Friday, September 18, 2009

"The 75 Democrats who are pro-sex slave ACORN defenders" (Their term, not mine. Ed.)

Ethel C. Fenig "...the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to cut off funds to ACORN. Overwhelmingly but not unanimously; the vote was 345-75. David Freddoso of the Washington Examiner helpfully lists all 75. All of them are Democrats."

Analysis: what will Obama get back from Russia after ditching missile defence?

UK Times "By trading the loyalty of Poland and the Czech Republic to satisfy Russia’s security concerns, the United States is signalling that it no longer contests Moscow’s right to assert its interests in Eastern Europe."...."For Mr Putin, the lesson of today’s decision is clear. Intransigence pays dividends because the US and the European Union lack the patience or determination to face Moscow down." More: "Obama's missile defense betrayal even riles Liberals" A surrender must be bad if even liberals don't like it.


Boortz "Earlier this week they were telling us that all of their wonderful ideas for America are being rejected because the people just don't like a black man in the White House. Now they're telling us that all of this opposition to these wonderful leftist programs are going to lead to violence and political assassinations. Can't wait to see what's next. "


By Neal Boortz "...all of these claims of racism out there are taking a word that once had some power and turning it into nothing more than a spitball. He quotes one John McWhorter, who studies race and language at the Manhattan Institute: "It gets to the point where we don't have a word to use to call people racist who actually are." "

Does He Lie?

By Charles Krauthammer "You lie? No. Barack Obama doesn't lie. He's too subtle for that. He . . . well, you judge. Herewith three examples within a single speech -- the now-famous Obama-Wilson "you lie" address to Congress on health care -- of Obama's relationship with truth..."

A'jad gets heave-ho from Helmsley Hotel

NY Post "Helmsley representatives told Ahmadinejad to beat it after being informed by the security group United Against Nuclear Iran that the Israel-hating, Holocaust-denying America basher was going to be in the house next Thursday. " Here is the contact for Helmsley Hotels if you care to send them an attaboy.

Poles, Czechs: US missile defense shift a betrayal

Yahoo News "...a respected pro-business Czech newspaper, said: "an ally we rely on has betrayed us, and exchanged us for its own, better relations with Russia, of which we are rightly afraid."The move has raised fears in the two nations they are being marginalized by Washington even as a resurgent Russia leaves them longing for added American protection."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The President’s Promise Not to Insure Illegal Immigrants Isn’t as Simple as it Sounds

ABC News "The President says he won’t extend health care benefits to illegal immigrants through the health care reform bill that he ultimately signs. But he may do so indirectly through immigration reform."

Now Wait Just One Minute . . .

By Victor Davis Hanson "The present poisoned atmosphere began in the 1980s and 1990s with virulent partisan attacks on Reagan and Clinton. But it was between 2004 and 2008 that the Left introduced a particularly sick sort of hatred to the political give-and-take, reminiscent of the lunatic right during the mid-1950s."

Three-Part Disharmony

By Charlie Cook "To my way of thinking, many of the unprecedented actions that the Bush administration took in its last four months and that Obama took in his first few months as president were necessary to prevent a worldwide economic collapse. But that view is not widely shared and, thus, is of no solace to those alarmed by what they see as an ineffectual federal government expanding far beyond its competence."

Voters Turn Negative On All Political Labels Except Reagan

Rasmussen " "Progressive” is becoming more of a dirty word....“Liberal” is still the worst and remains the only political description that is viewed more negatively than positively. Being like Reagan is still the most positive thing you can say about a candidate."

Chuck Asay cartoon
