Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Boortz "The liberals certainly didn't hold back in expressing their wishes that Zell Miller would die before he left the hospital. Somehow this didn't become an issue in the media.
But when a right-wing nut-case steps forward? Oh yeah! Now that's going to make noise .. and this so-called "Man of God" in Arizona is a nut-case. A sermon on "Why I hate (anybody)" has no place on any pulpit. Leave that stuff for the Mosques."
Neal Boortz "Me? I'm just not the nice [person] you are. I can't think of a single thing I would not do to this man if it would give me the information I need to save my wife and daughter. Get out the glass rods and the bamboo shoots. I'll need some pliers and a blow torch as well. When it's all over, and my family is [safe], I'll let the jury decide."
Letter Reveals Ted Kennedy’s Opposition to Abortion, Belief in Life ‘From the Very Moment of Conception’
CNS News "“Wanted or unwanted, I believe that human life, even at its earliest stages, has certain rights which much be recognized--the right to be born, the right to love, the right to grow old,” wrote Kennedy."
U.S., NATO must change to win Afghan war says commander
Reuters "The United States and its allies must change strategy and boost cooperation to turn around the war in Afghanistan, the top U.S. and NATO commander there said on Monday, wrapping up a much-anticipated review." Bush will be blamed in 3...2...1...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Blowing Smoke at Terrorists
Terence P. Jeffrey "Abdal Rahim al-Nashiri, according to the 9-11 commission report, was the mastermind of the Oct. 12, 2000, attack on the U.S.S. Cole that killed 17 U.S. sailors."...."CIA officers blew smoke in Nashiri's face, according to the report, and they used cigars."
Obama Goes After CIA to Gain Cover on the Left
Dick Morris & Eileen McGann "The exposures he is likely to make will dominate the headlines even as Obama disingenuously retreats from his campaign commitments on Iraq and on foreign policy in general." Says he.
An Ivy League Huey Long
George Will "In August our ubiquitous president became the nation's elevator music, always out and about, heard but not really listened to, like audible wallpaper."
Neal Boortz "Question: Who should make the decision as to when to buy or sell a stock? The government? Some union hack? Hey! Here's an idea! Let the person who owns the stock decide when to sell it! And let the person with money decide when to invest! I think there's a word for that ... "freedom," I think. But then we're talking about unions, aren't we?"
British courage, then and now
Ethel C. Fenig "The bomber served a week and a half for each person massacred on the Pan Am flight. More bleak hours for the country are to come as the consequences of this continue. Will we have to bail them out? Ah, but we are a different country also; while Gordon Brown is certainly no Winston Churchill, President Barack Obama (D) is definitely not President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D). "
The Two 9/11's
Kyle-Anne Shiver "So, there will be two 9/11's this year, but only one will really count. May the counterfeit 9/11 die quickly in the dustbin of history, where all good socialists return to the maggots from which they came." Amen. Keep preachin'.
Iraq: suspected bomber recently released by US
Google.com "The suicide truck bomber who targeted Iraq's Foreign Ministry in one of the most deadly attacks this year had recently been freed from U.S. custody, an Iraqi investigator said Sunday, raising fresh concerns that former detainees will return to violence." Duh.
Experts see double-digit Dem losses
Politico "...“the situation this summer has slipped completely out of control for President Obama and congressional Democrats.”"
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