Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Bamster and The Boss

Said the guy who has a fanboy relationship with the self-loving Barack Obama: 

Barack Obama & Bruce Springsteen Talk Reparations On New Spotify Podcast (

Open the comments and see Springsteen and Obama are not universally admired and respected by all. TD
Dude had to damn near Beg Obama to say that he supported #REPARTIONS for #ADOS. At this point I still have lost all the respect that I had for Obama and his wife Michelle.

 Obama is full of it. He should have said more and done more when he was in power. He feels more comfortable saying it now because so many others are saying it. He is pathetic.

 I'm done with the worshipping of this man. He's not our friend. Goodbye!

Much of the positive comments come from those speaking good things about reparations. TD 

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