Thursday, January 9, 2025

Alaska Sues Biden Administration Over Restrictions on Upcoming ANWR Lease Sale

The Institute For Energy Research 

"President Biden has a long-standing opposition to oil development in Alaska, beginning with his vote against the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System in 1973 during his first year as a Senator."

"Alaska has asked a federal court to enjoin oil and gas leases sold in a lease sale in the ANWR to be held on January 10 and declare the sale illegal, even though Alaska strongly supports ANWR oil and gas exploration and development.

"Alaska is convinced the Biden Administration deliberately wrote the environmental impact statement and conditions for the sale to draw the fewest and lowest possible bids and may preclude any future lease sales.

"The state argues that the Biden administration did this to thwart the objectives of the lawpassed in 2017, which directed lease sales to be held there.

"The lease sale is the second one in the ANWR, with the first being held after Biden’s certification in 2021, which limited interest because of President-elect Biden’s known antipathy towards fossil fuels.  

"Alaska economic development projects have been frequent targets for the Biden Administration, with huge land withdrawals on and offshore, denial of road permits required under federal law, and many others which Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan has chronicled for redress by President-elect Trump, who has been much more open to Alaska’s economic development needs.

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