Saturday, July 20, 2024

Here’s How Dems Can Force Biden Out

  Issues & Insights (

The media’s gaslighting has been so extreme that they brushed under the rug the feeble fumble the entire American viewing public saw them seeing first-hand

"In their laughable charges of White House “cover-ups” and press-briefing misinformation in the wake of the visibly slumping Joe Biden’s debate debacle, the legacy media are demonstrating an even steeper cognitive decline.

"Is the collective short-term memory loss of the sharks in the White House press pool so severe that they have forgotten their own full-on frenetic feeding frenzy just five months ago? On that previous Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Night when the incumbent did his best Sen. William Scott imitation in denying, and thereby proving, Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report that Biden is a man of “diminished faculties in advancing age”?

"The media’s gaslighting has been so extreme that they brushed under the rug the feeble fumble the entire American viewing public saw them seeing first-hand.

"Now the virtual-ink-stained wretches have done an about-face so crisp and coordinated it might put a top-flight drill team to shame.

"Alongside our counterfeit commander in chief’s erstwhile cheerleaders on Capitol Hill, who are deserting his sinking ship so rapidly that to compare them to rats would give said rodents a bad name.

"To wit: a growing number of both cohorts have come to the conclusion that seven in 10 Americans had already reached those five moons ago. As this column put it then:

If he’s lost his wits, Sleepy Joe must quit.

Just three tiny, teensy-weensy problems with that.  . . ."Publicly, if the Offer Mr. Biden Couldn’t Refuse is indeed refused, it would go something like this: 

“We’re shocked, shocked to find that Mr. Biden engaged in abuses of his office.”

Then choose from the menu of abuses any one or combo that would be most politically palatable – and even advantageous: (See below: Issues & Insights)

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