Thursday, August 1, 2024

Donald Trump’s popularity is rising with some Americans. Here are 3 reasons why.


In 2020: Warnock’s election reminds us that Black churches are vital to Democratic success - The Washington Post   "A hugely successful get-out-the vote effort, especially the mobilization of Black voters, will deliver Raphael Warnock to the U.S. Senate when he is sworn in this week. The role of the Black church in his election has been much remarked upon — and is the result of years of organizing strategy.

"For generations, a critical part of Democrats’ efforts to get Black voters to the polls has been appeals via the Black church, one of the strongest pillars of the African American community." ...

Black men shift slightly toward Trump in record numbers, polls show (   

In 2016, when the nominee was Hillary Clinton, Black men dropped further to 82 percent while Black women’s support for Clinton remained high at 94 percent. Biden came close to matching that this year, garnering the support of 91 percent of Black women.

Trump launches group to build Black support at Detroit church event    "Former President Donald Trump’s campaign launched its Black voter coalition group Saturday, the clearest effort yet by Trump to target a voting bloc that has overwhelmingly supported Democrats in past elections but has been unusually open to Trump in public polling." . . .

Donald Trump’s popularity is rising with some Americans. Here are 3 reasons why. - Vox    "Something confounding is happening in America: Donald Trump, once the least liked presidential officeholder and reviled by nearly two-thirds of the country by the time he left office, is getting more popular.

"For the loyal Vox reader, that statement may be hard to believe. Yes, the twice-impeached, multiply indicted former president is still generally disliked: The latest New York Times/Siena poll places his favorability rating at a “weak” 44 percent. But that’s still higher than his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, who is viewed favorably by just 38 percent of registered voters. As views of Biden have been getting more negative, views of Trump have also been getting more positive.

"Across multiple kinds of polling and public opinion surveys, Trump’s favorability appears to have stabilized at a higher place than three years ago. Views of Trump have been modestly improving for most Americans and have actually increased significantly among Black and Latino Americans, younger voters, and working-class people." . . .

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