Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hillary's Glass Ceiling Is Dirty, Joe is just plain dirty

 American Free News Network (  

"Did you catch Hillary Clinton’s speech at the Democrat National Convention on Monday? Like our beloved Rush Limbaugh often said, I watched it so you didn’t have to. Deja vu all over again. Clinton’s speech brought me back to the 1970s when women were fighting for equal rights. We won that fight, but Clinton doesn’t want us to notice. She wants women to view themselves as victims. She prattled on about the glass ceiling, a term only pandering Democrats use in 2024 America.

"Queen Hillary spewed out the same old blather about how “women can do anything,” pretending that women are still being held back. To prove that women can do anything, Americans must, must, must put Kamala Harris in the White House. No special talent or experience is needed, and never mind that Harris is a Marxist. According to Clinton “female” on one’s birth certificate is sufficient.  Share

Good riddance to Joe Biden, one of America’s most disastrous presidents (The Telegraph)   "On Monday night, Biden took to the stage at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago to bid an emotional farewell. 

"Outside there had been significant unrest, with hundreds of keffiyeh-clad Gaza activists marching downtown to accuse Kamala Harris of “genocide” in Gaza.

"Four people had been detained by the police when they managed to break through a security perimeter that had been set up around the venue. In one snapshot, a tall thug wearing women’s clothing was filmed berating police officers in an unusually deep voice.

"Quite obviously, this was not just about Gaza. This was a clash of worldviews, with Western values of freedom and liberal democracy being assailed by the trendy new radicalism, a mélange of old-fashioned socialism and woke fundamentalism. It all put me in mind of Ronald Reagan’s battles with the Left.

"As Biden departs weeping from the stage, it is natural to consider his legacy. Perhaps that was part of the reason for his tears. Whereas Reagan inherited a divided country but successfully united it through the force of his charisma and solid values, Biden inherited a divided country from Donald Trump, promised to unify it, and left it more divided than ever before, with an orange sun rising once again on the horizon. It is hard to look upon his period in office as an untrammelled success.

"Partly, this has been because the 46th president has allowed himself to be pulled hither and thither by the increasingly militant progressive wing of his party, which has attempted to dictate policy on issues ranging from foreign affairs to rent controls. Biden dithered, capitulated, and triangulated, losing both his values and his overseas allies in the process – all for him to lose his chance at a second term, pushed out without so much as a how’s your father by a Democratic machine still heavily influenced by the Obamas." . . .

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