Sunday, August 25, 2024

A blood libel from the unions against Israel?

 Civis Americanus  

"The bottom line is that if the Democrat party needs the kind of votes these unions can deliver, then it does not need your vote or mine, and its own members need to question whether this is the kind of representation they want."

"The Jewish Insider’s Gabby Deutch reports, “Major labor unions call on Biden to halt military aid to Israel.”  “Signatories include the Service Employees International Union, National Education Association, United Auto Workers, Association of Flight Attendants, the American Postal Workers Union, the International Union of Painters and the United Electrical Workers.”  All of these are major players in the Democrat party, which looks to them to deliver the union vote.  Note the presence of the NEA, a poster child for homeschooling and charter schools if ever I saw one.

"The article includes a link to confirm that the unions in question did in fact put their support behind the agenda of Hamas, which is to cripple Israel’s ability to remove the terrorist group permanently and recover all surviving hostages.

"The strict definition of a blood libel is specifically that Jews murder non-Jewish children to use their blood to make matzos.  I think, however, it is fair to extend the definition to include any false accusation of an atrocity to incite hatred of any racial, religious, or ethnic group, as the United Auto Workers did this July with its false accusation that Israel commits genocide.  Remember that more likely than not, false accusations that Spain blew up the USS Maine in Havana in 1898 helped start a war in which tens of thousands of people died, mostly from disease, as was standard in that era.  The Triple Entente depicted German soldiers murdering women, children, and prisoners of war and German sailors murdering the passengers of the Lusitania, which was, however, carrying munitions and thus a legitimate target.  This helped draw the United States into the war.  Adolf Hitler was unfortunately the German who learned the most from Germany’s failure to counteract this propaganda, and he used similar techniques to take over Germany." . . .

Civis Americanus is the pen name of an American Thinker contributor who remembers the lessons of history and wants to ensure that our country never needs to learn those lessons again the hard way.

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