Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Paglia:The Democratic Brain Has Marinated in Cliches so Long It is Pickled

American Thinker "In her column in Salon, Camille Paglia argues that it may be too late for Obama to salvage his standing and win a second term of office. In analyzing why this is so, she makes a number of points worth reading, including these:..."

Democrats losing seniors

By Dick Morris "And our seniors correctly understand that you cannot extend full health benefits to some portion of the 50 million who live here and lack insurance without causing rationing of existing health services unless you expand the number of doctors and nurses and the amount of medical equipment."

Court upholds ban on hymn at Wash. graduation "Barring an instrumental performance of a Christian hymn at a high school graduation did not violate students' First Amendment rights and was within the school superintendent's discretion, a divided federal appeals panel ruled Tuesday." The 9th Circuit Court, as usual.


By Neal Boortz "As Obama's popularity dips .. .and more and more people begin to doubt the wisdom of his plans for massive government expansion and retribution toward the private sector, the Obama defenders are going to run to the refuge of race. After all, they have years of practice here."


Independence Institute "Why is it important to know the facts about the Massachusetts Mandatory Health Care Model? Because President Obama is giving serious consideration to enacting mandatory health insurance on a national scale." Massachusetts' plan has been considered the prototype of Obama's plan.

The Second World War — Seventy Years Later

By Victor Davis Hanson "In fact, Britain nearly alone saved Western civilization between September 1939 and June 1941. From May 1940, it fought almost alone against the entire continent of occupied Europe, when the United States was still isolationist and the Soviet Union was actively helping the Nazi cause. One of the great mysteries of the war is how an isolated Britain survived the Blitz, German submarines, Gen. Erwin "the Desert Fox" Rommel, and the industrial might of the entire European continent until Russia and America joined its cause."

Listening to a Liar

By Thomas Sowell "Whatever President Obama is, he is not stupid. If the urgency to pass the medical care legislation was to deal with a problem immediately, then why postpone the date when the legislation goes into effect for years-- more specifically, until the year after the next Presidential election?"...."Moreover, he wanted to get re-elected in 2012 before the public experienced what its actual consequences would be."

The Elders' View Of the Middle East

By Jimmy Carter "Late last month I traveled to the region with a group of "Elders," including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former presidents Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil and Mary Robinson* of Ireland, former prime minister Gro Brundtland of Norway and women's activist Ela Bhatt of India." * Last month we published several articles about Obama awarding her the Medal of Freedom.

What Carter Missed in the Middle East

By Elliott Abrams "While Carter warns that a Palestinian "civil rights struggle" is in the offing, he says nothing about Palestinian violence in the real world -- in which Palestinian terrorist groups continue to attack Israel and where all of Gaza is, of course, in the hands of one such group, Hamas."

Obama and the Bureaucratization of Health Care

By Sarah Palin "How can we ensure that those who need medical care receive it while also reducing health-care costs? The answers offered by Democrats in Washington all rest on one principle: that increased government involvement can solve the problem. I fundamentally disagree."

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lisa Benson cartoon


Once Upon a Time . . .Whatever happened to the old Barack Obama?

By Victor Davis Hanson = "But soon President Obama read the classified intelligence briefings. Suddenly military tribunals, renditions, the PATRIOT Act, Predator assassinations, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were not just Bush conspiracies after all, but serious, necessary tools of American overseas contingency operations to thwart real man-caused disasters. The media, Hollywood, and the intelligentsia agreed, and thus Code Pink, Michael Moore, and a screaming Al Gore either quieted down or dropped out the news. "