Tuesday, September 22, 2009
By Neal Boortz "Pretty remarkable people, aren't they? Well, these are the people that are squarely placed in the Democrat's crosshairs when it comes to tax increases."
Obama the impotent
UK Guardian "It appears that the wheels may be coming off the world's post-war leader, and not even Barack Obama can stop it happening." He isn't far enough left for them.
Monday, September 21, 2009
We Need an Administrative-Detention Law. Denver shows us why we shouldn’t treat terror as a law-enforcement problem.
By Andrew C. McCarthy= "This is the bind we’ve put ourselves in by wedding our security to our criminal-justice processes: Arrest early to prevent an attack and prosecutors won’t be able to make charges stick — certainly not against the most significant terrorists. But if we wait too long in order for law enforcement to build a solid case, we increase the chance of a catastrophic terrorist attack."...."Our criminal-justice system is rightly the envy of the world, but it was designed to contain crime rather than to protect the nation from hostile foreign threats. By relying on it to do that which it is not fit to do — a job at odds with the presumption of innocence — we continue to invite catastrophe."
Deconstructing the “Whup Ass” (Said he.)
by Victor Davis Hanson "Barak Obama did not transcend race as promised. Nor was there a racial backlash against him as his supporters both feared and now charge.Rather the mood is weariness. One major reason Obama’s polls have dropped is the public resentment of this spate of allegations of racism."
Why is the Left so angry at Blacks who love America?
By Lloyd Marcus "I received angry emails from blacks who said I should be ashamed of myself. Apparently, they believe my not resenting whites and America is a betrayal of my blackness. I no longer feel the need to be patient with racist blacks. Just as we do not tolerate the KKK and white supremacists, we should not give a pass to racist blacks." Link: Lloyd Marcus.com
EXPLOSIVE NEW AUDIO Reveals White House Using NEA to Push Partisan Agenda
Breitbart "Should the National Endowment for the Arts encourage artists to create art on issues being vehemently debated nationally?"...."The question still requires debate but the facts do not. The NEA and the White House did encourage a handpicked, pro-Obama arts group to address politically controversial issues under contentious national debate. That fact is irrefutable." More here: High Noon for politicized arts funding
Bertha, you lie!
J.C. Arenas "Lewis's performance during the interview with U.S. Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) and host Chris Wallace was the finest in liberal arrogance and dishonesty. Throughout, she didn't bother to acknowledge Issa with eye contact and she often evaded their questions so she could continue to assert ACORN does so much good for poor, working class minorities."
The real reason for the rage: Americans aren't racist - they're just furious at Obama and Washington
By Frank Luntz "Obama's popularity hasn't tumbled because he's black. It's tumbled because he has come to represent Washington instead of those who sent him there. Read More: "
President Barack Obama is beginning to look out of his depth
UK Telegraph "Regimes in Moscow, Pyongyang and Tehran simply pocket his concessions and carry on as before. The picture emerging from the White House is a disturbing one, of timidity, clumsiness and short-term calculation. Some say he is the weakest president since Jimmy Carter. The grizzled veterans of the Democratic leadership in Congress have found Mr Obama and his team of bright young advisers a pushover."
The Max Tax: Baucus Health Bill Is More of the Same
Heritage "The President needs to lead by meeting with key leaders of both parties and seek bipartisan reform around two key themes: 1) instead of a one-size-fits-all federal solution, Congress should let the states take the lead on reform, and 2) reform the tax treatment of health insurance to give all taxpayers tax relief for purchasing private insurance and extend assistance (through spending offsets) to low-income families to purchase private insurance instead of expanding government care."
Boortz "Obama wants to know the following: How do we balance our freedom with our need to "look after one another"?"...."There's another more subtle premise at work in Obama's comment. Apparently he thinks that the only way Americans will "look after one another" is through the processes of government. Private charity has always been more effective at taking care of those truly in need. It was government, not private charity, that chased the fathers out of the homes of countless welfare families."
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