Saturday, September 21, 2024

Jill Biden's Cosplaying As President Just Got Much Weirder

 Bonchie – RedState

"It's pathetic. This is not what journalism is supposed to be. This is also not what a First Lady is supposed to be doing. Are there no serious reporters left in the mainstream press who will bother to ask what in the heck is going on?"


"The saga of Jill Biden cosplaying as president of the United States just got a lot weirder, and this time the press is involved.

"On Friday, questions arose after she was spotted sitting at the head of the table and leading a cabinet meeting at the White House. That it was the first in over a year only made the situation more perplexing. Joe Biden doesn't meet with his cabinet for that long and when he finally does, his unelected wife takes the lead? Then, later on the same day, it was revealed that her name was being embossed on honorary legislation folders as if she were equal to the president. 

"She wasn't done, though. In what appears to be a very coordinated campaign at this point, MSNBC put out a slobbering segment in which Jill Biden gives "journalist" Peter Alexander an Oval Office tour. The two are also seen discussing the "transfer of power" as if her opinion on such matters is relevant.

"To call all of this odd is an understatement. Jill Biden taking a leading role in multiple aspects of the administration all on the same day is too obvious to count as a coincidence. There's a message being sent here. What exactly that is is up for consideration, but I suspect Joe Biden's relinquishing of the presidential nomination to Kamala Harris has something to do with it. 

"The ride is almost over for his wife. Those Air Force One rides and taxpayer-funded vacations end in January. Perhaps she just wants to make a few memories, inappropriate and head-scratching as they may be. Of course, the other possibility is far worse. Namely, that Joe Biden is so completely unable to fulfill the duties of his office that Jill Biden is having to step in "unofficially" in a much more public fashion." . . .

Jill Biden Chairs Cabinet Meeting. What's Going On? – HotAir   Video ... "Forbes was generous enough to describe the situation as "First Lady Dr. Jill Biden Joins Biden Cabinet Meeting." We have the whole spectacle on video, however, and she did a lot more than "join." Joe Biden spoke (or more correctly read from his queue cards) for all of two minutes and four seconds. Then Dr. Jill took over. I've queued up the video below so you can see for yourself. She was sitting at the head of the table, hitting all of the talking points, and everyone's attention was focused on her. She was running the meeting.". . .

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