Saturday, July 20, 2024

Democrats have become enablers of a strange, diminished America


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"Unalived?" Is that the word she used? TD
Jess Piper explains why Biden is 3, not 30, points behind Trump - Andrea Widberg   . . ."The reason for Biden’s continued success can be explained by one representative person: Jess Piper, the Executive Director of Blue Missouri, a Democrat political organization. According to her bio on the site:

Jess is a mother to five and grandmother to three and lives on a small farm on the Missouri/Iowa border.

She was born and raised in rural America. She received degrees in English and Teaching from the Univerity of Arkansas and was an American Literature teacher for 16 years. After the 2016 election of Trump, Jess became politically active.

"On her TikTok page, where she has 264,000 followers, Piper expressed her shock and horror about Saturday’s events. However, she wasn’t shocked or horrified that someone tried to kill one of the two leading presidential candidates. Instead, what frightened her was that there was a doctor in that MAGA crowd. This doctor:". . .

She cannot make herself say that a man was murdered. She calls him “unalived” — and that is entirely separate from her defamatory rant against the doctor. This is what leftism has done to America, and one really must wonder if this nation can be saved.
 Jess, who lost her race for a Missouri House seat is “mortified” that a Trump supporter can be a doctor.

. . ."For people like Jess Piper, Biden could be an actual eggplant, and she’d still vote for him. And you know what? I get it.

"My vision of America is the exact opposite of the one that Piper and her friends hold. I understand that Biden and Trump are both the tips of their respective ideological pyramids and I, too, would vote for an eggplant if it topped my constitutional ideological pyramid rather than her Marxist one."

This is the ER doctor that she would not want her loved one to be in the care of.

She was a schoolteacher! Want your loved one to be taught by her?

Anthony Fauci: Assassination Attempt On Trump No Big Deal Since An Ear Wound Is “Superficial” (  "It’s hard to overstate my disdain for disgraced Branch Covidian Anthony “I am the Science” Fauci, but he’s managed to plumb new lows in his comment about President Trump’s near assassination.

Hollywood Leftist George Takei Claims Trump Was Not Actually Hit By a Bullet, Needs a 'Doctor's Report' to Prove It | The Gateway Pundit

Takei, who is one of Hollywood’s most severe sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome and has previously advocated for pedophilia, is one of numerous leftists to claim that Trump is either exaggerating his injuries from the assassination attempt, which was inches away from killing him.

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