Saturday, July 20, 2024

Mailwoman Shot in Chicago

 Mailwoman Shot in Chicago - Moonbattery

"Traditionally, mail carriers’ worst enemy is aggressive dogs. But where the Democrat Death Spiral has caused law & order to collapse, they have bigger problems:

A mail carrier was fatally shot while walking a route in Chicago, authorities said. …

Octavia Redmond, 48, was shot shortly before noon Friday on South Harvard Avenue on Chicago’s South Side, police said.

"Gasps Elise Foster, a local official at the National Association of Letter Carriers,

“We are federal employees. How dare you?”

"As the wolves close in around the dwindling campfire of civilization, no one is secure. Not even federal employees.

"If you can’t have retail stores where society has succumbed to leftism, why would you expect to have mail delivery?"

Below:  Taking a Stantis: shootings in Chicago (

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