Thursday, August 1, 2024

Parody: A counterfeit Kamala Harris ad is comedy gold

 D. Parker - American Thinker   "Heres an ad parody that simply destroys the un-Democratic party’s first ad with undeniable humor.

"A masterful sendup of Counterfeit Kamala’s first ad is out on YouTube, and it’s comedy gold. 

"Get a load:"

. . . "The current media contest is going to be a ‘David and Goliath’ or Rebels against the Empire in terms of the early Star Wars trilogy.  Most amusingly, Counterfeit Kamala is going to be the left’s biggest liability.  There is so much material to work with, even if she is over-produced, the previous cringe will be her undoing.  Not to mention that the Un-democratic party’s Kremlin coup shows they are complete frauds – which only makes for more fodder in the funnies.

"This is one of those videos you’re going to want to share everywhere."

How Kamala Climbed the Peaks of DEI (Ann Coulter)

. . .True, Harris had called Biden a racist in the first debate, which would be a deal-killer in any other circumstance. But on the plus side, she was black and she was a woman. The search was over!

Luckily for Harris, Joe found her to be -- as he said about Barack Obama in 2007 -- "articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking [gal].

Kevin O'Leary of Shark Tank Says He is Already Hearing From Democrats Who Have 'Buyer's Remorse' Over Kamala Harris and Lack of a Party Primary (VIDEO)   . . ."O'Leary warned about what could happen when someone with no skills gets into power.

" 'I ask everybody to look north to Canada. When a young Justin Trudeau swept in, nobody cared about his executional skills or what he'd ever done or anything."

" 'They just thought he was the it guy. Look at the country now it's, it's wiped out it because it turns out the guy had no executional skills." " 'It would be important to leave aside the politics and ask what has Kamala Harris actually done, actually achieved?' " . . .

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