Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Garbage That Starts Off the Democratic Party Platform

 Robert Spencer; Frontpage Mag  "If you still think it’s hyperbole and hysteria to say that the Left hates America, check out the 2024 Democratic Party Platform"

To be a Democrat is to wear the hair shirt of guilt and repentence. TD

"This “inflection point” statement, however, is not the first item in the Democratic Party Platform. The first thing you see when you start reading the Democratic Party Platform, the very first thing that the Democrats want you to know, is that America is on stolen land. The message is clear: Go home, white colonizer!

"The first item in the 2024 platform of America’s majority party is the “Democratic National Convention Land Acknowledgement.” Land acknowledgments, which are basically statements of colonialist guilt and assertions that some particular parcel of land actually belongs to someone other than those who occupy it and own the deed, became trendy a few years ago, as our Age of Absurdity reached new heights of ridiculousness. They’re common, as you’d expect, on the websites of colleges and universities. The platform’s land acknowledgment is a trifle more gingerly stated than such things usually are, but its upshot is nonetheless unmistakable.

“ 'The Democratic National Committee,” the land acknowledgment begins, “wishes to acknowledge that we gather together to state our values on lands that have been stewarded through many centuries by the ancestors and descendants of Tribal Nations who have been here since time immemorial.”

"This is carefully worded. Instead of saying outright that the land belongs to the Tribal Nations, or was taken from them, as most land acknowledgments do, the platform says that the Democratic National Convention is taking place on lands that “have been stewarded” by the Tribal Nations." . . . And so on....

. . ."Conspicuously absent is any similar praise for the Founding Fathers or any of the heroic figures of American history. From the Democrats’ platform, the uninformed reader would get the impression that the colonialist oppressors arrived in North America, stole the land from the Native Americans, and somehow established a Constitution that now Donald Trump wants to destroy, but which they are working very hard to save." . . .

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 28 books, including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About MuhammadThe History of Jihad, and The Critical Qur’an. His latest book is Muhammad: A Critical Biography. . . .

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