Saturday, September 21, 2024

Israel haters weep for Hezbollah terrorists, but Douglas Murray has other thoughts.

 Douglas Murray applauds pager explosion attack against Hezbollah (    "Author Douglas Murray has applauded the pager explosion attack on Hezbollah members which was assumed to have been launched by Israel.

" 'This is the deliberate targeting of Hezbollah terrorists in the most targeted, precise and somewhat personal way imaginable,” Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi. " 'The people who say that this is indiscriminate seem not to have noticed that if you have a Hezbollah pager device or Hezbollah walkie-talkie on you, the chances are you may well be a member of Hezbollah and Hezbollah is a designated terrorist organisation, and therefore you're just not innocent.”

Video: ‘Idiot’ AOC slammed over ‘untrue’ post about Hezbollah pager attack  "Author and commentator Andrew Klavan slammed “idiot” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez following her latest post commenting on the attack on Hezbollah communication devices in Lebanon.
"Ms Ocasio-Cortez, in a post to X, said the pager attack in Lebanon “clearly and unequivocally violates international humanitarian law and undermines US efforts to prevent a wider conflict”. "She then went on to call for the “full accounting” of the attack to Congress, including an answer from the State Department as to whether any “US assistance went into the development or deployment” of the technology. “ 'It’s a stupid theory, it’s observably untrue,” Mr Klavan told Sky News host James Macpherson."

Israel haters who wept for Gaza civilians now weep for Hezbollah terrorists. "One of the virtues of Israel’s exquisitely targeted attack against Hezbollah terrorists is that it’s finally revealed the truth for all to see: The people who have spent the last months crying about Israel killing civilians cared nothing about the civilians. What made them angry was that Israel was defeating Hamas, an Iranian proxy, so an enemy of both Israel and America. We know this because the same people, rather than congratulating Israel for a targeted attack the likes of which no one has ever seen, are now angry at Israel for killing enemy soldiers, even as they’re completely silent about Hezbollah’s most recent massive rocket barrage against Israeli civilians.

"Here's a good, brief summary of what Israel managed to accomplish:" . . .

Democrats, does this give you any concern? Report: Hezbollah Had an 'October 7-Like' Attack in the Works Before It Was Blown to Smithereens – RedState  ..."Reports have since emerged that Hezbollah was planning an "October 7-like" attack on Israel codenamed "Conquer the Galilee." October 7, 2023, was, of course, the day that Hamas terrorists from Gaza conducted a merciless assault on Israel, resulting in the barbarous murders of thousands of Israelis and the kidnappings of hundreds more — many of whom are still being held hostage nearly a year later. 

"Following the latest action by Israel, the IDF revealed what they believe Hezbollah was planning:" . . .

All Israel wants is to live in peace with their families and society. The Arabs around them have nothing to fear from the Jews, but they cannot, and will not leave Israel alone. TD


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