"How did the people who cast their votes for Kamala Harris not realize she would have ushered in more of the same? The authoritarianism of the Biden administration would have become ever more authoritarian, for she would have been another easily manipulated puppet of the left’s Marxist globalists." Patricia McCarthy
Biden awards Hillary and Soros the Presidential Medal of Freedom; Eric Utter . . .There is a difference between being non compos mentis and being possessed by a deranged and demonic desire to reward the most dangerous and despicable anti-American prevaricators extant or otherwise.
"These decisions reek of Obama -- with perhaps a little Adam Schiff or Nancy Pelosi thrown in for bad measure.
"Hillary Clinton is to decency and transparency as Josef Mengele is to Judaism.
"George Soros, the Hungarian bagman, funds a significant percentage of all the Leftist and anti-American groups and activities in existence.
"Awarding PMFs to characters like these is demeaning to the American people and all those who value honesty, integrity, and America itself.
"These actions perfectly illustrate today’s Democrat party— with its simultaneous worship of depravity and rabid pursuit of power."
Broc Smith |
How to invalidate the Presidential Medal of Freedom in one fell swoop
. . ."Consider how different things might be had even one or two of the people who contributed to or knew about the phony Russia hoax had come forward and told the truth or if only one person had come forward to reveal the truth about the illegitimate impeachments of Trump.
"But they did not.
"Instead, pathological liars like Adam Schiff got their way until the truth was finally revealed. There was never any there there. And now he is a senator! He has no business being anywhere near Congress.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” --Cicero
"Above all else, what we should hope and pray for over the next four years is fearless leaders, people unafraid to tell the truth of what they know, unafraid to do their jobs without the financial influence of lobbyists, blackmailers, and threats. One thing is clear: Trump’s cabinet nominees are all immensely qualified; none of Biden’s were but were confirmed by mindless RINOs who didn’t give their incompetence a second thought. Any Republican who votes against even one of Trump’s team will be revealing himself or herself as a hated RINO, bound to be despised and primaried and soon defeated. If even one of them misses the blaring significance of giving Cheney, Thompson, Hillary, and Soros such once-meaningful awards, they do not belong in Congress in any capacity."
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