicago.

"That should be some convention because right now, at least two news reports have the Democrats' candidate, Joe Biden, is whimpering and flying into rages.

"According to NBC News in a story headlined: Biden left feeling angry and betrayed by top Democratic leaders wavering on his campaign:

The president is furious at how the party has tried to force him out, two sources say, as Democrats in Congress increasingly believe the question is when, not if, he will end his campaign.

President Joe Biden feels personally hurt and betrayed by the way so many Democrats, including some of the party’s top leaders, have left him hung out to dry as he faces the biggest crisis of his political career, according to two sources familiar with his thinking.

"According to Fox Business's Charlie Gasparino:

Charles Gasparino: BREAKING: Word from inside the POTUS  war room to Wall Street c-suiters who are following this drama is that Joe Biden is beside-himself angry, which is why it's taking so long for him to concede to reality. This guy is a tough man who feels completely dissed. I first reported on Biden's anger a few years back. Here's the story:

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