Sunday, August 25, 2024

Jon Stewart SHUTS DOWN MSNBC & CNN for Biased Reporting

Jon Stewart Slams CNN, NBC for Blocking Reporters From His Podcast ( We regret the language in this report. TD

Mr. Stewart speaks of "journalists" and I wonder if he includes personalities like Ali Velshi , Joy Reid,  Jim Acosta Rachel Maddow,  Wolf Blitzer, to name only a few. TD

"On his latest “Weekly Show” podcast, Jon Stewart railed against news outlets such as CNN and NBC, claiming that these “organizations that rely on access and transparency refuse to allow their reporters to come on [this] podcast and talk about the issues of the day.”

“ 'Weekly Show” producer Brittany Mehmedovic chimed in on the difficulty of booking guests on the podcast, saying “it’s unlike anything I’ve really ever seen” in her decade working in journalism. “Phone calls go unanswered,” she said, referring to NBC. “It’s very ‘We’re going to politely decline on this.'”

"Stewart said that individual reporters tell him they’d “love to do” the podcast but need to get “network approval,” which they say never comes. When the “Weekly Show” team seeks an explanation from the news outlet, Stewart and co. allegedly get “left on read.' ” . . .

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